For those of you who hate Romo or Dak, what's your true motive in doing so?


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Yes, it would be easier to ask "why do trolls troll?"
You know I comment on a lot of people's opinions. But I also open up threads so people have the opportunity to do it back to me. I really don't understand what trolling truly is cherry picking on people just because, me having a different opinion some people say I'm trolling them. If it is I apologize I just don't get it. I give an initial point of view. Is everyone responding to me trolling. Or is that just people's excuses


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I consider myself objective.
I thought Dak playing even though Romo was healthy was the right way to go because Dak was doing so well, and we didn't need to break his chemistry with the team.
I had high hopes for Dak the second season but was thoroughly disappointed.
I was highly critical of Dak in his third season as I believe he missed too many open receivers.
And I'm not willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. But this is his make or break year as far as I'm concerned. Everything is in his favor - top running back (Yes, Zeke will be back), another running back weapon in Pollard, offensive line returning to full strength, a game-breaking receiver who runs the right routes and can take it the distance, an up-and-coming second receiver (Gallup), a seasoned veteran receiver who can play the slot in Cobb, a reliable tight end back in the saddle (Witten), a giant target at tight end (Jarwin) and a new offensive coordinator and quarterback coach. And this is his FOURTH year so he should have seen all he needs to see from defenses by now.
The table is set for Dak.

CT Dal Fan

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I think people dislike Prescott greatly simply because they think Romo had a shot of winning the Super Bowl That season. And he was playing with his team. And they won't forgive him for that. That's about the only thing I can imagine

Romo had his chances with teams that were just as good in 2007, 2009, and 2014. I don't think Romo was bitter and I don't think we should be either.

I still wish Romo got a well-deserved ring, but it's petty to hold a grudge against Dak for that. Like I said earlier, I am a fan of both quarterbacks.


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If “the picture” doesn’t apply to you, you have no reason to take offense.

I’m sorry if you mistakenly thought there were ONLY good people who root for the Cowboys. That’s a sweet way to look at life, but unfortunately, it’s not at all realistic.

Most are good but some are horrific pieces of trash, just like with any other fanbase.

You’re naive if you don’t think there are SOME Cowboys fans who will NEVER support Dak, no matter what. For that small minority of fans, it has nothing to do with his football ability.

The OP asked for honesty so I’m delivering honesty as I see it. If you’re still offended, take a good, hard look in the mirror.
Doubling down on your stupid take huh.

Do you think fans disliked Emmitt Smith or Demarcus Ware because they were black?

The overwhelming majority of "Dak haters" are because he's not very good at being a QB, not because he's black.


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I don’t understand this. Sure there are players who don’t play as good as we’d like but they’re cowboys still, I’ll root for them to get their head out their butts maybe lol but I don’t think I’ve HATED any player.
You’re not a part of that crowd so no worries.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You know I comment on a lot of people's opinions. But I also open up threads so people have the opportunity to do it back to me. I really don't understand what trolling truly is cherry picking on people just because, me having a different opinion some people say I'm trolling them. If it is I apologize I just don't get it. I give an initial point of view. Is everyone responding to me trolling. Or is that just people's excuses
I'm not referring to you as trolling.

The Dak/Romo haters are normally trolls and they hate the QB because that gives the troll the most bang for his buck.

The OP question was: Why do people hate Dak/Romo?

That could be: Why do trolls hate Dak/Romo?

Which could also be: Why do trolls troll?

Why do trolls troll is the same question to the same group of people.


Red, White and Brew...
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Is there some las that you can’t like both? So stupid...


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31 went from feared defender of the middle of the field to pylon overnight. Well before age was a factor.

But that's not the point, which you appear to have missed.

The point has to do with the dynamic of attacking the poster instead of the post. Applying characterizations like hate or in your case of having an agenda or trolling simply because you don't agree with an opinion. You can't even use history of the poster in my case as I had no history. All these years later and your game hasn't changed at all.

Your attempt at trolling the trolls might seem noble to you but it comes across as childish and hypocritical. Ego driven. You are what you profess to hate.

Oh by the way .......I was curious who you were and did some snooping, here is the thread you were talking about.

Yea I sure was the one attacking you there :muttley:


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I actually really like Dak as a guy. My problem is this:

I thought Romo was a 6-8th best QB in the league that got labeled as a loser because of a lack of team success and optics. (Technically, he was even higher based on numbers alone.)

I think Dak is a 12-14th best QB in the league that has been labeled a winner because he’s had some team success early on in his career.

I feel like this is a completely reasonable viewpoint but those of us that try to express it are labeled as “Dak haters.”
Romo was labeled a loser because his mistakes happened at the wrong time. On the other hand Dak doesn't make many mistakes at the end of games.

This notion that Dak has success because of his team is foolish. The same about Romo not having success because lack of a team is foolish. Both have won and lost games because of their team and because of them. It's not one or the other.

I think Dak is in that 10-14 range and Romo for most of his career was top 8. Problem with that is Dak has only played 3 seasons and guys want to compare him to QBs who are completely developed and career is either done or on the down side. Dak is above average, he isn't elite....yet but has a high ceiling and still developing.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I'm not referring to you as trolling.

The Dak/Romo haters are normally trolls and they hate the QB because that gives the troll the most bang for his buck.

The OP question was: Why do people hate Dak/Romo?

That could be: Why do trolls hate Dak/Romo?

Which could also be: Why do trolls troll?

Why do trolls troll is the same question to the same group of people.
I know thank you it was just a question, I know I battled through it because I didn't know how to actually say it


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I'm not referring to you as trolling.

The Dak/Romo haters are normally trolls and they hate the QB because that gives the troll the most bang for his buck.

The OP question was: Why do people hate Dak/Romo?

That could be: Why do trolls hate Dak/Romo?

Which could also be: Why do trolls troll?

Why do trolls troll is the same question to the same group of people.
Some guy bull flop. Called me a troll. And I was confused because I don't even recall the person.


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I dont hate romo. I was just right in the fact that he would never bring a super bowl to the cowboys. Im still 50/50 on dak but he has flashed ability and has been clutch. So he has a little bit of a leash


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"For those of you who hate Romo or Dak, what's your true motive in doing so?"

ummm ... what makes you think anyone here is cleared minded and emotionally mature enough for that question?


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I consider myself objective.
I thought Dak playing even though Romo was healthy was the right way to go because Dak was doing so well, and we didn't need to break his chemistry with the team.
I had high hopes for Dak the second season but was thoroughly disappointed.
I was highly critical of Dak in his third season as I believe he missed too many open receivers.
And I'm not willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. But this is his make or break year as far as I'm concerned. Everything is in his favor - top running back (Yes, Zeke will be back), another running back weapon in Pollard, offensive line returning to full strength, a game-breaking receiver who runs the right routes and can take it the distance, an up-and-coming second receiver (Gallup), a seasoned veteran receiver who can play the slot in Cobb, a reliable tight end back in the saddle (Witten), a giant target at tight end (Jarwin) and a new offensive coordinator and quarterback coach. And this is his FOURTH year so he should have seen all he needs to see from defenses by now.
The table is set for Dak.

not should be "now" as in "I'm now willing to give him the benefit of the doubt."


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If I had to do it over again, Romo starts once he's healed. I personally think we would have gone to the NFC Championship had he played. I don't think we would have beaten the Falcons and if we did, certainly not the Patriots.
But you know what they say about hindsight. Sigh.