Jaylon looked terrible today


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So what’s LVE’s issue?
There were no issues with Vander Esch in the Miami game.

He had 2 plays in the Giants game where he was in the wrong gap against the run.

There really were not any big issues with Jaylon in the Miami game. He came in too fast and overran a couple of tackle attempts. On one play that he overran, it was critical that he get to the outside of the RB which he did. The fact that he got too far outside was a minimal issue because by getting outside he forced the RB back inside where other defenders were located. If he had let the RB get outside, there were no defenders behind Jaylon on that side.

Overrunning tackles looks bad to many fans but it's often not a bad play if the ball carried is forced to cut back into the "teeth" of the defense.

In fact I think Cowboys defenders should just attempt to run through ball carries more often as long as they force them back into other defenders.


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There were no issues with Vander Esch in the Miami game.

He had 2 plays in the Giants game where he was in the wrong gap against the run.

There really were not any big issues with Jaylon in the Miami game. He came in too fast and overran a couple of tackle attempts. On one play that he overran, it was critical that he get to the outside of the RB which he did. The fact that he got too far outside was a minimal issue because by getting outside he forced the RB back inside where other defenders were located. If he had let the RB get outside, there were no defenders behind Jaylon on that side.

Overrunning tackles looks bad to many fans but it's often not a bad play if the ball carried is forced to cut back into the "teeth" of the defense.

In fact I think Cowboys defenders should just attempt to run through ball carries more often as long as they force them back into other defenders.
Agreed... I do think Jaylon may be hurt a little tho. Not that the drop foot somehow miraculously reversed itself because I really remember him hurting his other leg somehow during camp or preseason. But those that hate him and want to see him fail will overdramatize this issue to degrade him and say he’s not worth his new contract. But as I’ve said before he’s leading the team in tackles so far and is tied with forced fumbles. So apparently he’s not as bad as these clowns would like to make it seem.


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As much as I like Jaylon, he's looked really off this season. I don't think I've ever seen a linebacker get so much praise, while missing so many open field tackles. He looks like he's favoring his good leg and overextending every angle.

Even on the forced fumble, he overextended, slipped, and barely got a finger on the ball. He can run fast in straight lines, & pass rush, but his lateral movement is just so off.. It's obvious his dropfoot is still an issue.
For someone who knows nothing about football he might have looked terrible. After all he had 1 bad play.


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If jaylon still had drop foot, the cowboys would not have given him a 65 million dollar extension. Case closed.
Case closed? No one said he still had dropfoot. I said it looks like he's having issues in the same leg/foot. The film is there. Hes favoring his good leg.


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Agreed... I do think Jaylon may be hurt a little tho. Not that the drop foot somehow miraculously reversed itself because I really remember him hurting his other leg somehow during camp or preseason. But those that hate him and want to see him fail will overdramatize this issue to degrade him and say he’s not worth his new contract. But as I’ve said before he’s leading the team in tackles so far and is tied with forced fumbles. So apparently he’s not as bad as these clowns would like to make it seem.
So now people who are criticizing his play "hate him", want to "degrade" him, and want to see him fail? Do you know how dumb and pathetic that sounds? You cant be serious. I'd suggest you seek help if you think people hate Jaylon. It's literally impossible to be nothing but inspired by the guy.


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So now people who are criticizing his play "hate him", want to "degrade" him, and want to see him fail? Do you know how dumb and pathetic that sounds? You cant be serious. I'd suggest you seek help if you think people hate Jaylon. It's literally impossible to be nothing but inspired by the guy.
Then why the reference to drop foot reoccurring instead of researching the real reason for his movements? There’s other posters here besides me who recall hearing about a leg, knee or ankle injury not long ago. Apparently he’s still nursing that injury and instead of crediting the man for his dedication and toughness while playing through it you and your cronies look for all the negatives. I’m not sure about you but where I come from that’s labeled hate, negativity and degradation and looking for failure in a person. Not optimistic and supportive.


