A new paint job is not enough


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IMO, When fans say, “Jerry owns the team...he can do whatever he wants with it”, they are perpetuating this ongoing problem with this team which has led to nearly a quarter century of playoff failure. Yes, we all know Jerry paid $147 mil for the Cowboys in ‘89, so technically he can drive this franchise off a cliff if he wants to. In fact, that’s exactly what he’s done.

But shouldn't we also say that’s stupid? There’s a reason 30 of the 32 owners in this league hire real football people to run their organizations. It’s why the last 23 Super Bowls have been won by owners who hire football people. It doesn’t work anymore, and we have over two decades of evidence to prove it.

Jerry is THE BIGGEST PROBLEM. He’s created this culture and lack of accountability. Sure Garrett is a bad coach. But without changing how this franchise is run and just turning around and hiring another coach with the same culture and lack of accountability...it’s like a new paint job on The Titanic. There will always be an iceberg. Hiring Urban Meyer, Lincoln Riley or even Bill Belechick without changing the fundamentals of how this team is run will not save this team.

We’ve had nearly a quarter century of icebergs with 6 different coaches. And ONE GM. I know Jerry “has the right” to do what he wants, but shouldn’t we also recognize that If he doesn’t change, the results won’t either?

Well it depends on the paint job, is it the Earl Sheib/Macco special or a super west coast customs full restoration paint job?

if its west coast customs this team of players with few additions in draft and FA can with a new FULL staff of coaches and schemes take the next step..

the Macco type like hiring a puppet and Jerry forcing him to keep some of the old staff and run a similar scheme to not throw off perceived progress by some core players like dak etc , then no it wont help...


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I don't think anyone is condoning Jerry's shoddy management of the team. We are just acknowledging a reality that is not going to change no matter how much we complain about it. Jerry is a meddling owner and he would rather meddle than win. I think most fans wish he would step away from the day-to-day management of the team. I think we all agree with you that he is the biggest problem. Of course we can stop being Cowboys fans, but then we wouldn't care about what the Cowboys do or don't do.

I am frustrated by the situation but I hold out a sliver of hope that Jerry will hire a coach who can at least game plan, manage games, and get more out of his players than Garrett. He may still be a puppet and that will hurt the team, but he just needs to do the little things a little better and this team would not be an embarrassment.

The irony about this for Jerry is that he supposedly got rid of Jimmy Johnson because he felt Johnson was taking too much credit for the Cowboys Super Bowls. But the longer this team goes without winning another Super Bowl, or even NFC championship, the more it looks like it really was all Jimmy and that Jerry did not deserve the credit for those Super Bowls. I hope one day this occurs to Jerry so that he finally makes the hard decision to get another Jimmy Johnson and win regardless of who gets the credit.
Look up a few posts. Someone just did.


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Division is never the goal but when you win the division and get home field you clearly have the right amount of talent which is the GMs problem.

How does the GM factor into an individual playoff matchup? Especially if the team beat that opponent in the regular season.

If someone can point out what Jerry is doing in those 1-2 weeks between the end of the regular season, wild card and divisional round I’m all ears. I would just think that a GMs problem would manifest itself more during the regular season like teams such as the Commanders, Lions, Browns and Bengals do.
The GM hires the coaches. I mean, this couldn't be any more simple. Jerry himself claimed he was the boss from jocks to socks. So, how does he NOT factor into individual playoff matchups?


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Truth, Bullet, but that will not set us free of Booger.

One illusion some hold onto is that we matter, the fans matter. We don't because he's received the stamp of approval from those that financially support him. We have posters here that complain about him and then mention their trip to a game or some merch they're considering.

The fact is people don't care enough to do anything, they're not boycotting, wearing paper sacks on their heads or any other act of defiance. To the contrary, they will continue to support him whether he replaces this HC or not.

The only way to handle the frustration of this situation is to either leave the team or accept what is and isn't going to change. The people have no power and are willing to continue to make this the most profitable team in the game as well as the most watched and those two things send the message to Booger that he's doing a great job.


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You’re assuming I still do care.

I’m an apathetic fan who watches from a distance still rooting the team on. I’m a hopeless romantic. But I’ve detached myself financially and emotionally.

Latest ratings show less than 25% home viewership rating in DFW area. Most home markets carry over 40%.

There’s markets across the state and country which have a higher percentage viewership of the Cowboys than its home market. Jerry doesn’t care. He doesn’t need the hometown fans to fill his stadium , watch on TV or buy the merchandise.

