A strong case for Urban Meyer as next Cowboys coach


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One thing for sure about this forum. If a coaching change is made, some will be happy with the choice and some not but the vast majority will be happy with any change. I am tired of Garrett and I think he's gone as far in Dallas as he can.


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Really? Why do you think Parcells demanded total control of the team, including coaches and scouts. Do you think he would have sat at Parcells' coaches table with a hands off comment about Elliott?

Not for a minute. But that has nothing to do with what would happen with a new coach either.

Why do you think Garrett is there, and remains there, in the first place? Think Booger was as "comfortable" with Parcells as he was with Phillips and is with Garrett?

No, but I also don't incorrectly assume that it's Jerry's biggest requirement.


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One thing for sure about this forum. If a coaching change is made, some will be happy with the choice and some not but the vast majority will be happy with any change. I am tired of Garrett and I think he's gone as far in Dallas as he can.

On this we can (almost) all agree.

I just hope that the few remaining Garrett apologists follow him out the door when he does go.


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Not for a minute. But that has nothing to do with what would happen with a new coach either.

No, but I also don't incorrectly assume that it's Jerry's biggest requirement.
Then you didn't listen to him say that? That's his biggest concern, his comfort level with another HC.


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On this we can (almost) all agree.

I just hope that the few remaining Garrett apologists follow him out the door when he does go.
Why would they do that? Did the Romo fans leave when he did? I like having the different sides of every argument and by golly and bless our souls, we can turn anything into an argument.

And not all are necessarily Garrett apologists, some, like myslef, are resigned to the idea that this is not all HC related. The problem remains through 5 HC changes. The only constant throughout all of this is the GM.


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Why would they do that? Did the Romo fans leave when he did? I like having the different sides of every argument and by golly and bless our souls, we can turn anything into an argument.

And not all are necessarily Garrett apologists, some, like myslef, are resigned to the idea that this is not all HC related. The problem remains through 5 HC changes. The only constant throughout all of this is the GM.

Figure out a scenario where it's possible to get rid of "the GM" and then it will be worth talking about.


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I do not keep quotes of the old coot around, it was posted here by another poster and I read it. Booger doesn't like the idea that change will upset his comfort level and yes, the word "comfortable" was used in the quote.

stash, will all of the crap that flows out of that old coot's mouth, how would anybody have a collection of them and better yet, why? I never listen to or watch anything he says, I only get what is passed on here, which is basically anything and everything he says while, questionably, conscious. Hell, I wouldn't even have the space for just the stupid things he says.


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Figure out a scenario where it's possible to get rid of "the GM" and then it will be worth talking about.
That's the point, there isn't, which really makes all of this just an exercise in futility but venting is good.

Patient wakes up after surgery and doc says "hey, we didn't get to the brain tumor but we did take your appendix and tonsils out".

One thing in Meyer's favor. When they lost to Michigan and Elliott acted like a child and said "I'm going pro", Meyer said he was OK with that and Booger would like that. And here's the kicker to that. If Meyer had coached a Cowboys game like that against our most bitter rival, most would want him gone like Garrett for the very same reason. Elliott was wrong to go about as he did but he was right about who lost that game, Meyer did.


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I do not keep quotes of the old coot around, it was posted here by another poster and I read it. Booger doesn't like the idea that change will upset his comfort level and yes, the word "comfortable" was used in the quote.

stash, will all of the crap that flows out of that old coot's mouth, how would anybody have a collection of them and better yet, why? I never listen to or watch anything he says, I only get what is passed on here, which is basically anything and everything he says while, questionably, conscious. Hell, I wouldn't even have the space for just the stupid things he says.

I expect people to have support for things they want to claim to be true. Otherwise, its noise and I give it no merit. I can say Elvis is still alive, doesn't make it true.


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That's the point, there isn't, which really makes all of this just an exercise in futility but venting is good.

Patient wakes up after surgery and doc says "hey, we didn't get to the brain tumor but we did take your appendix and tonsils out".

I don't see the connection?

One thing in Meyer's favor. When they lost to Michigan and Elliott acted like a child and said "I'm going pro", Meyer said he was OK with that and Booger would like that. And here's the kicker to that. If Meyer had coached a Cowboys game like that against our most bitter rival, most would want him gone like Garrett for the very same reason. Elliott was wrong to go about as he did but he was right about who lost that game, Meyer did.

And how many has he won?


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I expect people to have support for things they want to claim to be true. Otherwise, its noise and I give it no merit. I can say Elvis is still alive, doesn't make it true.
Well, I don't make up quotes form him to support anything and the Elvis analogy is a terrible reach, Bigfoot, aliens, yep, I'll buy that.


