I agree with Jerry, if we sign Zeke to a new deal, what if he holds out again?


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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He is the engine of the offense. He is really what makes us a contender, essentially.

I just don't want to be down 0-2 at the beginning of the season saying "why didn't we pay Zeke that extra 1.4 million from 13.2 to 14.6 to make him the highest paid. " I just saw ESPNs adam schefter talk about both sides working out a deal this weekend. Hopefully it gets done

You sound like you have your own personal, selfish agenda. You would rather destroy the future of the franchise by overpaying a greedy punk just so they avoid the possibility of starting the season 0-2?

Hate to break it to you, but with Garrett still carrying the HC title the team has a very good chance of going 0-2 (or worse) whether Zeke is there or not.


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He is the engine of the offense. He is really what makes us a contender, essentially.

I just don't want to be down 0-2 at the beginning of the season saying "why didn't we pay Zeke that extra 1.4 million from 13.2 to 14.6 to make him the highest paid. " I just saw ESPNs adam schefter talk about both sides working out a deal this weekend. Hopefully it gets done

if we lose to the giants and Commanders without zeke, we are pathetic and should tank.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
It doesn't matter. You seemed to get offended that someone called Jerry an old man. He will be 77 in October - thats old. Hell, I'm old and I don't care who wants to point it out to me.

Comprehension is key. You must've read someone else's post. I pointed out the hypocrisy in the context of posts from anti-Zekites. If that is offensive to you, your life must be sad.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Comprehension is key. You must've read someone else's post. I pointed out the hypocrisy in the context of posts from anti-Zekites. If that is offensive to you, your life must be sad.

Oh, so now we're "anti-Zekites" because we would rather put team first over individuals. Ok......


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He’s about 75% of our offense. No worries.

And even if we don’t start slow without him once we begin playing tougher teams it will cost us. A loss or two without him might be the difference fr in whether we’d make the playoffs and or have a bye.

Exactly. We have a tough schedule. Games between contenders usually are won by 5 or less points. I don't have the exact number but they are almost always close.

We need zeke like we need a first down on 4th and 1.
I'll throw in he's above 90 percent on 4th and 1s.


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Exactly. We have a tough schedule. Games between contenders usually are won by 5 or less points. I don't have the exact number but they are almost always close.

We need zeke like we need a first down on 4th and 1.
I'll throw in he's above 90 percent on 4th and 1s.

I'm torn on all of this.

I get what he's doing.

But I think he's wrong.

I also realize it's his right to be wrong.

I just hope it all gets worked out.

It does suck that the team will have to begin its season having dealt with Zeke's holdout, which should have waited until next season.


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if we lose to the giants and Commanders without zeke, we are pathetic and should tank.
We cant day that. Those are division games. And not just division games they are season starting division games. Everyone is pumped . Its 0-0 so to speak . If you're a team without high expectations all you have to do is win today . Once you get to week 4 you pretty much know how you stand. We have to win those first three games we cant afford any slip ups. We need Zeke to make sure that we can equal anything Barkley or Peterson/Guice can possibly do.


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We cant day that. Those are division games. And not just division games they are season starting division games. Everyone is pumped . Its 0-0 so to speak . If you're a team without high expectations all you have to do is win today . Once you get to week 4 you pretty much know how you stand. We have to win those first three games we cant afford any slip ups. We need Zeke to make sure that we can equal anything Barkley or Peterson/Guice can possibly do.

giants have half a team. they lost 2 starting dl including rde. obj is gone. it is a complete mismatch.

Commanders is closer but look at their qb situation.

if this team cannot beat the 1st 3 teams, i want to tank.


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Who cares if Zeke is wrong and greedy. Nobody cared he was slapping women around. We just need him on the field.
Whatever it takes!!


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giants have half a team. they lost 2 starting dl including rde. obj is gone. it is a complete mismatch.

Commanders is closer but look at their qb situation.

if this team cannot beat the 1st 3 teams, i want to tank.
This is the most ridiculous comment I’ve seen yet. Now we’re talking about tanking and throwing a season away over a couple million we’re negotiating for. This discussion is officially gone stupid. Lol

What Cowboy fan uses a Rams HC as Avatar? Starting to smell like a Troll in here.


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This is the most ridiculous comment I’ve seen yet. Now we’re talking about tanking and throwing a season away over a couple million were negotiating for. This discussion is officially gone stupid. Lol

if the team is not good enough to beat the giants, it is worthless
simple concept.


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I'm sure many of you share this opinion on the situation, but Zeke knows full well this team is stacked and many guys have to get paid in order to take advantage of this small window we have with all this depth. In my opinion, I feel like he should get a new contract but it has to be team friendly. His actions really show that he is just about Zeke, which to me sets a bad example for the other players to follow. All you have to do is look at What Brady has done in terms of contracts to understand how important it is to sacrifice a bit. Many of us can say we sacrafice our bodies for work, but none of us get paid what these guys do, I think this hardball that Zeke is playing with Jerry is way over the line and I for one am no longer a fan of Zeke's and honestly hope he sits out. If our boys can't win with prescott and garett leading the ship than consider us lucky for having this opportunity to find out.

In a perfect world this team excels and pollard REALLY steps up. If this happens Zeke is going to be looking very stupid, and at that point he will have to come crawling back to Jerry because lord knows Jerry wins here because if he wants to let zeke sit for two years it's in his power to do so. I think Zeke needs to take this deal Jerry has on the table to show he is willing to budge a bit.


When Jerry, when?
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Lets say we sign Zeke to a new 5 year contract...…...2 or 3 years from now, Barkley gets a new market setting contract for a RB, but Zeke still leads the league in rushing every season.

Is Zeke going to say, "that's not fair, I had more yards rushing than Barkley so I need to make more than him" so Zeke holds out again before his contract is up demanding "renegotiation".

Whats to keep Zeke from doing this?

I doubt the Cowboys will be Super Bowl contenders in 5 years, so let him go, and start the rebuild without him.

Serious Question.


Well-Known Member
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I'm torn on all of this.

I get what he's doing.

But I think he's wrong.

I also realize it's his right to be wrong.

I just hope it all gets worked out.

It does suck that the team will have to begin its season having dealt with Zeke's holdout, which should have waited until next season.
Yes but This season we need zeke and I feel this team can get it done. Guys like Dak,zeke witten and offensive line and now the defense is good. We are battle tested. We got knocked out last season by a very good game plan by a very good football coach who put his 2 weeks to prepare for us to use. This team will be improved from within but we need all the parts which includes zeke. Williams will be better. Frederick is back. Gallup will be better. Cobb is an upgrade. Jarwin will be better. Witten is back. Armstrong , X Woods will be better. And others. We were the youngest team in the league last season or close. This team will be improved simply because they know what to expect and they prepared for it, but we need Zeke


Chris in Arizona
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Wow. Some of you will fall for anything.

Zeke has to honor his contract but Jerry doesn't. Jerry cuts players with years left on their contracts all the time. How do you hold Zeke (or any player) accountable for the same thing you're willing to give Jerry (and all owners) a pass on.

Zeke will just hold out again? Jerry will cut him the moment he feels he's not performing to the value of his contract. The latter is more likely to occur than the former.

Once again, wow. Careful, your agendas are showing.

Zeke makes us better. My only hope is that we have some kind of protections in the contract against his off-field shenanigans.