Why Dak deserves to be one of the NFL's highest paid QBs

America's Cowboy

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Nate Burleson makes the case why Dak Prescott deserves to be one of the NFL's highest paid QBs...

Like Nate Burleson said, "Show respect for Dak Prescott."

And like Michael Irvin said, "When you have the heart and soul and leader of your team at the quarterback position, I don't know why we're talking about his money," Irvin said. "That's worth $15-20 million, by itself, a year. Now you got to pay him to play football also. I mean, let's be real here. It shouldn't even be a discussion when we talk about it, and the amount of wins this man has had, and the way he's won football games. It shouldn't even be a discussion. It really shouldn't."

PS: Someone show me Wentz making such plays and pulling rabbits out of some magic hats like Dak is shown have done. Yet, Wentz got paid...



Cowboys Diehard
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I honestly feel that Dak is committed to improving upon what has already been a pretty good thing for the team and himself as well. The Cowboys front office has stated several times that Dak will be compensated generously. Judging by the way things have gone in that regard in the past, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that his salary will be generous enough to make more than a few of us a bit jealous. He'll do just fine, no doubt. ;)


Last Man Standing
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PS: Someone show me Wentz making such plays and pulling rabbits out of some magic hats like Dak is shown have done. Yet, Wentz got paid...

They can’t because he doesn’t. Dak’s 14-game winning drives are a gold standard. Wentz, on the other hand, chokes in big games.

Oh and he is worse in almost every statistical category across the board.

I’m with you, pay the man.


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They can’t because he doesn’t. Dak’s 14-game winning drives are a gold standard. Wentz, on the other hand, chokes in big games.

Oh and he is worse in almost every statistical category across the board.

I’m with you, pay the man.
Dak “chokes” in big games too... surely you remember his 8 game streak of brilliance in the second half of 2017 with the playoffs on the line where he mustered a total of 6 TD passes (which was like 1 good game for Wentz that year).
And game winning drives have nothing to do with QB play. Pull the other lever.


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the jones have said they are going to extend him right now they have no choice because they have no one to take his place just wish they would get it done so all these pay dak threads will stop he is not worth 100 millions but neither are any of the others except maybe tom brady and Rodgers or drew breeze


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the jones have said they are going to extend him right now they have no choice because they have no one to take his place just wish they would get it done so all these pay dak threads will stop he is not worth 100 millions but neither are any of the others except maybe tom brady and Rodgers or drew breeze
Only two events can save us from the endless Pay Dak threads:
1) Dak’s inevitable signing
2) America’s Cowboy loses Internet access...


Well-Known Member
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Nate Burleson makes the case why Dak Prescott deserves to be one of the NFL's highest paid QBs...

Like Nate Burleson said, "Show respect for Dak Prescott."

And like Michael Irvin said, "When you have the heart and soul and leader of your team at the quarterback position, I don't know why we're talking about his money," Irvin said. "That's worth $15-20 million, by itself, a year. Now you got to pay him to play football also. I mean, let's be real here. It shouldn't even be a discussion when we talk about it, and the amount of wins this man has had, and the way he's won football games. It shouldn't even be a discussion. It really shouldn't."

PS: Someone show me Wentz making such plays and pulling rabbits out of some magic hats like Dak is shown have done. Yet, Wentz got paid...


LOL...…….doesn't have deep ball accuracy? Not accurate?


Pay the man!!!


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They either extend Dak now (Joneses have all but guaranteed they will extend him this year) at @$32-$33mil per...or wait until next year when the market-price might be $36-$37mil.


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hold it four decent plays ?

how many bad throws ?

Its worth 100 mil a year just so this will end. - I agree


Predictions for Prescott

The Cowboys and Prescott find common ground on a new deal before the regular season starts. The deal averages less than Wentz's $32 million per year but more than Ryan's $30 million. Prescott gets more than Wentz's $66 million fully guaranteed signing. His overall contract guarantees fall short of Wentz's $107.9 million.


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They either extend Dak now (Joneses have all but guaranteed they will extend him this year) at @$32-$33mil per...or wait until next year when the market-price might be $36-$37mil.

what if he bombs this year and we are looking at a one of new guys coming out


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I love Dak, I just don't want him getting so much that it prohibits the team from fielding a winning outfit...
There it is, that's what it's all about and this isn't just about Prescott getting 30M but Elliott and Cooper getting 16M, Lawrence getting 21M with Jaylon and Lord Byron on the horizon. Throw in the OL and it doesn't take long before you've allocated half your cap to not enough players to field an 11 man team. Any team that does that better have damned good health because one injury to one of those and it's a real problem.

What the Cowboys are in danger of doing is the exact opposite of what the only guy that has figured out how to build a contender in the cap era. He might do one of those deals, not the Lawrence or Elliot one, but to do all of them is to play the house against the worst odds, players staying healthy.


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Red Dragon

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What pants said. It's one thing to say "Dak deserves to be paid such and such." It's another thing to actually pay him that much and therefore have less talent elsewhere. Dak is but one player on the roster; we can't have one individual's selfishness deprive the team of what it needs.


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Like Nate Burleson said, "Show respect for Dak Prescott."

And like Michael Irvin said, "When you have the heart and soul and leader of your team at the quarterback position, I don't know why we're talking about his money," Irvin said. "That's worth $15-20 million, by itself, a year. Now you got to pay him to play football also. I mean, let's be real here. It shouldn't even be a discussion when we talk about it, and the amount of wins this man has had, and the way he's won football games. It shouldn't even be a discussion. It really shouldn't."

PS: Someone show me Wentz making such plays and pulling rabbits out of some magic hats like Dak is shown have done. Yet, Wentz got paid...

PS: Someone show me Wentz making such plays and pulling rabbits out of some magic hats like Dak is shown have done. Yet, Wentz got paid...
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Outta bounds
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PS: Someone show me Wentz making such plays and pulling rabbits out of some magic hats like Dak is shown have done. Yet, Wentz got paid...

It must be difficult as an Eagles fan to see how Wentz was before all of his injuries and wonder what might have been.

He’s just not that guy anymore.

As injuries continue to pile up and his skills continue to erode, it’ll become increasingly hard to watch things like this. Particularly when Foles will be helping Jacksonville to the playoffs.

Kudos to you for having the guts to post it.