While Jerry is the most hated sports personality in Dallas the Cowboys are still most popular. It’s a most unusual love/hate relationship.
I would think those TV ratings would get Jerry’s attention.


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Just going to leave this factoid here:

Truth. This is why getting a HC with some skins on the wall and some self respect and kahones will not agree to coach this thing without some promised changes in structure.

That’s why the Belechick threads I was reading this week are crazy. The GOAT HC wants to come to Dallas where the owner picks the assistants and schemes? It’s laughable.


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Truth. This is why getting a HC with some skins on the wall and some self respect and kahones will not agree to coach this thing without some promised changes in structure.

That’s why the Belechick threads I was reading this week are crazy. The GOAT HC wants to come to Dallas where the owner picks the assistants and schemes? It’s laughable.

And even if they do sign a coach "with skins on the wall", it'll be clear that he's not coming to develop a winner, he's there for a paycheck, exposure, or something else not related to succeeding.


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IMO, When fans say, “Jerry owns the team...he can do whatever he wants with it”, they are perpetuating this ongoing problem with this team which has led to nearly a quarter century of playoff failure. Yes, we all know Jerry paid $147 mil for the Cowboys in ‘89, so technically he can drive this franchise off a cliff if he wants to. In fact, that’s exactly what he’s done.

But shouldn't we also say that’s stupid? There’s a reason 30 of the 32 owners in this league hire real football people to run their organizations. It’s why the last 23 Super Bowls have been won by owners who hire football people. It doesn’t work anymore, and we have over two decades of evidence to prove it.

Jerry is THE BIGGEST PROBLEM. He’s created this culture and lack of accountability. Sure Garrett is a bad coach. But without changing how this franchise is run and just turning around and hiring another coach with the same culture and lack of accountability...it’s like a new paint job on The Titanic. There will always be an iceberg. Hiring Urban Meyer, Lincoln Riley or even Bill Belechick without changing the fundamentals of how this team is run will not save this team.

We’ve had nearly a quarter century of icebergs with 6 different coaches. And ONE GM. I know Jerry “has the right” to do what he wants, but shouldn’t we also recognize that If he doesn’t change, the results won’t either?
I don’t think there any doubt that we all recognize if Jerry doesn’t change, the results won’t either. You also made the point that this is Jerry’s toy and he can play with it when and how he wants to. It doesn’t matter what we think or know. It doesn’t even matter what we think we know. The only thing that matters in this situation that is not going to change , and that is the way Jerry runs this team. The whole world sees the problem, even the Jones family, but Jerry is not going to change. I fear that Stephen will take Jerry’s place at some point, probably death, and Stephen is going to be a cheap version of Jerry. This is our future. Season after season of false hopes.


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Truth, Bullet, but that will not set us free of Booger.

One illusion some hold onto is that we matter, the fans matter. We don't because he's received the stamp of approval from those that financially support him. We have posters here that complain about him and then mention their trip to a game or some merch they're considering.

The fact is people don't care enough to do anything, they're not boycotting, wearing paper sacks on their heads or any other act of defiance. To the contrary, they will continue to support him whether he replaces this HC or not.

The only way to handle the frustration of this situation is to either leave the team or accept what is and isn't going to change. The people have no power and are willing to continue to make this the most profitable team in the game as well as the most watched and those two things send the message to Booger that he's doing a great job.

Are you the architect of this "booger" reference when talking about Jerry? Every time I seen it said, it seems to be by you. It's not a big deal I'm just wondering where it came from and why? Is this actually a thing or just forum fodder?


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And even if they do sign a coach "with skins on the wall", it'll be clear that he's not coming to develop a winner, he's there for a paycheck, exposure, or something else not related to succeeding.
On exposure...good point point but it will be interesting to see if Garrett has success elsewhere. Every HC that leaves this place has gone on to not have much success as a HC elsewhere. I guess you could argue Jimmy took the Dolphins to the playoffs. And Parcells and Switzer retired. But Campo, Gailey and Wade never accomplished anything else as a HC despite their “exposure” as DC HC. It’s almost like every coach Jerry hires loses their mojo.


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When did winning the division become the goal of the Dallas Cowboys?

Of the first 30 Super Bowls, the Cowboys played in the NFC/NFL title game 15 times and reached the SB 8 times. Over the 23 SBs, the numbers are zero and zero.

