Why does an athlete need $30m instead of $20m?


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Absolutely true but I ask you, would you pay 30 if you knew that nobody else was out there willing to pay 30? Because I absolutely think that's where we are at with Dak. I don't think there is a team out there and I've done some homework here. I can't really find justification for another team doing this.

Given that every starting QB that is negotiating at this time is getting at least $30MM it would be pretty hard to say someone isn't willing to pay that. And, keep in mind that it's not just about this year. Dak's current contract is actually still good through this year. But the Cowboys aren't looking for a 1 year deal anyway, so it's not just about what a team would be willing to pay this year. If the team doesn't pay the market rate Dak can play out this year and go into free agency, and look for someone willing to pay it next year.


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Is he? Pretty big wampum. I saw the thread that said he was asking more than the Wentz deal, but I hadn't heard a dollar amount.
Lol. Yeah. I think that may be the hold up on the negotiations. I think Wilson got 34 a year. Daks not that good yet.


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The NFL is approaching the law of diminishing returns, with regard to time invested for me, with the business side taking over the game side and the game isn't as good as it was 20 years ago. Those players played better and gave a damn more than these players today.

It is all about entertainment but more times than not I wasted 3.5 hours looking for some and all I got was a bunch of stop downs for the TV nets to run a bunch of ads to cover their butts for overpaying for the rights fees.

The next deal, the owners will do even more to screw the game up to appease a bunch of network execs that can't say no and keep bending over.


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Lol. Yeah. I think that may be the hold up on the negotiations. I think Wilson got 34 a year. Daks not that good yet.

Yeah, I have a hard time believing the Cowboys will go to $34. Certainly for them to consider it I think the guaranteed money would have to be considerably less than Wilson's guaranteed money.

I remember when Wilson signed his deal the media asked Stephen if that would set the bar for Dak or impact the negotiations with Dak or some similar question, and Stephen's response was that while they value Dak, Wilson is a Super Bowl winning QB and because of that Dak's value isn't as high.


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Of course it's their choice, but everyone has choices to make. That's not unique to NFL players.

And really, what does this have to do with their pay as NFL players. Once they become NFL players why would their be anything wrong with expecting to get paid a competative rate for their services?

no they should expect the going rate ..... the problem with the rate it keeps jumping 20% yearly on average. Then most dont even fuffill there contracts before crying for a new one. At some point, it has to balance out and money be spread through all. Yes Qbs should make the most as its the position with lowest availability.


Regular Joe....
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Given that every starting QB that is negotiating at this time is getting at least $30MM it would be pretty hard to say someone isn't willing to pay that. And, keep in mind that it's not just about this year. Dak's current contract is actually still good through this year. But the Cowboys aren't looking for a 1 year deal anyway, so it's not just about what a team would be willing to pay this year. If the team doesn't pay the market rate Dak can play out this year and go into free agency, and look for someone willing to pay it next year.

Such as? I mean, lets really look at those deals. If you are talking about Wentz, not even philly guys look at that deal like it's 30 plus mil. They look at it like 25 or 27 depending.

I feel like you are looking at it wrong with the whole 1 year deal thing. Do the math, even if you talk about a long term deal, how many years does it take for Dak to make up 25 mil on a 30 mil annual deal? That's what you are looking at if you wait to sign a deal next year for Dak. He's basically walking away from 25 mil this year and that's money he never gets back. That's a stupid move for Dak if he does that, IMO.

Besides, next year the Cowboys can tag him. What team might willing to pay 30 mil plus and two #1s? That's what we are really talking about here.

Besides, it doesn't matter who got paid what. It only matters what another team is willing to pay for any given player. That's what I am trying to say about Dak.


Regular Joe....
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The NFL is approaching the law of diminishing returns, with regard to time invested for me, with the business side taking over the game side and the game isn't as good as it was 20 years ago. Those players played better and gave a damn more than these players today.

It is all about entertainment but more times than not I wasted 3.5 hours looking for some and all I got was a bunch of stop downs for the TV nets to run a bunch of ads to cover their butts for overpaying for the rights fees.

The next deal, the owners will do even more to screw the game up to appease a bunch of network execs that can't say no and keep bending over.

I agree with this Coach. I think the NFL is closer to a critical loss in fan base then many may realize. Once people stop tuning into games, the gold goose is effectively done.


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I don't think they're actually convinced as much as they have no other options, and Jerry is too old for a rebuild.
It’s not just that. Jerry’s invested in Dak. He threw Romo to the curb for him. He isn’t about to abort now. Not over a few million.


