Zeke to meet with the Commish on Tuesday


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I can just about guarantee Zeke will miss playing time. Whether that's a half of football in the first game, or 4 games...somethings gonna happen.


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I can just about guarantee Zeke will miss playing time. Whether that's a half of football in the first game, or 4 games...somethings gonna happen.
Hoping for a fine. And another warning. Could be nothing. The meeting is happening fast and early on. Because it’s not his first time it makes it not look good.


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“Drop and give me six, Elliott!”
Yes....Goodell count to ten for me...Goodell "six, seven, eight..." No....no...no! Goodell, count to ten again!......Goodell "yeah its six, seven, eight, nine"......Ok, now it makes sense.


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Hill is pretty much a thug..at very least..verbally abused/threatened his step son and girlfriend...yet Zeke had a run in with a security guard...lol..
Like I said. If the barricade wasnt there then it would barely been in the news.


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Yeah, anyone siding with Elliott on this one is really homering it up. He knows he has to walk the narrower line.

What he did doesn't warrant any action except for the fact they have this history with him and don't think they don't have some info on his days at OSU and what prompted his father to move to Columbus. They know more about this one player than any other.

He just doesn't seem to get it, stay out of the news!! That's all they care about. Don't force them to do something because unlike some here, I don't think this is Goodell's favorite part of the job. Players break the rules and the fans get mad at him for doing what the owners pay him to do, protect the shield.

I bet there are a lot of low profile events that they investigate and we never hear anything about them. But if there's a video, they get operational pronto pronto because Goodell is very sensitive to anything people can actually see.
COACH!!!! agreed. But this act doesn't deserve anything higher than an official reprimand. He is just guilty of being an AH.


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But how many other players have been suspended and have had three other questionable incidents since being suspended?
The parade and bar fight incident that happened during the 1 year investigation is what sealed it for him. I think goodell gave him time and rope to hang himself. And if your goodell and you see a player come into the league with a DV case (that was BS IMO) looming and then pulls up a woman’s shirt and gets into a bar fight in like his first year looks like a trouble maker.


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now that we can agree upon. Zeke obviously becomes a an angry drunk. KNowing how high profile he is, if I am jerry, I pay some clown 100k (chump change) to go wherever zeke goes when he is in public. I would ensure he doesnt do something stupid. A small price to pay to protect my ivestment.
I don't know if I would classify him as an "angry drunk". I think he is probably a stupid drunk but he wasn't getting physical with that girl or the guard.


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If that means this is going to suck if he gets suspended again, I agree.
We don't know that. I really do think it would be interesting to see how Moore would prepare without his #1 weapon. That doesn't mean I want that but it would be interesting.


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I don't know if I would classify him as an "angry drunk". I think he is probably a stupid drunk but he wasn't getting physical with that girl or the guard.
I have heard that the N word was thrown out there towards him and he thought the guard said it to him. I don’t know how true that is and haven’t listened to the video to hear it for myself. If that’s the case then goodell maybe a little more lenient.


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COACH!!!! agreed. But this act doesn't deserve anything higher than an official reprimand. He is just guilty of being an AH.
GMO!!! I really think that's all he's getting. Suspensions don't usually come down like this or this quickly. I think Goodell is going to try and get his attention.

And while we are all on our high horses, do we know what he's been doing since this is the only thing since the St. Patty's Day parade that has been a Kodak moment? He was at a music festival, an outdoor drinking and drugging party, should he not have gone? And it was 3am, he was walking better than I would sober at 3am. He looked to have had too much but he wasn't out of hand.

You compare this to Crawford's and this is nothing. They were harassing a female bartender and asked to go and stay outside. He comes back in looking for trouble and gets into a bar fight with security. That represents three major wrongs in the eyes of the league.


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I have heard that the N word was thrown out there towards him and he thought the guard said it to him. I don’t know how true that is and haven’t listened to the video to hear it for myself. If that’s the case then goodell maybe a little more lenient.

That right there is why I think Goodell is meeting him face to face to hear his side. He wants to be show to be understanding about the race issue but explain that there are still conduct rules to be followed. Count on it.

If the N word was used and Zeke is suspended, it's just dumb considering what other behaviors Goodell shrugs off from players of other teams (and owners).


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Called into the principal's office, Zeke is getting reminded of his suspension 2 seasons ago and how he was required to keep his nose clean or else. The "or else"?... the policy of the league is to escalate the punishment when repeat offenders offend. Last time it was 6 games, this time it will be 10. This is the iron clad policy under the "Roger the Clown" administration.


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The parade and bar fight incident that happened during the 1 year investigation is what sealed it for him. I think goodell gave him time and rope to hang himself. And if your goodell and you see a player come into the league with a DV case (that was BS IMO) looming and then pulls up a woman’s shirt and gets into a bar fight in like his first year looks like a trouble maker.
Which is why I wouldn’t be surprised with a 2-4 game suspension. This is due to an accumulation of a few different incidents, this was the icing on the cake.


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I think he will be suspended at least 4 games and Crawford will get at least 4 and zeke could get more but this is all on zeke if u cant handle your booze then don't drink in public if I a am the cowboys there is now way I am extending zeke but they will do what they want to do


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Which is why I wouldn’t be surprised with a 2-4 game suspension. This is due to an accumulation of a few different incidents, this was the icing on the cake.
I wouldn’t be surprised with anything that happens. He has put himself in a bad spot. Again. Hoping for a fine or wrist slap but preparing for a time out.


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I have heard that the N word was thrown out there towards him and he thought the guard said it to him. I don’t know how true that is and haven’t listened to the video to hear it for myself. If that’s the case then goodell maybe a little more lenient.
Hell, if that's true, he should get a commendation for restraint. The guard didn't press charges but wanted a real apology, whatever that means. That N word stuff started here, I've not seen that anywhere else and looking at that guard and Elliott, that would be death wish for a rent-a-cop.

When my wife would use the term "real apology", I was never sure about that either. Just kept on doing it until I hoped I hit the right note. But, I wasn't sure if I'd hit the motherlode and that particular one would work the next time. And there was always a next time.

Maybe Elliott should go to the guard and say "Honey, (great way to start it) whatever I did I promise never to do that again. I further promise to never even think of doing that again. Now, I will do the dishes for a week, do all the shopping, complete the honey do lists, even the ones wadded up in my sock drawer and your Mom can come stay, actually in the house this time, for as long as she wants.


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I always harkin back to when OBJ was actually video taped with drugs on his hotel bed and the league did NOTHING. Had that been Zeke, it would have been all she wrote for at least 1 year.
It's not about the behavior, it's about the press. Zeke gets press and therefore it reflects poorly on the league. It's the cost of playing for the Cowboys.


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its always something for the cowboys every offseason to start out with always negative don't feel very good about their season any way and stuff like this just makes it even worse


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True, it was a video. We all know what it was but they can’t prove it and they would be opening a whole new box of worms by suspending people for unknown substances in pictures or videos. Dak would fall under that category.
Give me a break. Anyone who's anyone knows that was cocaine and a hooker. Goodell just didnt want to upset Mara. Just like the Brown situation. 1 game was fine and dandy until the information that the wife had something like 27 separate battery charges on the guy then he was released. Stop defending Goodell man. Its getting really old