Twitter: Zeke's Statement Post Meeting w/Goodell


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At least I’m consistent and I back up my words with facts, that’s more than the homers who throw around bogus accusations at me and the league conspiracy theories. I get it, Zeke is our best player and I realize that but I’m vocal that I think he’s a turd off the field. I didn’t cause him to make these stupid decisions, Goodell didn’t cause him to make these decisions and Mara certainly didn’t cause him to make these decisions.

Zeke has had character issues since college, this is nothing new and sorry I’m not going to ignore his idiocy. If I didn’t think he was that good then I wouldn’t care and I wouldn’t be expressing my anger just as if he wasn’t that good none of you would care that I didn’t like him because he would be considered a jag therefore meaningless to the team and homers.

Where was the outrage over Lucky Whitehead or Twill? Oh that’s right, they didn’t matter. Remember how defensive a lot of people were about Greg Hardy? I really, really didn’t like him and caught a lot of flak until people saw he wasn’t all that then people started agreeing with me that he was a chump/punk.

Whatever, call me troll, I’m used to it. I just ask if you’re going to attack me back it up with facts just as if you’re going to attack the league (which I have a well) back it up with facts, not just “Mara controls Goodell” and “the league is out to get us”. I’ve disproved those theories several times yet the only things people seem to remember is I don’t like Zeke and I don’t believe in conspiracy theories against the Cowboys (even though I’ve contradicted that with facts which is more than what they have done to prove it’s true).

I also used to regularly participate in live game threads 2 years ago until the negativity got so bad and I couldn’t stand it. There were threads with several people supporting tanking and the season wasn’t even half way over which was ridiculous, I was against it and we almost made the playoffs but no one remembers that, do they? I’m not a fan and I’m a troll because I don’t like our best player off the field and don’t believe in conspiracy theories but the “fans” who were hoping we lost every week until they realized we had a real chance at making the playoffs didn’t catch any flak. Pretty selective memory.

Speaking of tanking. Remember a guy named Tank? Remember the several threads with several people bashing him, calling him selfish, childish, hoping we traded him? I do. I didn’t say much, I mildly supported him but I sure didn’t join the hoards of people hating him. As soon as he signed, all that hatred went away and no one remembers the people that wanted him gone and did nothing but talk trash about him. But god forbid I say negative things about our most talented and most childish player and I’m the bad guy. I would love to revisit those threads so call out the the hypocrites, which I’ve tried, but since bumping old threads is against the rules it becomes pointless.

Some of you need to take a good look in the mirror and remember every time you point the finger there’s always three pointing back at you.

Bro you need a Xanax


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Bro you need a Xanax
I prefer clonzapam an I usually only take it before bed, so I’m on it. A joint would be ideal but I have to wait another 15 years :)

It gets really interesting if I respond at the gym hopped up on pre workout, additional caffeine and few select supplements. It’s probably a good thing I can’t type fast on my phone plus I’m trying to work out but sometimes I get sucked in.

Plus it gets old so I feel I need to explain myself, not that it makes any difference. IMOF, I’ll just copy and paste that last one, save me some time.


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I prefer clonzapam an I usually only take it before bed, so I’m on it. A joint would be ideal but I have to wait another 15 years :)

It gets really interesting if I respond at the gym hopped up on pre workout, additional caffeine and few select supplements. It’s probably a good thing I can’t type fast on my phone plus I’m trying to work out but sometimes I get sucked in.

Plus it gets old so I feel I need to explain myself, not that it makes any difference. IMOF, I’ll just copy and paste that last one, save me some time.

What’s your address I’ll fedex you some SFV OG. Seems you could use some. Lol


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What’s your address I’ll fedex you some SFV OG. Seems you could use some. Lol
Boy Howdy! Get back to me in 15 years, I’m not going anywhere unfortunately. I definitely was more mellow back in the day. Regardless, appreciate the gesture :D

Edit: As pro marijuana as I am, I had to put down weed 15 years ago and have another 15 to go for my job. I went from every day to nothing. That’s why I get po’d and have no sympathy for these clowns who can’t stop for 2 months a year for 10-15 years to be set for life financially and be able to play a game they love doing it. It blows my mind.
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I'm thinking 10 since he basically confessed to being guilty....Not only is he dumb...but stupid as well. I'm done w/ this jerk off. Sign Jay Ajayi
Lol, “not only is he dumb...but stupid as well.” :lmao:

Quote of the year and I’ll be using that at work ASAP.


The Labeled One
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It’s alright, Jerry’s got this!


Please....the last time Jerry tried to throw his weight around...It cost him 2 million dollars.


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Are you talking about Zeke or yourself?
ill be honest, I simply ont care what he does , or does not do. As long as he is free( not injail) im ok with him playing. I, a 49 year old sports fan. They dont make or break my life. I am a Cowboys fan and I want them to win. Id sign OJ Simpson tomorro if he could rush for 2k yards and not think twice.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan

Much like real judges, the NFL requires contrition (admit fault) even if you didn't really do anything. It's a big issue in parole hearings also.

Last time Zeke went full tilt against the NFL proclaiming his innocence.

Some countries in the middle east and asia require families of people put to death by firing squad to pay a "bullet fee".


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This guy dose enough stupid things that I have to wonder how important playing in the NFL is to him . He seems like 2 steps better than Gregory and Irving but still a party guy who relies on god given talent instead of any kind of work ethic . If we could get another good year out of him I would trade him while his value is high and before his god given talent runs out and he hit the skids where his performance goes in the tank .

The Oline should be good this year and give him a big season but a guy who drinks and dosent take care of his body will soon pay father time . Lets get rid of this problem a year to soon rather than a year too late for a change and see if we can turn it into some good draft picks . Plus if Pollard turns out we don't need Zeke his problems or price tag .