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The NFL is approaching the law of diminishing returns, with regard to time invested for me, with the business side taking over the game side and the game isn't as good as it was 20 years ago. Those players played better and gave a damn more than these players today.

It is all about entertainment but more times than not I wasted 3.5 hours looking for some and all I got was a bunch of stop downs for the TV nets to run a bunch of ads to cover their butts for overpaying for the rights fees.

The next deal, the owners will do even more to screw the game up to appease a bunch of network execs that can't say no and keep bending over.

It is what it is. Its tough on us ole diehards but they’re attracting fringe and fantasy fans. I must admit I’m not watching as much NFL as I used to. I still watch all the Cowboy games and other games of interest for us but I often find myself now playing golf when the weathers nice if we are playing late and just getting in to watch end of early games before our kickoff. Where I never play golf on Saturday during football season.


The Boognish
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What's with the Huh? I mean, it's crystal clear, just as you said originally. The Contracts are what they are but what they are not are contracts that are simply giving out top money over a long period of time, fully guaranteed and that's what I am trying to explain. I have been very consistent in this line of thought. The "Market" is not a guarantee for a player that they are going to get a top 5 contract simply because they are up for a contract. What do you not understand about that statement? What is it that you think one of the sites you mention will be able to do to support or disprove that statement?

Again, there are guarantees and there are likely to be earned salaries.

And if a player makes all pro or the like then you can bet your backside that the agents starting point in negotiations is going to be the contracts with the top guaranteed and LTBE money contracts.

Nevermind that the scarcity of NFL talent makes it a sellers labor market.


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no they should expect the going rate ..... the problem with the rate it keeps jumping 20% yearly on average. Then most dont even fuffill there contracts before crying for a new one. At some point, it has to balance out and money be spread through all. Yes Qbs should make the most as its the position with lowest availability.

What do you mean by "going rate" that is different than "competitive rate"? There is no actual "going rate" because there isn't a specific dollar figure or set contract terms. I said "competitive" simply to indicate the deal needs to be within a range similar to others in similar circumstances.

I actually don't think that's true about "most" crying for new ones before fulfilling their old one. There is an occasional case of that, and when it happens it sometimes gets a lot of press coverage, and I think because of the exposure it fools people into thinking it happens a lot. I don't think that's true, and I especially don't think that's true of QBs once they get their first big contract. In fact, many in that situation are willing to restructure their contract at various times to ease the cap hit and allow the team more cap space.


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Yes, that is the number I used. I have consistently said that I thought his number was 25-28. As to the team willing to pay, not me, well it's pretty clear that the team doesn't seem to be willing to pay 30 plus right? If they were, the deal would already be done so now that this is established, what now. Where you going with this?
I don't know what the team is willing to pay or what their counteroffers have been. We don't know what the sticking points are exactly, could be yearly average, guaranteed money, structure, bonus, years or combinations of those. We also don't know how often they are communicating, once or twice a week, less, more? They aren't locked in a room together until a deal is worked out.

Right now, it's all speculation or how close they really are in money or time. There could be a deal announced in the next couple days and they're just hammering out the details..


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I agree with this Coach. I think the NFL is closer to a critical loss in fan base then many may realize. Once people stop tuning into games, the gold goose is effectively done.
And they've failed to do the single most important thing for the growth of the sport, they can't get the 18-34 males in without promoting fantasy and the gambling edge. These young guys would rather spend that 3.5 hours playing video games and record football and time shift 3.5 hours into 45 minutes.

The sign was given to them through ABC moving MNF to ESPN because they were losing the 18-34 males's to wrestling on Turner. That was before the CTE movement and a lot of parents not letting their sons play football.

Do they think they are adding anything to this with guys making more in one game that the average Joe will in a lifetime and hearing one of these aholes talk about taking care of their family? What the hell does that awesome person, that never worked a day in his life, know about what these people do to sacrifice for their families?

I would be a hell of a lot happier if they stop making public what they make and stop interviewing them about anything but the game just played or the one coming up.

CT Dal Fan

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It’s not just that. Jerry’s invested in Dak. He threw Romo to the curb for him. He isn’t about to abort now. Not over a few million.

You're right about Dak, but Dallas didn't kick Romo to the curb. Romo's body quit on him. Had Romo been healthy enough to play, he would have continued his career elsewhere.