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I do not keep quotes of the old coot around, it was posted here by another poster and I read it. Booger doesn't like the idea that change will upset his comfort level and yes, the word "comfortable" was used in the quote.

stash, will all of the crap that flows out of that old coot's mouth, how would anybody have a collection of them and better yet, why? I never listen to or watch anything he says, I only get what is passed on here, which is basically anything and everything he says while, questionably, conscious. Hell, I wouldn't even have the space for just the stupid things he says.
I don't keep old quotes but most are easy to find with Google. I'm tired of Garrett and new blood is needed but I understand what the HC is up against when it comes to Jerry Jones. I posted a link earlier in thread of the Time period between Switzer and Gailey. Some of Jones quotes show his insecurities and what he thinks of coaches in general. New coach is needed but I'm afraid it will just be more of the same. Owners have no business at the coaches table and dictating to the coaches who plays and not...not if you want to win. It's all about comfort level for Jerry , he needs to be the face of the franchise.


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I don't need to. I'm not the guy serving in his opinion as fact like you are. Your absolute was debunked and now you want to try to put conditions on it? We know who's "failing".

wait...what? you are the one who from the beginning has been serving his opinion without providing any proof or fact, and in the meantime I gave 10 examples of college coaches failing recently....hmmmm, what color is the sky where you live? and can I have some of what you are smoking....

and you failed ever so miserably to even try to make my FACTS seem like fiction you are peddling....you should consider a career in fiction writing because you are so good at it.

Yawn. Now two Championship Gems and. Super Bowl win is "failing"? Again, it's easy to see who is actually "failing" in this debate. Find a mirror, look into it.

two championship gems? what Gem? he utterly failed miserably to have his team prepared to play against the niners. a team that was the most loaded in NFL history with 5 HOFers….that's the biggest coaching failure in NFL history.

sorry dude, you failed once again miserably in your vague attempt to defend Meyer as a head coach....
More serious than some clown making **** up and trying to pass it off as fact anyway.
point me to where I didn't state a fact... you are avoiding..... its so obvious its not even funny

Glad we can agree on something anyway.

I never dealt in absolutes. But you create Strawman arguments for your clearly failing case. Reach some more.

You're speaking for yourself my alone. There's not "everyone". Get over yourself. You're failing here, and that's your failure alone. Nobody is consigning that failure with you.

So success is now a bad thing? The reaching gets to desperation.

Some good choices there, I'll give you that. But few that would help the defense, this team's biggest issue right now.

when did I say success is a bad thing? now you are clearly trying to make shiet up to win an argument because your inflated ego of yourself won't allow you to admit you are absolutely, without a doubt wrong.

what was clear to everyone on this thread is that it was clearly without a doubt stated that Meyer succeeded at the college level and that doesn't mean it will translate to NFL and it will take time...but you are hell bent on arguing that Meyer will have immediate success and couldn't prove with any, and I mean any example that it ever happened.

sorry, you are not challenging enough for me...you are intellectually inferior and I am bored with you

this is done...

Reverend Conehead

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IMO it could work, but I would want Jerry to approach it how he did it with Parcells (at first). Give Coach Meyer the autonomy to run the team how he sees fit, and Jerry will be in a supporting role with business, helping him to sign players that he wants, but who the team drafts, what type of schemes they run, etc., should ultimately be Meyer's choice.


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I don't keep old quotes but most are easy to find with Google. I'm tired of Garrett and new blood is needed but I understand what the HC is up against when it comes to Jerry Jones. I posted a link earlier in thread of the Time period between Switzer and Gailey. Some of Jones quotes show his insecurities and what he thinks of coaches in general. New coach is needed but I'm afraid it will just be more of the same. Owners have no business at the coaches table and dictating to the coaches who plays and not...not if you want to win. It's all about comfort level for Jerry , he needs to be the face of the franchise.
And Garrett has no problem with Booger being the face of the franchise. I think the majority of HC candidates would be fine with that because most don't seem to like the media part of the job.

I think Booger's comfort level has to do with that but also his and his son's involvement in the locker room and the players. How do we really know Garrett might be with the players without their chief enabler and check signer so prevalent? I've never even heard of a GM sitting at the coaches' table and making an excuse for a player and now I've seen it. And BB, that wasn't the worst of it, it was the resigned reaction of the coaches at that table that told me that wasn't an one off situation.
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IMO it could work, but I would want Jerry to approach it how he did it with Parcells (at first). Give Coach Meyer the autonomy to run the team how he sees fit, and Jerry will be in a supporting role with business, helping him to sign players that he wants, but who the team drafts, what type of schemes they run, etc., should ultimately be Meyer's choice.
Rev, if I thought he'd do that with anybody, I wouldn't care who he brought in but why would he do that with Meyer who's proven nothing at the NFL level? He had to do that with Johnson and Parcells and in that radio interview that Broaddus had with Galloway, he said that will never happen again as long as Booger operates the team. Booger was actually having physical withdrawal symptoms from being the face and voice of the franchise.