Report: Dak Prescott counteroffer higher than Carson Wentz deal

America's Cowboy

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Just ask him to take 30 per year but give him 112 or 115 guaranteed and 25-30 million signing bonus. That would make most of us happy...
Agreed, except Dak won't take less than Wentz was given. Nor should Dak take any less since he has accomplished much more than Wentz the past 3 years, while staying healthy and starting every game. It's a matter of pride and principle. Dak has earned his pay raise. Wentz has not. The Eagles messed everything up as usual.


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Agreed, except Dak won't take less than Wentz was given. Nor should Dak take any less since he has accomplished much more than Wentz the past 3 years, while staying healthy and starting every game. It's a matter of pride and principle. Dak has earned his pay raise. Wentz has not. The Eagles messed everything up as usual.
Give him more but front end load it while we have the cap space. So the rest and the rest of guaranteed is spread out to 30 million per year after the front end. I don’t really understand how it works but it sounds smart..


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Which starting QB in the NFL would take 17 million a year just to play for the Cowboys?
We're talking about QB's of the same level as Dak ...I could care less if they are a current starter or not.

But to play along with you,
bahahahhhahahahhaha..... football is so far ahead of every other sport, TV show, movies.. you name it that a slow death march for them may be 50 or more years. The CTE stuff will take care of itself. These players are going ot be signing off accepting any and all risks from playing pro football soon. The risks are now well known and players wont be able to come back in 20 years and sue the league for future health issues. If I start smoking tomorrow and get cancer, no way in hell am I winning a law suit against tobacco companies.
I hope you’re right, but it’s doubtful you are.

LAX popularity continues to grow

Baseball participation rate is on the uptick.

NFL rules and safety measures are becoming more and more effete.

It will be a lot different sport 15 years from now.

Popularity will suffer.


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We're talking about QB's of the same level as Dak ...I could care less if they are a current starter or not.

But to play along with you,

I hope you’re right, but it’s doubtful you are.

LAX popularity continues to grow

Baseball participation rate is on the uptick.

NFL rules and safety measures are becoming more and more effete.

It will be a lot different sport 15 years from now.

Popularity will suffer.
Of course. In order to keep them making money ticket prices are going up and jerseys and hats are going up. They are making it so many can’t afford to go to the game. If they keep getting into politics there viewing audience will go down also.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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We're talking about QB's of the same level as Dak ...I could care less if they are a current starter or not.

But to play along with you,

I hope you’re right, but it’s doubtful you are.

LAX popularity continues to grow

Baseball participation rate is on the uptick.

NFL rules and safety measures are becoming more and more effete.

It will be a lot different sport 15 years from now.

Popularity will suffer.
Are you an alarmist?
You seem alarmed.
I'm writing you a referral. You have insurance?
I hope so...
Okay, I'm writing you a referral to see a certain Dr. Corso.
He specializes in this kind of thing. He can even write prescriptions in the state of Arizona!

Wait... let me go check my shiz-nozz...

Still can be done!


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I didn’t like the way him and his agent held his surgery off as a tool. If we stalled then his recovery would have cost him regular season games. Or cost us his services for regular season games. If we stalled long enough and let him go then I don’t think a team would have given him that contract knowing they wouldn’t have his services for part of the season.

These guys play to much in negotiations for my liking. You look at them taking forever going back and forth and when the contract finally comes out you would think they could sit down over a few hours and put it together.