But keep on defending Jerry. He, the one constant with his meddling ways, couldn't be the problem. It has to be the half dozen coaches during that time.



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....here he is only with Cowboy toys:


Reverend Conehead

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I don't think anyone is condoning Jerry's shoddy management of the team. We are just acknowledging a reality that is not going to change no matter how much we complain about it. Jerry is a meddling owner and he would rather meddle than win. I think most fans wish he would step away from the day-to-day management of the team. I think we all agree with you that he is the biggest problem. Of course we can stop being Cowboys fans, but then we wouldn't care about what the Cowboys do or don't do.

I am frustrated by the situation but I hold out a sliver of hope that Jerry will hire a coach who can at least game plan, manage games, and get more out of his players than Garrett. He may still be a puppet and that will hurt the team, but he just needs to do the little things a little better and this team would not be an embarrassment.

The irony about this for Jerry is that he supposedly got rid of Jimmy Johnson because he felt Johnson was taking too much credit for the Cowboys Super Bowls. But the longer this team goes without winning another Super Bowl, or even NFC championship, the more it looks like it really was all Jimmy and that Jerry did not deserve the credit for those Super Bowls. I hope one day this occurs to Jerry so that he finally makes the hard decision to get another Jimmy Johnson and win regardless of who gets the credit.

It's super frustrating because back when he hired Parcells it seemed like he had figured it out, that he had to hire a smart football coach and get out of his way. That didn't last long. Now if he even wants to hire a coach like that it will be hard because any coach would have justifiable fears that he won't have the autonomy he needs.


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I want a new coach

thats all....Jerry is who he is it is what it is

Just give me some coaches that know a lil bit bout football


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Are you the architect of this "booger" reference when talking about Jerry? Every time I seen it said, it seems to be by you. It's not a big deal I'm just wondering where it came from and why? Is this actually a thing or just forum fodder?
He earned that nickname from me the night of the opening of the stadium when he was on the Boogertron, and all across America, knuckle deep in his nostril. It helped that they lost that game and the previous one to close the old Texas Stadium, I was already cruising for something.

Some don't like it and call me out on it, to no avail. That's his nickname and I will never address him as any other. I don't see why it bothers some posters. Is it juvenile and silly, of course it is but so am I. I come here to be juvenile and silly.

To my knowledge, I am the only one that uses that exclusively. This started on the old DC.com and a poster with a 1000 names, but Don was one of them, was our forum illustrator and when I first used Booger & Son, he did a plumbers van with that on the side and I wish I'd copied that for my sig.

I don't care how many billions that egotistical narcissist makes, he is and always will be Booger to me.


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Hey if you like the way Jerry runs this thing, you should be happy. If divisional “championships” are evidence of accomplishment, I’m not going to try to argue with that kind of thinking. If that makes you happy, cool.

That’s not enough for me. Jerry is the biggest problem this team has and it’s as clear as can be. Until he changes his ways, how can we expect changes in results?
Your argument against JJ is as futile as arguing against water being wet or the sky being blue. I understand you became a Cowboys fan before Jerry Jones bought the team. It wasn't part of the deal when you became a fan, but things change. You know what you get with him in charge so if you choose to remain a fan, you do it at the risk of getting wet under the blue sky.


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It's super frustrating because back when he hired Parcells it seemed like he had figured it out, that he had to hire a smart football coach and get out of his way. That didn't last long. Now if he even wants to hire a coach like that it will be hard because any coach would have justifiable fears that he won't have the autonomy he needs.
He hired Parcells with an ulterior motive that some do not seem to agree with me on. They think Parcells had little to do with him getting that stadium deal done and I couldn't disagree with that more. That was the only reason he hired Parcells and agreed to give up control of the team.

The only way I will ever back off on that is if he does that again with another HC but that is not going to happen.

You want to build a new stadium on that scope, you need credibility that you know what you're doing other than three straight 5-11 seasons. To get the stadium that Booger wanted, he needed some attention getting, something that sent the message that he was serious about winning. The only thing he could have done better than that was bring Johnson back. Booger hiring Parcells and giving him control was the shockwave of that season.

Risen Star

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If this is even remotely true, it doesn't matter who they bring in as HC. Any HC willing to defer to Jerry for his assistants isn't a coach that is going to accomplish anything.

Exactly. Either Jerry gets "uncomfortable" again or the new head coach doesn't matter.