News: Per PFT- Momentum between Cowboys, Ezekiel Elliott stalls


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I’m sure you would say.
As everyone here has heard you say over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over on every thread ever written mentioning Zeke and contract.

we get it.

Does it hurt?

Are you again triggered that someone might express a different opinion?


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This backs up the claims that it’s the Elliott camp who has no desire to compromise at all.

It’s getting close to time when Jerry tells Zeke and his agent to pound sand and find a team willing to give us a #1 pick as well as being willing to pay the ridiculous contract Elliott wants.

Don't I wish!


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Doesn't seem like Jerry is caving at all. He's dug in on this one.

How did you arrive at the conclusion that Jerry is caving into his every demand?

It seems that the Cowboys are the one doing all the moving. First it was a deal in bell’s range, then it was a top 2 contract and now rumors are we have exceeded what Gurley made.

And all the while, Elliott keeps saying nope.

Fla Cowpoke

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I generally side with the player when it comes to money. First off, it is hard to feel sorry for the players or the owners due to the massive amount of money involved with playing a game. Players make too much, owners make too much. I can't change any of that, so the one thing I look for is the commitment to winning. Certainly a mixed bag here, as I think the owner really wants to win but he doesn't follow the correct path. They caught lightning in a bottle in the 90's and have shown how hard it is to do that again ever since. There are some players that are solely mercenaries looking only for the most money regardless of winning, and there are some players that sacrifice for the greater good.

There have been some people that blame the front office and say that Dallas always tries to lowball players and get them to take less. To me, a team in the salary cap era has to at least try to get some players on a discount, but the reality is that Dallas has rarely shortchanged their best players when it comes to money. Pretty much every high level player has been signed to a new deal that is among the top 2-3 at their position. And this goes back years and years. All of the OL have been given deals near the top of their positions when eligible. Tyron, Zack and Frederick got huge deals at the time, and Collins got a market value deal before Dallas had to do it. Lawrence just got paid, and Jaylon too. Before them, it was Dez, Romo, Witten and Ware that got big deals. Sean Lee got a good deal considering his injury history.

Zeke's insistence on a new contract two years early has hit a nerve with me. He came into the league as a top pick, so he got a very large deal to start. We aren't talking about a guy like Dak who is more or less playing for minimum wage. Over his first three years...Zeke has cleared over 21m. That isn't chump change. Despite that, I am ok with him wanting a new deal. Market changes have happened since he came into the league and he has certainly performed on par with the level of his deal and going forward he will be underpaid on his current deal. The Cowboys have realized this and have made efforts to rectify the situation, showing good faith. In reality, with a cap to manage and several stars coming due for new deals, Zeke should be at best the 3rd or 4th in line, behind Dak, Jones and maybe Cooper. Dallas has all the power in this, and if they followed the same strategy as the Chargers are with Gordon it would be within their rights under the CBA. Elliott needs to understand that Dallas is doing him a solid by giving him top 2-3 money two years before they have to. As it stands, if Dallas stood their ground Zeke would earn about 13m over the next two years. If the reports are true that Dallas has offered close to Gurley money, that would rise to somewhere close to 30m over the next two years and that most certainly would all be guaranteed. Personally I would have never offered that if I were the team. I would have offered something closer to 12m per year for the first two years of the deal with a significant bump the years after that which would put Zeke at the top of the RB salaries at that point. And I would have given Zeke an ultimatum in regard to the deal. Sign it by this date or we stop negotiating till next year. Could have avoided all of the drama.


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Momentum between Cowboys, Ezekiel Elliott stalls

Just when it seemed likely that Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott‘s holdout would last into the regular season, the pendulum began to swing the other way on Saturday. By Sunday, the pendulum slowed down, considerably.

Charles Robinson of Yahoo Sports reports that, while talks continued on Sunday afternoon, “Dallas is frustrated with the last exchange.”

“After Saturday’s momentum, Cowboys expected more compromise to get a deal done today,” Robinson reports. “Didn’t happen, so it’s on to Monday and a hopeful reset.”

That update from Robinson came after he reported on Saturday that the two sides are “close to completing” a contract extension. That was a stronger version of the Adam Schefter tweet that indicated talks “are intensifying,” with the goal of getting a new deal done “this weekend.”

The Labor Day holiday means the weekend isn’t technically over, which gives the two sides one more day to wear white and/or to see if one side or the other will wave the white flag of the final capitulation that gets a deal done in time for Elliott to join the Cowboys for Week One against the Giants.
What a clown franchise. They'll do anything to try and stay forefront in the news. I hope the deal stalls out and they go through the first 4 games without him. They need to find out if they CAN play without him and he needs to learn the same thing.


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It seems that the Cowboys are the one doing all the moving. First it was a deal in bell’s range, then it was a top 2 contract and now rumors are we have exceeded what Gurley made.

And all the while, Elliott keeps saying nope.

I believe the money has already been agreed to. Jerry has done a damn good job of not caving on the structure of the deal. That's the big one we can't let Zeke have.


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From reading all of these posts, one thing is perfectly clear, we are all fed up with this drama and we want it to end now.

One way or the other it needs to stop. At some point Jerry needs to focus on the team we have and let Zeke sit. It's too big of a distraction going into the season.

PA Cowboy Fan

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What a clown franchise. They'll do anything to try and stay forefront in the news. I hope the deal stalls out and they go through the first 4 games without him. They need to find out if they CAN play without him and he needs to learn the same thing.
Well if he's going to miss games then we might as well learn the truth.


1st Round Pick
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I’d like to know some details of exactly what he’s turning down.

I’m not sure if his agents have properly factored in his risky behavior.

It’s language in the contract I’m sure.
I believe the money has already been agreed to. Jerry has done a damn good job of not caving on the structure of the deal. That's the big one we can't let Zeke have.

That has always what this deal has been about.

Jerry has to sign Zeke to his terms and not Zeke and his agent.

Zeke is a proven knucklehead that the league front office is targeting.

You don’t give him money without the ability to cut him and not hurt your cap.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Dallas, the never ending soap opera....


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Take it or leave it and for every game missed the current offer decreases by half a mil. Any losses in his absence decreases the offer by a full mil. Don’t like it seek a trade like Gordon that yields a first round pick. Impose all the fines for missing training camp and the fines for missing games so when he does show up he’s playing for almost zilch. Him and his agent want to play hardball play hardball. Charger up Jerry


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If Jerry has any common sense, he should insist on a long list of behavior clauses and not budge on that issue at all. It is a must in my opinion.

That is the big hold up from what I can gather. Jerry want's it structured that way but Zeke doesn't.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Zeke's insistence on a new contract two years early has hit a nerve with me. He came into the league as a top pick, so he got a very large deal to start.
Just wanted to comment on this part. He didn't get a "very large deal to start." The rookie salary structure holds down the value of those contracts and really screws over players like Zeke, who would have made much much more if it weren't in place. In the last CBA, the players sold out top incoming rookies to get more salary cap money for veterans.