We offer 25 or 30 and they say no that’s way to low (weeks or months go by and....).. We want 34.. No freaking way that was what a SB winning QB just got. Too much. More time goes by and they settle on 32 or 33, gotta have that little extra to out due the last player signed. 2 sides sit the heck down and do it.
Well, if I was him I would’ve done the same. These guys are in car wrecks just about every play. They put everything out there to try and help the team win. They deserve the most they can get however they can get it. D-Law is not only a force on the field, he’s a force in the locker room. In your job or mine or anyone else’s if you give all you’ve got your damn well gonna want to get compensated appropriately. If not, you’re a fool. To slight him for the way his agent negotiated is just not cool and very naive.
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go down that list.... and go ahead and list Kurt Warner as a back up and lose any credibility you think you have. Warner started every game that season and is in the besides Foles and Hostetttler, go ahead and list all those back ups, and im not talking back up quality in your mind because Trent Dilfer was not a back up, nor was Doug Williams or Mark Rypien. So go ahead and give me your list.
Staubach was the backup. He started the season on the bench, even alternated plays after that, until later in the season.
Bradshaw was the backup before becoming the starter midway in the season.
Plunkett was a bust most of his career, it wasn't until Pastorini broke his leg that he became their starter
Williams was most certainly the backup, only started a couple games during the season when Schroder injured his shoulder.
Dilfer was the backup, but replaced Banks in week 9
Brady was the backup and if Bledsoe hadn't been knocked out that season, it's a guess when/if Brady would have had a chance to even compete for the starting job.
Warner is questionable and was in a similar position as Dak was in his rookie season, he started the season, but he wasn't meant to be the team's starter.
Earl Morrall twice, sort of, once with the Colts came in to the Super Bowl when Unitas was injured and the team trailing. While he didn't win the Super Bowl for the Dolphins, did lead the team when Griese went down and won 9 games to help get them there. He might have been the greatest backup QB ever.

Just because you don't consider some "backup quality", didn't mean they weren't backup QBs for those teams at the time. They were all backups at the time for a reason, some because of ability, age or experience, but each are cases when the backups took advantage of their opportunities.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
and by the way... my philosophy has been pretty consistent. Look at 32 NFL teams and place them in a statistical beel shaped curve. Most teams fit nicely in that curve for 52 of their players. All are fairly comparable, and then the outlier that shift them in one direction or the other is the qb position. Its that simple. You can look at year after year of data that shows when the star qb goes down, the team tumbles into nediocrity, or worse..... all with the status of ONE player. Those are just FACTS and while there are case throughout history where a back up cam ein a had a good go at it (2 back ups I know of won SB titles) but those cases are far and few in between. Our season will go as Dak goes..... im talking SB aspirations, not just winning the NFCE title.
So the QB is the ONLY difference between teams. Yeah, you showed your understanding of NFL football there.


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The jones boys focus has been more about money and getting players as cheap as possible, not looking forward and seeing the big picture.
They could have signed dak before the cousins deal and some others and got him real cheap, but they wanted to have him another
year at the cheap salary.
So that leads to this year, where had they signed him quickly at end of 2018 season, before any other qb deals go down then
they still could have got him cheaper.
But being the tightwads they are they waited and haggled, other teams make deals before them, and now price goes up.

Everyone knows each new deal pushes the price up, so the longer they wait the higher it gets.
They should have moved quicker.
Both seattle and eagles, moved quicker than the cowboys. They got their deals done first.
Had the eagles waited and haggled, they would have had to pay wentz more if done after a Dak deal, as it was Seattle deal
made them have to pay more already, so they went ahead and got a deal done.

There is no good reason for Dallas to delay the Dak signing this long, they only had 3 choices, dak what he wants
2.tank this year , and draft a new QB high and let dak walk
3.Dont tank , dont sign and use franchise tag on Dak next season
With 3 he could refuse to play and they have to go with rush or white, or some FA pickup.
The franchise tag on a qb has never had good results, so I dont think that is the smart move.


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You calling me a couch potato.. Lol. I get it and also never have sympathy for them when they end up broke because they blew there money or made bad investments. They have hundreds of millions passing around. To them a million is like a few thousand to most of us.
To the players? Naw man lol....they don’t have hundreds of millions laying around at all.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Well, if I was him I would’ve done the same. These guys are in car wrecks just about every play. They put everything out there to try and help the team win. They deserve the most they can get however they can get it. D-Law is not only a force on the field, he’s a force in the locker room. In your job or mine or anyone else’s if you give all you’ve got your damn well gonna want to get compensated appropriately. To slight him for the way his agent negotiated is just not cool.
I 1000% agree.
Peeps get so mad that these guys use professionals to attain the monetary security they can get (which we all want) just because it "hurts" the team they root for.

