Lame Duck Coach


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I coached a long time and I saw many lame duck coaches. Thank goodness I was never in that situation, but those that were did not handle it very well. I was close to five coaches that went through that and spoke to them regularly. The pressure they were under was immense. Beyond worrying about paying their bills, the hit to their ego that they might be fired was tough. Do you think Garrett is worried? Yes or no?


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I coached a long time and I saw many lame duck coaches. Thank goodness I was never in that situation, but those that were did not handle it very well. I was close to five coaches that went through that and spoke to them regularly. The pressure they were under was immense. Beyond worrying about paying their bills, the hit to their ego that they might be fired was tough. Do you think Garrett is worried? Yes or no?

Garrett knows he’s not getting fired no matter what happens. It’s a family business and his father is his boss


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No, I don't think he's worried at all. I think he already knows what's in store for him should he not be extended, either with the Cowboys or another team. I do think he'll get offers because of the lack of good coaches available and he's networked very well and it wouldn't surprise me if his agent has already heard from some interested parties in case he does leave Dallas.

He's only lame duck if he knows this is his last season with the Cowboys. I don't think he's approaching this season with that mentality.


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I coached a long time and I saw many lame duck coaches. Thank goodness I was never in that situation, but those that were did not handle it very well. I was close to five coaches that went through that and spoke to them regularly. The pressure they were under was immense. Beyond worrying about paying their bills, the hit to their ego that they might be fired was tough. Do you think Garrett is worried? Yes or no?
Worried? He’s probably excited, given how well it worked out the last time he was a “lame duck” coach.


Fattening up
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A lame duck would be a coach playing out the string when a successor had already been named.

Garrett’s just on a one year deal. Something he’s done frequently in his career as a backup QB, and something he’s been through before as a HC.

Besides, in the NFL, a lot of people have job security that’s only as good as their last season. It’s the nature of the game. Maybe it provides a bit of extra incentive for him or for the players who all seem to like him. Though I don’t think it ends up being much of an issue, either way.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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I coached a long time and I saw many lame duck coaches. Thank goodness I was never in that situation, but those that were did not handle it very well. I was close to five coaches that went through that and spoke to them regularly. The pressure they were under was immense. Beyond worrying about paying their bills, the hit to their ego that they might be fired was tough. Do you think Garrett is worried? Yes or no?

But how many of those guys were making $6 million/year? If JG is worried about paying his bills then he needs a lesson in money management.


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Fame and fortune, yes. Happiness only if he doesn't give a crap about coaching. Every former head coach I know rates his career by the trophies he won, not by the money he made.

I’m quite happy myself, knowing I’m not the best in my business. I know I’m good though, and I’ve done my best most times. That’s enough. Perspective.


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But how many of those guys were making $6 million/year? If JG is worried about paying his bills then he needs a lesson in money management.
For coaches it's pride, not money. If it's all about the money, they shouldn't be coaching.


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A lame duck would be a coach playing out the string when a successor had already been named.

Garrett’s just on a one year deal. Something he’s done frequently in his career as a backup QB, and something he’s been through before as a HC.

Besides, in the NFL, a lot of people have job security that’s only as good as their last season. It’s the nature of the game. Maybe it provides a bit of extra incentive for him or for the players who all seem to like him. Though I don’t think it ends up being much of an issue, either way.
The Garrett shield in full force!!!! Lol!!


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Nearly all NFL coaches get fired. He has been a HC for longer than most ever last. If I were him, I'd be thinking Im lucky to get one more year rather than unlucky that it might be my last.


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I don't think he is concerned.
I don't even think Jerry is concerned either. As he may not decide on the outcome of keeping him or moving on until they are out of the playoff picture, out of the playoffs, or even if they make the SB win or lose.

But also it would not surprise me if they don't have some type of plan in place win or lose. Win, he gets extended if he wants. Lose, he may get moved into a position in the FO if he does not want to coach somewhere else. Heck, he can win the SB and still decide not to coach anymore. Doubt it, but possible.