Twitter: NFL may be trying to make an example out of Zeke


You Can't Fix Stupid
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We could survive two games, right? Especially if it’s at the beginning of the season when everyone is trying to find their footing. But honestly the way these stars are treated the second they manifest their God given extra-ordinary ability, I am amazed we don’t have tons more Odell Beckham Jr. screaming man-children. Still no excuse for Zeke to have even sniffed the inside of a Texan bar. Smh.
We would be just fine.....we have Garrett.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Someone needs to make an example out of the league. It's enforcement of its rules are arbitrary, which indicates that there is some degree of favoritism or bias involved. The CBA gives the league a lot of leeway in this area, but there are laws that protect against discriminatory behavior. There's enough of uneven punishment IMO to support a discrimination claim; however, since the discrimination seems to be based on the location of the teams or ownership of the teams, it would be difficult to prove.

I honestly do not mind if Elliott is reprimanded for "conduct detrimental to the team" or even domestic violence as long as the same standard is applied leaguewide.


Thread Killer
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I’m not sure about arrest but no other teams have had as many suspended players in a certain time frame and why we were fined accordingly a couple years ago.

Hmm I bet most of the suspensions would be for smoking weed by Gregory and McClain?

Regardless, many other teams have way more players arrested for DUIs and domestic violence and yet you hardly hear about them.


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Not the purpose of making an example and there's nothing the league hates worse than any player getting drunk and publicly intimidating a civilian. That's their #1 rule and he's on video doing that to a woman and then the guard.

Add to that previously, they had another Cowboy in the news confronting a bunch of bouncers. The example they might want to make isn't either of those players but the only owner to publicly want to do away with the off field behavior issues. Booger is seen as not only allowing this type of behavior but condoning it by his inaction to ever discipline one player. Hell, he even makes excuses for them. At least he got a couple of players keepers and it looks like this one needs one but I think that would be a real problem.

I'm suggesting what they SHOULD do versus the arbitrary and capricious way the League has dispensed discipline.

A major sticking point in negotiations for the new CBA is League punishment appearing random and not uniform in nature. With a potential lockout or strike a possibility, now is not the time for "making an example" of someone for this type of offense. The NFL and the NFLPA would be remiss if they allow anything minor to derail or slow down the money train that is NFL revenue.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The Cowboys fame is part of it. But the fact Jerry has pursued and embraced more of these suspended type athletes is a bigger part of it. Jerry even encouraged and aided Elliott to fight the suspension.
This hit the fan when he was one of two owners courting Hardy. The league office and 30 other owners wanted Hardy out but Booger, ever the fly in the ointment, just had to step out. Then has the audacity to call that pos a leader, insulting every true leader in the game.

Holy crap, Richardson is sexually harassing employees and even he understands what was wrong with that situation.


1st Round Pick
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I honestly do not mind if Elliott is reprimanded for "conduct detrimental to the team" or even domestic violence as long as the same standard is applied leaguewide.

Yep.. That's the problem.

This would never be heard about again if it was any other player. Dallas just gets it handed to them in these situations.


Well-Known Member
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And those posters would be wrong....There is a certain "group" that goes around and says things....thinking in their minds...if it's said enough...then it must be true.

Which is not the case....

What ever punishment the NFL hands out...Zeke deserves. The guy is on par w/ Joe Randle when it comes to thinking things out....staying out of trouble.

He escalated that fight w/ the security a drunken stuper.

Cowboy fans have been in denial ever since....hoping it would just go away. Well...It's not.

I wouldn't be shocked if it's another 6 game ban if not more.:rolleyes:

And sadly....some fans will crucify me for speaking the truth. Flame suit on..

I just hope the franchise is smart enough to not give this guy a huge contract...or @ least write language into the if he screws up again...the deal becomes void.

Will be interesting to see how this all plays out....regardless...I would have signed some RB insurence by now. Jay Ajayi still just sitting there...

His potential suspension cast a dark shadow on this season. The type of distractions which continue to prevent our franchise from further success.

I’d certainly hope this time if he is suspended he takes it beginning the season with a more favorable schedule. In 2017 the drama dragging out all season took its toll.


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Tons of other small and “nothing-burger” incidents have been happening all over the league

Yet they want to potentially “make an example” again with zeke? Wasn’t his 6game for absolutely nothing enough?

And trust me I have a lot of blame on zeke for this... your old enough to know you have a target on your back and you need to lay as low as possible. Play your tail off and make all the money you can so you can enjoy a long early retirement for the rest of your life


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I would expect nothing less from the NFL but my gosh do they have it out for Zeke.

