I am strongly considering giving up my fan hood and watching the NFL


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my allegiance is to the Dallas cowboys organization

problem is, jeri gets to monetize our allegiance thus why nothing ever changes

if we were smart, we'd all quit watching and listening to anything jeri and his spawn say or do as well as their team but Cowboy fans will never show that level of discipline and solidarity so we'll continue to be served up the product we've seen the 24years


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It would have been inconceivable to me years ago but I am strongly considering giving up my fan hood and watching any NFL. I know it sounds maudlin and dramatic but I have lost so much joy for the league and have interests elsewhere that I actually think it could happen. I am a hockey maniac so it’s not like there is no winter sport for me. Cowboys aside I hate what this league has done and the games are unwatchable at times. I also have no hope that the Cowboys will re capture their glory as long as the Jones family owns them. I used to think things would be better when Jerry passed on but I think Stephen will be worse is some ways. Watching this team sleep walk through the last 3 games and Jerry defending this clown of a coach has me nearing the end of the line. I went Salmon fishing the last few days so really didn’t pay attention to the game. My buddy and I were actually howling over the Jets beating them. I dropped a note here early last week and all but predicted how that game could turn out. It did.

My doomsday clock is at about 11:50. Where are you guys at? Could you give up football?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

Between the national anthem business and rotten officiating, the league has worked hard to make me actively hate it.

But the team is getting a little interesting with the massive outpouring of Garrett Sucks sentiment around the league. It's like a nationwide intervention. I wonder if it will have an effect on Jerry.

America's Cowboy

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I've seen several posters create their own "I'm about to give up my fanhood" rant threads lately.

Why? Do you honestly think anyone cares if you remain a loyal Cowboys fan or not? Actually, I assume, many would lose respect for you. Makes me wonder why y'all think it's a good idea to rant on social media about wanting to give up your Cowboys manhood?

Just leave...quietly. Don't say anything. Look to your spouse(s), family members or a psychiatrist for any psychological help... if you need it. I simply don't understand what y'all are trying to achieve by exposing your fragile feelings this way when it's obvious that your minds are made up? Just leave quietly and good luck getting the emotional rehab y'all evidently need. Leave the forum here to us hardcore fans willing to stay loyal while weathering any storms.

Take care and good luck.


Original Zoner (he's a good boy!)
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I've seen several posters create their own "I'm about to give up my fanhood" rant threads lately.

Why? Do you honestly think anyone cares if you remain a loyal Cowboys fan or not? Actually, I assume, many would lose respect for you. Makes me wonder why y'all think it's a good idea to rant on social media about wanting to give up your Cowboys manhood?

Just leave...quietly. Don't say anything. Look to your spouse(s), family members or a psychiatrist for any psychological help... if you need it. I simply don't understand what y'all are trying to achieve by exposing your fragile feelings this way when it's obvious that your minds are made up? Just leave quietly and good luck getting the emotional rehab y'all evidently need. Leave the forum here to us hardcore fans willing to stay loyal while weathering any storms.

Take care and good luck.

This thread isn't for you, try another.


Well-Known Member
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I've seen several posters create their own "I'm about to give up my fanhood" rant threads lately.

Why? Do you honestly think anyone cares if you remain a loyal Cowboys fan or not? Actually, I assume, many would lose respect for you. Makes me wonder why y'all think it's a good idea to rant on social media about wanting to give up your Cowboys manhood?

Just leave...quietly. Don't say anything. Look to your spouse(s), family members or a psychiatrist for any psychological help... if you need it. I simply don't understand what y'all are trying to achieve by exposing your fragile feelings this way when it's obvious that your minds are made up? Just leave quietly and good luck getting the emotional rehab y'all evidently need. Leave the forum here to us hardcore fans willing to stay loyal while weathering any storms.

Take care and good luck.

Hey buddy I have enjoyed your posts for a long time. This though is a steamy pile. It was an honest question. You don’t like the post - move on. Who are you to determine what qualifies as a good post? This is an open forum. It appears many feel the same way. I asked a question that’s all.


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Mine is at 11:59. This league is rigged and the games are absolutely unwatchable at this point. And being a Cowboys fan is embarrassing and a complete waste of time. Nothing is going to change.


Well-Known Member
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It would have been inconceivable to me years ago but I am strongly considering giving up my fan hood and watching any NFL. I know it sounds maudlin and dramatic but I have lost so much joy for the league and have interests elsewhere that I actually think it could happen. I am a hockey maniac so it’s not like there is no winter sport for me. Cowboys aside I hate what this league has done and the games are unwatchable at times. I also have no hope that the Cowboys will re capture their glory as long as the Jones family owns them. I used to think things would be better when Jerry passed on but I think Stephen will be worse is some ways. Watching this team sleep walk through the last 3 games and Jerry defending this clown of a coach has me nearing the end of the line. I went Salmon fishing the last few days so really didn’t pay attention to the game. My buddy and I were actually howling over the Jets beating them. I dropped a note here early last week and all but predicted how that game could turn out. It did.