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Then why the reference to drop foot reoccurring instead of researching the real reason for his movements? There’s other posters here besides me who recall hearing about a leg, knee or ankle injury not long ago. Apparently he’s still nursing that injury and instead of crediting the man for his dedication and toughness while playing through it you and your cronies look for all the negatives. I’m not sure about you but where I come from that’s labeled hate, negativity and degradation and looking for failure in a person. Not optimistic and supportive.
"Then why the reference to drop foot reoccurring instead of researching the real reason for his movements?"

Never once did I clame the dropfoot came back. I said he's having issues in the same leg, and favoring his other. I never heard of him playing hurt, show me references from these past 3 weeks were Jaylon was supposedly "playing hurt". If that was such common knowledge I would've never posted this thread, and it wouldn't have been an issue.

"Instead of crediting the man for his dedication and toughness while playing through it you and your cronies look for all the negatives"

My cronies? Tf? That's the problem with some of you immature man-children on here, you think any type of criticism or worrying is emotion/hate driven. Like some of you people on here are really obsessive and have issues. No one is hating on Jaylon dude. People have every right to worry about Jaylon when he's looking like 2017 Jaylon.

"I’m not sure about you but where I come from that’s labeled hate, negativity and degradation and looking for failure in a person."

Hate and degradation??? Dude, tf is wrong with you? Where on this thread did I claim I wanted him to fail? Or claim he was not worth his contract like you're accusing me of? Are you that stupid? Why would I want a Cowboys player to fail? You people are straight wackos and have too much free time to be coming on here and accusing people of random hate. I get some clowns on here give Dak and Zeke a lot of hate, but you can't being going around accusing people of hate just because they're worried about a player regressing. This is far from a hate thread my guy. I suggest you not take everything so emotionally.

"Not optimistic and supportive."

How can we be optimistic and supportive when we don't even know what the issue is? This thread is about questioning Jaylon's health because he looks off. Everything cant be sunshine and rainbows when we don't even know what the problem is. Would me saying out-of-context nice things about Jaylon make you feel better? I really don't understand some people on here. This is a Cowboys discussion forum, not a circle jerk room. Asking questions about the Cowboys is literally the thesis of this site.
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"Then why the reference to drop foot reoccurring instead of researching the real reason for his movements?"

Never once did I clame the dropfoot came back. I said he's having issues in the same leg, and favoring his other. I never heard of him playing hurt, show me references from these past 3 weeks were Jaylon was supposedly "playing hurt". If that was such common knowledge I would've never posted this thread, and it wouldn't have been an issue.

"Instead of crediting the man for his dedication and toughness while playing through it you and your cronies look for all the negatives"

My cronies? Tf? That's the problem with some of you immature man-children on here, you think any type of criticism or worrying is emotion/hate driven. Like some of you people on here are really obsessive and have issues. No one is hating on Jaylon dude. People have every right to worry about Jaylon when he's looking like 2017 Jaylon.

"I’m not sure about you but where I come from that’s labeled hate, negativity and degradation and looking for failure in a person."

Hate and degradation??? Dude, tf is wrong with you? Where on this thread did I claim I wanted him to fail? Or claim he was not worth his contract like you're accusing me of? Are you that stupid? Why would I want a Cowboys player to fail? You people are straight wackos and have too much free time to be coming on here and accusing people of random hate. I get some clowns on here give Dak and Zeke a lot of hate, but you can't being going around accusing people of hate just because they're worried about a player regressing. This is far from a hate thread my guy. I suggest you not take everything so emotionally.

"Not optimistic and supportive."