Look guys: This stuff is business and it's up to professionals to handle it. And any way you can create leverage from a leverage-less position... well, yeah!
I use (dangit... used. I am so ready for this dispute to end...) an agent and I want that guy to be completely on my side and get me everything I can because I may never get a check ever again after it.
Nature of the Beast.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
The jones boys focus has been more about money and getting players as cheap as possible, not looking forward and seeing the big picture.
They could have signed dak before the cousins deal and some others and got him real cheap, but they wanted to have him another
year at the cheap salary.
So that leads to this year, where had they signed him quickly at end of 2018 season, before any other qb deals go down then
they still could have got him cheaper.
But being the tightwads they are they waited and haggled, other teams make deals before them, and now price goes up.

Everyone knows each new deal pushes the price up, so the longer they wait the higher it gets.
They should have moved quicker.
Both seattle and eagles, moved quicker than the cowboys. They got their deals done first.
Had the eagles waited and haggled, they would have had to pay wentz more if done after a Dak deal, as it was Seattle deal
made them have to pay more already, so they went ahead and got a deal done.

There is no good reason for Dallas to delay the Dak signing this long, they only had 3 choices, dak what he wants
2.tank this year , and draft a new QB high and let dak walk
3.Dont tank , dont sign and use franchise tag on Dak next season
With 3 he could refuse to play and they have to go with rush or white, or some FA pickup.
The franchise tag on a qb has never had good results, so I dont think that is the smart move.
It’s in the best interest of the Cowboys, because of the salary cap, to sign Dak NOW. Why can’t people not understand this?


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Just ask him to take 30 per year but give him 112 or 115 guaranteed and 25-30 million signing bonus. That would make most of us happy...
Well we dont know the details of the offer by jones boys, or what dak is asking for.
Usually it is the G money that is haggled over. Jones boys offer could be 80 mil G or less, we dont know.

If I was Dak and they dont sign me before Season starts, my main goal would be to just not get hurt, and not care about winning.
If Dak gets hurt bad this year with no contract then there is no future big payday, that is all gone.
And it can happen.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The jones boys focus has been more about money and getting players as cheap as possible, not looking forward and seeing the big picture.
They could have signed dak before the cousins deal and some others and got him real cheap, but they wanted to have him another
year at the cheap salary.
So that leads to this year, where had they signed him quickly at end of 2018 season, before any other qb deals go down then
they still could have got him cheaper.
But being the tightwads they are they waited and haggled, other teams make deals before them, and now price goes up.

Everyone knows each new deal pushes the price up, so the longer they wait the higher it gets.
They should have moved quicker.
Both seattle and eagles, moved quicker than the cowboys. They got their deals done first.
Had the eagles waited and haggled, they would have had to pay wentz more if done after a Dak deal, as it was Seattle deal
made them have to pay more already, so they went ahead and got a deal done.

There is no good reason for Dallas to delay the Dak signing this long, they only had 3 choices, dak what he wants
2.tank this year , and draft a new QB high and let dak walk
3.Dont tank , dont sign and use franchise tag on Dak next season
With 3 he could refuse to play and they have to go with rush or white, or some FA pickup.
The franchise tag on a qb has never had good results, so I dont think that is the smart move.
But did Dak's play in 2017 warrant an extension? And halfway into 2018, he didn't look like a QB worth extending.

What the Joneses are doing is betting that Cooper was the difference and Moore will be the difference this season and that was all on his OC, as some believe here.

The question is if they don't extend him now and wait another season until he's a FA, what's the going rate on QB's then? And what are their options then but to use a 1st on a rookie QB and start the process again?

The Joneses are between a rock and a hard place with QB's and they're not alone.

As far as tanking, do you really think the NFL or Booger would let the Dallas Cowboys tank? The #1 TV attraction in the NFL tanking would be a wonderful story for the networks.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Well we dont know the details of the offer by jones boys, or what dak is asking for.
Usually it is the G money that is haggled over. Jones boys offer could be 80 mil G or less, we dont know.

If I was Dak and they dont sign me before Season starts, my main goal would be to just not get hurt, and not care about winning.
If Dak gets hurt bad this year with no contract then there is no future big payday, that is all gone.
And it can happen.
If I was Dak, all I would care about IS winning. That's the one huge thing in his favor. The team wins with him at the helm.