My doomsday clock is at about 11:50. Where are you guys at? Could you give up football?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
You're not missing anything. Football isn't like it was before free agency, and Pre-Madonna football players.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
No way I give up my fanhood...............my allegiance is to the Dallas cowboys organization not to Jerry Jones or whoever owns them. I have great memories of this team long before Jerry came along.
I love the star, what it represents. That does not mean I'm a fan of every team this franchise puts on the field. I totally agree


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Bringing back Garrett would be the final straw for me.
I suffered through worse than Garrett. Just shows your mentality. Just saying it's not a bad thing. But you never in it heart & Soul in the first place if one guys keeping you away

PA Cowboy Fan

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I suffered through worse than Garrett. Just shows your mentality. Just saying it's not a bad thing. But you never in it heart & Soul in the first place if one guys keeping you away
Those other years we kind of knew there would be an end date. Garrett is like the energizer bunny. He keeps going and going.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Those other years we kind of knew there would be an end date. Garrett is like the energizer bunny. He keeps going and going.
4 it's torture my Cowboys family. Yes torture it ruins my week. Because I know we're better. Where the hell is the heart the motivation

America's Cowboy

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Hey buddy I have enjoyed your posts for a long time. This though is a steamy pile. It was an honest question. You don’t like the post - move on. Who are you to determine what qualifies as a good post? This is an open forum. It appears many feel the same way. I asked a question that’s all.
Ok, bro. Here is how I feel...

A loyal fan weathers the bad with the good when it comes to our Cowboys, no matter who owns them or not. I said the same thing to my twin brother, the other half of my body. I told him he should know better. The Cowboys are like family. You stick with them through thick and thin. That's all. I meant nothing personal towards you bro. Just speaking my mind in general. Sorry for sounding so harsh. Not my intention to humiliate. Just find it offensive to see any Cowboys fan willing to quit on the team. Tough it out bro. They are our Cowboys.


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I’m hoping for a blowout because I think that’s what it takes to remove Garrett, and I hate myself for it.


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You definitely aren't alone..I never would have imaged it would ever get to this point, but the league just isn't an enjoyable as it used to be..for me, it's gotta be a combination of a lot of things..all the new rules, as well as the horrendous officiating definitely plays a big role in this...the Cowboys can't seem to get out of their own way and the management team as a whole appears clueless and probably doesn't care..it's show business for those guys..

over the years, like many others on here, I have take a pretty significant interest in soccer, and just to put it frankly, soccer is a significantly better sport and product..

it's definitely not a perfect sport, it has its warts too, but overall, it's way better..so yes, I'm right there w ya..


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Ok, bro. Here is how I feel...

A loyal fan weathers the bad with the good when it comes to our Cowboys, no matter who owns them or not. I said the same thing to my twin brother, the other half of my body. I told him he should know better. The Cowboys are like family. You stick with them through thick and thin. That's all. I meant nothing personal towards you bro. Just speaking my mind in general. Sorry for sounding so harsh. Not my intention to humiliate. Just find it offensive to see any Cowboys fan willing to quit on the team. Tough it out bro. They are our Cowboys.

I disagree. This is not the team I grew up watching in the mid-90s. This team is full of soft, overpaid prima donnas who do not care about winning. We gave out I believe 150 million dollars worth of contracts to two awful human beings in Ezekiel Elliott and demarcus Lawrence. I can't get behind this anymore.


Well-Known Member
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Ok, bro. Here is how I feel...

A loyal fan weathers the bad with the good when it comes to our Cowboys, no matter who owns them or not. I said the same thing to my twin brother, the other half of my body. I told him he should know better. The Cowboys are like family. You stick with them through thick and thin. That's all. I meant nothing personal towards you bro. Just speaking my mind in general. Sorry for sounding so harsh. Not my intention to humiliate. Just find it offensive to see any Cowboys fan willing to quit on the team. Tough it out bro. They are our Cowboys.

Here is how I feel...

The league has left its fans. The product sucks. It really does. Jerry Jones is an insufferable old bucket of spit and Dewars. Jason Garrett is a laughingstock. The team is soft. Zeke is a fat slob. Most of the team read their press clippings and bought into the hype. Moore is not ready for prime time. Marinelli is a fake who’s entire career was propped up by a great group of Tampa defenders. Stephen Jones is nepotism at it lowest. It’s hard to be a fan of the team and the League. That is a reality. If you know my posts there was a little bit of sarcasm in there. I was curious to see if people were really feeling down on the situation. It’s bad. Given expectations it’s worse than the Campo years. I want the whole thing to go to hell so that arrogant old drunk will get real people to run the team and focus on winning not selling Dez Bryant garden gnomes for $600.