How can we be optimistic and supportive when we don't even know what the issue is? This thread is about questioning Jaylon's health because he looks off. Everything cant be sunshine and rainbows when we don't even know what the problem is. Would me saying out-of-context nice things about Jaylon make you feel better? I really don't understand some people on here. This is a Cowboys discussion forum, not a circle jerk room. Asking questions about the Cowboys is literally the thesis of this site.
The simple fact of you going through all this just to try and prove you don’t feel a certain way shows that I hit the nail on the head. LMAO. But just to be honest here, it may NOT have been you who made those insinuations. There’s another poster here on the “Jaylon can’t play” bandwagon with a name close to yours. But you co-signed the bs he/she said regardless.
And it’s not about not liking the criticism. But none of you were trying to say he’s nursing an injury and seems off. That’s a lie. You all were calling him gimpy. You all were saying he had no lateral quickness. You all said he can only blitz and run in a straight line. You all said he’s getting juked, like no other defenders get juked. You guys were spouting all types of negativity about his play. All the while he’s leading in tackles. There’s even some of your CRONIES that tried to take away some validity from his tackles. If that ain’t hate and biased criticism then tell me what is.
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The simple fact of you going through all this just to try and prove you don’t feel a certain way shows that I hit the nail on the head. LMAO. But just to be honest here, it may NOT have been you who made those insinuations. There’s another poster here on the “Jaylon can’t play” bandwagon with a name close to yours. But you co-signed the bs he/she said regardless.
And it’s not about not liking the criticism. But none of you were trying to say he’s nursing an injury and seems off. That’s a lie. You all were calling him gimpy. You all were saying he had no lateral quickness. You all said he can only blitz and run in a straight line. You all said he’s getting juked, like no other defenders get juked. You guys were spouting all types of negativity about his play. All the while he’s leading in tackles. There’s even some of your CRONIES that tried to take away some validity from his tackles. If that ain’t hate and biased criticism then tell me what is.
"The simple fact of you going through all this just to try and prove you don’t feel a certain way shows that I hit the nail on the head. LMAO"

Yeah, you're something else dude. You expect me to not respond to to you? Now you want to "LMAO" after I resond? Why would I feel a certain way? I can't believe the stupidity on this site. I'm actually baffled. If I didn't care, I would've just insulted Jaylon and moved on. I literally have to spell it out for you, and yet you still continue to troll. I actually can't.

"But none of you were trying to say he’s nursing an injury and seems off."

NURSE WHAT INJURY? Did you even read my last post??? Did you not read the whole front page contemplating what he could be injured with?? If I knew he was he injured, I wouldn't have posted a thread asking why he's getting juked and slipping all over the place. You have still yet to list proof that he's playing injured. Literally no one has talked about him playing injured these past 3 weeks. If he's currently hurt, that explains everything.

"You all were saying he had no lateral quickness. You all said he can only blitz and run in a straight line. You all said he’s getting juked, like no other defenders get juked."

This is exactly what I'm talking about when I said you're mistaking criticism as hate. You think emotion is behind what people are saying. He did look like he had no lateral quickness. He was overextended and favoring a leg. His striaght line speed wasn't affected. He's still downhill fast. Those weren't insults, they're observations. He's been looking off. Especially in the Miami game. You need to stop being an emotional homer because a player is being critiqued after progressing so much last season. He looks hurt.

"There’s even some of your CRONIES that tried to take away some validity from his tackles. If that ain’t hate and biased criticism then tell me what is"

Because tackles aren't a end all be all stat. His first season he had a LOT of tackles for the limited amount of time he played. It didn't change the fact that he wasn't at 100% with the brace on. The homers in here were trying to bring up tackles as a point that he doesn't look hurt. So what is it? Is he playing hurt? Or is he fine considering he has tackles? You can't make 1 point and go back on your other.

Look at my post history. I have literally never said 1 negative thing about Jaylon. When we drafted him, I thought we got super good value in hope that Jaylon could over come his injury. Still didn't regret it when he missed his rookie season. Didn't critisize him in 2017 when he was working his way back. I was only supportive of him. Last year he finally came into full form and I praised the hell out of him. I was super excited to see Jaylon and LVE be the best LB combo in the league. I was happy when he got signed.

Now I make one thread worrying about why he's looking so OFF after he balled the hell out last year, so I'm considered a hater? Move on, I'm not that guy.
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"The simple fact of you going through all this just to try and prove you don’t feel a certain way shows that I hit the nail on the head. LMAO"

Yeah, you're something else dude. You expect me to not respond to to you? Now you want to "LMAO" after I resond? Why would I feel a certain way? I can't believe the stupidity on this site. I'm actually baffled. If I didn't care, I would've just insulted Jaylon and moved on. I literally have to spell it out for you, and yet you still continue to troll. I actually can't.

