Twitter: Jerry: Zeke’s not going anywhere, that was the story of the game

Fastpitch Dad

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found it.

Wow, I've been a huge Zeke defender but this really bothers me. Maybe I need to rethink my opinion of him. After a tough loss and this?

Fans are upset and he seems to be over losing the game rather quickly.


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Can't post the tweet, it's from DMN, but they had a stat that it was only the 3rd time in franchise history that we didn't have a single rushing 1st down
All those failed runs, could've had so many more playaction passes or even flea flickers and we wasted all those opportunities to take advantage of that run defense.


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Wow, I've been a huge Zeke defender but this really bothers me. Maybe I need to rethink my opinion of him. After a tough loss and this?

Fans are upset and he seems to be over losing the game rather quickly.
You all would be even quicker to run him out if he hated losing like Dez did.


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Wow, I've been a huge Zeke defender but this really bothers me. Maybe I need to rethink my opinion of him. After a tough loss and this?

Fans are upset and he seems to be over losing the game rather quickly.
I felt the same way, when I saw it.

I think Zeke has the goods. He's a great RB. Possibly even "special". I was irritated when he held out, even though I understand, it's a business.

I believe winning is more important to us fans, than it is to a good chunk of the people, inside the multi-billion dollar/yr business that is the NFL.


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Great. We're going to be stuck in the 70's 80's and 90's as a running team, while it's more of a passing league now.

But just keep that money rolling in, Jerry.



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
For those who say Garrett is not interjecting himself into the offensive play calling, this quote refutes that. I find it hard to believe that a young offensive coordinator who has a wide open creative college style approach decides to run it back to back on second and third downs during the most crucial part of the game after the passing game was the only thing working. Yet the HC who is still living in the 90s style football scheme is not influencing the play calling.

This season is totally on Garrett an he is failing just as expected.


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All that money spent on the OL and a RB that can't even run against a defense missing one of the best NT in the league
Brother, look BACK at the loss's from this "team"...backup QB in NO BEATS clapper, Arod missing his # 1 WR, BEATS clapper, Jets with a QB who missed weeks from kissing a gorilla and gettn the "bug"...BEATS clapper, and now a team missing it's big middle run stuffer, shuts him down and BEATS clapper.... I can't wait to see what team we lose to next and who all is missing on their side.


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Chris Tomasson

#Vikings reserve DL Ifeadi Odenigbo has knack lately of big plays, the latest stopping Ezekial Elliott for a late 3-yard loss. "I could just tell by their stances that there might be some run play... At the final moment, I was able to do a quick inside move against the guard.''

........................................................Conner Williams once again :banghead:

How much longer are we gonna have to put up with this clowns mistakes? Remember last year....he went to the bench...we won 6 out of 7? Yeah...good times.:rolleyes:
Lucky for us, he is getting his knee scoped, and done for a few weeks, let's see if clap and his gaggle of morons can make the best of it with his BU....I'll hold my breathe... NOT!


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Huh? Who is "you all"?

I was a big fan of Dez and still am.
This is a complete overreaction to player behavior after a game. Most players prepare for these games by pushing their body to the limits and then some. To say Zeke needs to be angry after a loss is simple thinking. Players can give it their all and not be mad at the end of the day, win or lose. And I'm sure these players are all aware of bonuses they get for playing extra games in the playoffs, don't think they don't want that if you think a ring isn't important to them.

Fastpitch Dad

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This is a complete overreaction to player behavior after a game. Most players prepare for these games by pushing their body to the limits and then some. To say Zeke needs to be angry after a loss is simple thinking. Players can give it their all and not be mad at the end of the day, win or lose. And I'm sure these players are all aware of bonuses they get for playing extra games in the playoffs, don't think they don't want that if you think a ring isn't important to them.
That would be your opinion on the matter.

I want hungry players who are mad when they don't win. I don't want guys hugging and laughing after losing. No one forces these guys to "push their body to the limits". They choose to play the game.

Thank you for sharing your opinion, although it wasn't asked for.

Simple thinking would be that I cared about what you think.


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That would be your opinion on the matter.

I want hungry players who are mad when they don't win. I don't want guys hugging and laughing after losing. No one forces these guys to "push their body to the limits". They choose to play the game.

Thank you for sharing your opinion, although it wasn't asked for.

Simple thinking would be that I cared about what you think.
k, it's a forum. Next time I'll request permission to respond to a public comment. You want me to PM or DM first next time? As I stated before, many of you would get very tired of a player showing frustration. Whether that's you or not I don't care, just stating what I've seen.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
And that’s not the point I’d say in response. The decision to keep feeding 21 the ball when it was obvious to anyone he wasn’t go anywhere tognight and maybe get creative? Nope...”Give me 21 three times here...let’s go boys...lets do this”. you said it aptly.”Moron”

Part of the success of the passing game was that the Vikings knew the Cowboy would continue to attempt to run the ball which kept the Vikings forced on stopping the run.

The bigger issue was why the run didn't work. The reason for that is primarily because defenses are not worried about Zeke running outside and they therefore stack the inside.


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I have no problem with that answer. Dallas has spent too much in terms of picks and cap dollars to not be able to run in crunch time.

You can dislike the investment if you like, but I feel once you get to a point where that many resources are utilized on a specific play style, you should be able to play that style whenever you want.

If there's any mistake to be taken from the inability to move the ball on the ground, I would have to think it would be the mistake of entirely overrating the talent you have acquired and paid.


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Zeke isn’t carrying the team anywhere. We will go as far as our passing attack takes us.