Prescott, polished and groomed


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I totally believe Dak Prescott has hit a new level. I always believed he had the talent to tools to make it in the NFL. When you're from a top-10 program. Coming out of college. Sure you have talent you have tools. But what they teach you is the Polish and The Grooming. I believe that's what Prescott was lacking. Now that he has the proper teachers , tutoring, coaching. I believe he can become an elite quarterback. If he had received this tutoring in school I think he would have been a top 5 draft pick. Go Cowboys go Prescott.
Think John kitna has anything to do with that as opposed to Linehan and Wade Wilson and yes I know Kellen Moore was QB coach last year


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Think John kitna has anything to do with that as opposed to Linehan and Wade Wilson and yes I know Kellen Moore was QB coach last year
Thank you for replying this way I didn't know who was helping him this season. I should have but I didn't


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The english teacher in me wants mark all over your post in red ink, but *if* one actually reads the whole post it is clear what you meant.
No offense “English teacher but if multiple people misunderstood his post maybe it wasn’t the most clearest. I know people don’t like to admit fault but there has been a few that took it that way.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
No offense “English teacher but if multiple people misunderstood his post maybe it wasn’t the most clearest. I know people don’t like to admit fault but there has been a few that took it that way.
I can see how that happened. I even asked somebody. I should have been more clear you're absolutely correct I never had a problem admitting I may have been wrong. That's called integrity. That's why you have a problem when someone questions it . And I thought you did it and it was a misunderstanding.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
No offense “English teacher but if multiple people misunderstood his post maybe it wasn’t the most clearest. I know people don’t like to admit fault but there has been a few that took it that way.
But you also have to look at the group of people that misunderstood it. They're consistent Prescott bashing. And that is a fact


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But he’s not the same QB. His passes are much more in the area they should be,as opposed to sailing to the 1st row fan for a pleasant surprise. Red zone is his biggest issue he says and it’s true ....but you look at the ability to move ball more downfield where 300yds isn’t a question anymore. That pass to Cooper late....he probably isn’t making that play or recognizing right coverage before. Or the little Romo flip tosses to Austin and Zeke...those are vet savvy plays. I understand your point,he’s not a guy can just Rodgers you to wins,but his game is evolving all the same.
I know this is online so folks read things and add things all the time to what is said. I shouldn’t say he hasn’t improved but I think he’s more a product of the players than him actually improving. He didn’t “improve” in the ways y’all mention until Cooper came. That’s why I think Cooper has improved him more than he’s improved as an actual qb. A player like Cooper covers up for Dak short comings. If you and others disagree that’s cool because end of the day who cares what the next person thinks nobody is changing their pov no matter what side you’re on.


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I think there's meaning to agree to disagree. Yes we have different points of view, yes we spoke about it, but we've reached a stalemate. Neither of us convinced by the other. (It's rare to change anyones mind, especially now days) So when I say agree to disagree Im basically saying I respect your opinion but I dont agree with it, and its clear we are to far apart to compromise on this topic. Consequently I wish you a good day my Cowboy brother and Im on to the next conversation.
Cool but if we disagree in the future we might as well leave it alone since we already know we aren’t changing the others mind. Lol. Good day to you also my man


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Cool but if we disagree in the future we might as well leave it alone since we already know we aren’t changing the others mind. Lol. Good day to you also my man

Smh, Im happy to talk about it. Its the beating it into the ground I hope to avoid. Clearly you like to argue lol.


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why does that matter?

thats tough because romo started for 10yrs and was oe of my all time favorite Cowboy Players..

so ill say at this point its TBD..Daks only 3.5yrs in and right now Romo tops just about every passing record there is , hes had great career given he was Undrafted etc..

so when Daks career is over ill be able to compare better..if I was forced to make a decsions on who id take over the other,

Im taking a 100% Healthy Romo over Dak at this point..its slim margin but lie I said Daks career has just begun and Romo was one of my favorites of ALL Time..

OMG are you kidding me. Who in there right mind would not take Romo over Dak at this point. Romo has eyes in the back of his head that no one has ever seen before. Not even brady has them. Could you imagine if brady did have it. Lol... Every great QB has attributes that some others don’t or won’t. I say that brady is a pink unicorn, not to be seen for a long time. Don’t think that mahomes is the next one. He is not. They don’t come along often.


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Hey bro. Not trying to offend you. At all.. Ever. But you can never tell. Lots of other fans here. Some are honest and some have a good time trolling. I am paying Dak because JJ and SJ is paying him regardless of what we think. So do it and get it over with. Or just wait till next year and mahomes gets his. He may not be on the same level but ask mahomes agent and Daks agent. Lol.
It’s not offense but honestly weird. Those posters of other teams that are constantly on here are weird imo. I’ve never been on another teams messageboard because agree or disagree with y’all I rather argue with my Boys family than troll other teams boards.

The thing I don’t like the if you critique Dak Some come with the bogus you just be trolling and or you dont like him. That’s just lazy to me esp when you give him credit nobody says a thing.


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From my heart. I wish him the best. The worst part of the day is when the day is over. Very tempting when you have 5,000 gi's in one Barrack. So easy to get in trouble. Try to get them housing off base. Don't mean to worry you curious because I'm sure he's a smart kid or he wouldn't be where he is.
thank you for that ..We will most def. look into that idea. He's still a red blooded teen what you say may make since to help keep him on the correct path. You know what I mean. Thanks again.:starspin:


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From my heart. I wish him the best. The worst part of the day is when the day is over. Very tempting when you have 5,000 gi's in one Barrack. So easy to get in trouble. Try to get them housing off base. Don't mean to worry you curious because I'm sure he's a smart kid or he wouldn't be where he is.
Also , he graduates from signal school (AIT) AROUND wherever they station him for his first gig, we will see about the off base housing.


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One of my problems with him last year is that he couldn't throw floaters. Well he's fixed that. He's now slowing down his throwing motion to get more air under the ball.

The other problem I've always had with him is his flat footed overthrows. He needs to learn stay up on his toes and keep his feet closer together when throwing a fastball. If he could fix the over throws next offseason he'd be elite.

One problem down, one problem to go.