"But none of you were trying to say he’s nursing an injury and seems off."

NURSE WHAT INJURY? Did you even read my last post??? Did you not read the whole front page contemplating what he could be injured with?? If I knew he was he injured, I wouldn't have posted a thread asking why he's getting juked and slipping all over the place. You have still yet to list proof that he's playing injured. Literally no one has talked about him playing injured these past 3 weeks. If he's currently hurt, that explains everything.

"You all were saying he had no lateral quickness. You all said he can only blitz and run in a straight line. You all said he’s getting juked, like no other defenders get juked."

This is exactly what I'm talking about when I said you're mistaking criticism as hate. You think emotion is behind what people are saying. He did look like he had no lateral quickness. He was overextended and favoring a leg. His striaght line speed wasn't affected. He's still downhill fast. Those weren't insults, they're observations. He's been looking off. Especially in the Miami game. You need to stop being an emotional homer because a player is being critiqued after progressing so much last season. He looks hurt.

"There’s even some of your CRONIES that tried to take away some validity from his tackles. If that ain’t hate and biased criticism then tell me what is"

Because tackles aren't a end all be all stat. His first season he had a LOT of tackles for the limited amount of time he played. It didn't change the fact that he wasn't at 100% with the brace on. The homers in here were trying to bring up tackles as a point that he doesn't look hurt. So what is it? Is he playing hurt? Or is he fine considering he has tackles? You can't make 1 point and go back on your other.

Look at my post history. I have literally never said 1 negative thing about Jaylon. When we drafted him, I thought we got super good value in hope that Jaylon could over come his injury. Still didn't regret it when he missed his rookie season. Didn't critisize him in 2017 when he was working his way back. I was only supportive of him. Last year he finally came into full form and I praised the hell out of him. I was super excited to see Jaylon and LVE be the best LB combo in the league. I was happy when he got signed.

Now I make one thread worrying about why he's looking so OFF after he balled the hell out last year, so I'm considered a hater? Move on, I'm not that guy.
Ok. You win. :facepalm:


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LVE hasn't looked that great either. Kind of wondering if it's a Jaylon issue, a both-of-them issue, or a scheme issue.

They are leading the team in tackles.

Don't confuse our D scheme with individual stats.

We have a BBDB defense. We are not the 85 Bears.


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Case closed? No one said he still had dropfoot. I said it looks like he's having issues in the same leg/foot. The film is there. Hes favoring his good leg.
You lie so much you can’t keep up with yourself:
As much as I like Jaylon, he's looked really off this season. I don't think I've ever seen a linebacker get so much praise, while missing so many open field tackles. He looks like he's favoring his good leg and overextending every angle.

Even on the forced fumble, he overextended, slipped, and barely got a finger on the ball. He can run fast in straight lines, & pass rush, but his lateral movement is just so off.. It's obvious his dropfoot is still an issue.


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They are leading the team in tackles.

Don't confuse our D scheme with individual stats.

We have a BBDB defense. We are not the 85 Bears.
It has nothing to do with individuals stats. You understand BBDB defense results in an abundance of tackles right? You understand that Jaylon had many games in 2017 where he led in tackles. Didn't change the fact that he was playing below expectations because of his dropfoot.

He was a 100% last year, and it showed. He balled out. Right now he looks hurt.

Chuck 54

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Unless they are missing tackles, I think it’s tough to judge your LBs when the front 4 are struggling.
Our DL hasn’t played great so far. Woods being out allows linemen to get to second level when they’d be doubling him. We have new pieces, too. Get Woods, Collins, and Crawford back in there together and you’ll see better LB play.

Common Sense

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It's not footdrop. That doesn't just come back. We know he's been dealing with knee swelling. He probably has an unreported injury that's preventing him from cutting on that leg.