Jones is loyal to his players almost to a fault. That's why Sean Lee and Allen Hurns are still on the roster and Jason Witten was welcomed back.


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The mere basis they implemented a Salary Cap was the first signal they placed profit above winning.

And I didn’t say they weren’t trying to win. It’s just not the priority or driving force to generating revenue. The only professional league where every team is making money now. That didn’t happen by accident.
IM not aware of too many sports franchises that lose money.... ever.


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It's simple to quote the Damon Wayans movie and In Living Color skit.

"Mo money,Mo money, Mo money".

Once you get millions of dollars you want more millions of dollars.

Especially for a depreciating skill/talent as being a professional athlete.


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Why do the OWNERS grub for every extra penny they can get when they're already billionaires? It's funny how nobody asks that, but quibbles over players getting millions for accepting actual risk of harm on the field.

Owners have a lifetime to earn more money too, while players on average just have a few years.

In normal life if you ask a guy why he doesn't work for less and he'll tell you to pound sand. In that respect the mindset of the players is no different than anybody else.
Yep -- the need for status and dominance are some of our most fundamental traits and there doesn't seem to be an off button to them.


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IM not aware of too many sports franchises that lose money.... ever.

I took sports marketing in high school and was interested in getting into it as a career working for a pro team. When I was heavily involved with DECA and Delta Epsilon Chi which is the collegiate version of DECA and looking to major in marketing. I would research this kind of thing and did a project on owning a pro sports team. Most franchises opparate in the red and are saved by revenue sharing and the television deals. They don't turn a profit on their own. Even with sponsorships and the like teams struggle to make ends meet until the league wide checks clear.

Not everyone's the Yankees,Lakers, Bulls,or Cowboys. It's why the Eagles got bought for peanuts by Lurie and Kraft with the Pats and now they are worth much more relatively speaking of they resold. They're a sunken cost.


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I agree with this Coach. I think the NFL is closer to a critical loss in fan base then many may realize. Once people stop tuning into games, the gold goose is effectively done.
The death of the NFL is overly exaggerated (or hoped for?)

Television ratings for the NFL rose 5% from 2017 to 2018,
Thursday Night Football broadcasts averaged 14.9 million viewers, an uptick of 4% from last year's reported viewership. Sunday Night Football averaged 19.3 million viewers, which marked an increase of 6%. Monday Night Football broadcasts garnered 11.6 million viewers, signaling an 8% growth from 2017.

The NFL also saw its viewership during Sunday afternoon games also improve. FOX averaged 18 million viewers during its broadcasts, marking a 2% increase. Meanwhile, CBS averaged 16.5 million viewers, which was up 6% from last year's average.

Even with Witten on ESPN, they had an 8% increase! lol :muttley:

CBS increased 6% People love Tony


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Such as? I mean, lets really look at those deals. If you are talking about Wentz, not even philly guys look at that deal like it's 30 plus mil. They look at it like 25 or 27 depending.

I feel like you are looking at it wrong with the whole 1 year deal thing. Do the math, even if you talk about a long term deal, how many years does it take for Dak to make up 25 mil on a 30 mil annual deal? That's what you are looking at if you wait to sign a deal next year for Dak. He's basically walking away from 25 mil this year and that's money he never gets back. That's a stupid move for Dak if he does that, IMO.

Besides, next year the Cowboys can tag him. What team might willing to pay 30 mil plus and two #1s? That's what we are really talking about here.

Besides, it doesn't matter who got paid what. It only matters what another team is willing to pay for any given player. That's what I am trying to say about Dak.

I'm talking about Tampa Bay, where Winston's contract is up after this season and who Tampa showed they aren't happy with when they didn't immediately give him his job back when he was healthy and where they benched him later in the year. I'm talking about Tennessee, who may want a change from Mariota when his contract ends next year. I'm talking about Cincinnati where Andy Dalton is aging and declining and who has been paid the entirety of his guaranteed money and would not cause a cap hit if he were released. Maybe Denver who's 2nd round QB this past year is no guarantee to solve a woeful QB situation and who wont get paid so much on his 2nd round rookie deal that it would preclude signing Dak. I'm talking about any team that has a QB that retires or suffers an injury at QB or who's QB status may change over the next year for any reason that we may not know now.

These are all reasonable possibilities and there are always things that happen that we cannot know in advance Part of planning is covering the bases and contingencies. You are planning as if everything is certain to go exactly as you would imagine. How often is that the case?