The standard our players are held to is just not equal.
??? What others are showing up on videos? Crawford and Elliott make it difficult for the NFL not to act.


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Could you imagine if Hill was a Cowboy? And therein lies the rub, any Cowboy is going to get some extra light. Outside of diehards, who in the hell know who Crawford was?

He does that as a Chief? Yawn but every player on that team has to know the price of fame when they put on that uniform as it comes with the territory and has been earned with some really bad actors in the past. This entire reality show called the Cowboys is unlike any in sports history.

The league hasn't even announced punishment on Hill yet, so I don't know why people keep bringing that up. They're investigating that incident too. Zeke is a repeat offender. Every time he takes a misstep, he's gonna get popped. He has no one to blame but himself.


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At some point the league might determine Jerry is part of the problem pursuing and embracing these type of athletes.

They’ve already fined us for having too many players suspended. Perhaps a suspension of Jerry might get his attention. I don’t think losing draft picks would be enough.


Well-Known Member
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Tons of other small and “nothing-burger” incidents have been happening all over the league

Yet they want to potentially “make an example” again with zeke? Wasn’t his 6game for absolutely nothing enough?

And trust me I have a lot of blame on zeke for this... your old enough to know you have a target on your back and you need to lay as low as possible. Play your tail off and make all the money you can so you can enjoy a long early retirement for the rest of your life

My guess is, if they make him an example, it will be because of his repeated incidents, not because of this one.


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This hit the fan when he was one of two owners courting Hardy. The league office and 30 other owners wanted Hardy out but Booger, ever the fly in the ointment, just had to step out. Then has the audacity to call that pos a leader, insulting every true leader in the game.

Holy crap, Richardson is sexually harassing employees and even he understands what was wrong with that situation.
You’d think Jethro learned his lesson but I wouldn’t count on it. He came closer then to the league taking stronger action against him. It was the first time I thought they might actually consider booting him out with a suspension We’ll see..

But the league is bigger than the Cowboys and our reckless owner who often portrays himself as bigger than the league. No wonder some of his jocks follow suit.


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There are always teams willing to take a chance on troubled players. Skins signed foster. Hunt got signed. Incognito just signed by raiders. It's not just jerry. Just a few days earlier, zeke was deified for paying a young man's funeral costs. Pots calling kettles black. Sinless casting stones.


Well-Known Member
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This hit the fan when he was one of two owners courting Hardy. The league office and 30 other owners wanted Hardy out but Booger, ever the fly in the ointment, just had to step out. Then has the audacity to call that pos a leader, insulting every true leader in the game.

Holy crap, Richardson is sexually harassing employees and even he understands what was wrong with that situation.
This might be our greatest hope expunging Jethro and the Jone$ clan from the Cowboys and NFL.


Well-Known Member
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There are always teams willing to take a chance on troubled players. Skins signed foster. Hunt got signed. Incognito just signed by raiders. It's not just jerry. Just a few days earlier, zeke was deified for paying a young man's funeral costs. Pots calling kettles black. Sinless casting stones.

The league office hands out fines and suspensions, not owners or players, so not really sure where you're going with this.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I'm suggesting what they SHOULD do versus the arbitrary and capricious way the League has dispensed discipline.

A major sticking point in negotiations for the new CBA is League punishment appearing random and not uniform in nature. With a potential lockout or strike a possibility, now is not the time for "making an example" of someone for this type of offense. The NFL and the NFLPA would be remiss if they allow anything minor to derail or slow down the money train that is NFL revenue.
There seems to be this feeling that the disciplinary actions the league takes are going to be a point in these next negotiations but when you look at the very miniscule number of players affected by that and the fact that everything will be tied to % points of the pie, I think that's a lot about nothing.

Why would any players smart enough to know not to be out drunk in public, especially if they've worked to make themselves recognizable, at 3am and get themselves on video care about some player that just doesn't get it. That's not worth fighting over.

And if the Cowboys players are more "prone" to this type of thing, think anyone else in the league gives a damn? Screw'em, they get all of the coverage when they're undeserving of it on the field. It's too much off the field and let them pay the price for having an owner with his head up his ***. If that enabling wanna be buddies with his players clown had taken on the real responsibility of a GM, maybe the league office wouldn't feel as if they have to handle discipling this clown's team.

If this situation with Tyreek Hill was with the Cowboys, what do you think Booger would have done about it? Think he would have reacted as swiftly as Carolina did with Hardy and Richardson is a dbag.