Common sense steps to turn this franchise around

The Fonz

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Don’t forget Jerry ran the team when we won 3 Super Bowls. Jerry was very active back then and constantly in the media. The only difference was we had a SB QB and RB and WR and a great defense with the right coaching staff. The Jones’s are never going to give up total control of the team or step out of the media. It worked before, and it can work again with the right coaches and players.

Yes it did work but at that time Jerry is new to the NFL and he wants to make back his investment so he let Jimmy runs the show once he got his money back he start his silly act and ran Jimmy out of Dallas.

To me there is no way on earth no matter who they bring will make this team a winner as it used to be,unless they back off which they won't
They maybe a good family and can make some money but as team operators they are not..They are inept ,stubborn and delusional.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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I believe if a strong HC is hired with full authority that can transform this country sugar daddy club culture into a real NFL team, we can do something. How bad does Jerry really want to win?

Not badly enough to do what you're suggesting. It's Jerry's toy and he's going to play with it to the bitter end.

Besides, have you forgotten the 3 championships "he" won in the 90s? *dusts off trophy case/clears cobwebs*


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Good one- don’t disagree. But don’t we as fans provide some of his “limelight” and prestige?

absolutely and I dont understand why, I dont listen to his radio shows & try to avoid reading/watching/listening to anything he says

I’m amazed when I watch training camp footage at the number of fans that treat Jerry like a Rock Star. You never saw that with Tex Schramm. I don’t understand why so many fans see him as a “star”. Leave him alone. He loves the limelight. So let’s stop giving it to him.

I've been preaching this nonstop to likely mostly deaf ears

its the easiest thing we could do and the only thing that could potentially effect jeri.

Simply stop listening, watching, reading anything from any medium that conveys jeri & spawn's nonsense

Go one step further and tweet/email the radio/tv/newspaper that do & say you dont want to hear anything from them again and will stop listening, watching, reading anything that includes jeri & spawn.

This would cost nothing for people to do (not hearing jeris babble is a form of compensation imo). Everyone keep watching and supporting the team and your favorite players, just freeze out jeri & spawn. Its easy, just do it people!

Can you imagine if this was done in great enough numbers that jeris radio show got cancelled because there were not enough listeners and too much backlash?

I think this would crush jeri where it to happen and its entirely within our ability to make it happen by simply turning the dial.

Jeri may choose to take it out on the fans that despise him & double down on his idiotic way of running the team or he might finally be forced to make a change that matters but at the very least he would be hit in a place it would hurt him the most which is long overdue for the way he’s thumbed his nose & insulted the fan bases intelligence for the last 25 years

its all a pipe dream on my part because fans never do anything but bend over and take it and wonder why nothing ever changes


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Don’t forget Jerry ran the team when we won 3 Super Bowls. Jerry was very active back then and constantly in the media. The only difference was we had a SB QB and RB and WR and a great defense with the right coaching staff. The Jones’s are never going to give up total control of the team or step out of the media. It worked before, and it can work again with the right coaches and players.
Jimmy ran the team regarding the players. He had it in his contract. Jimmy was the team spokesman. Jerry did a lot, but he did not “run the team” as you suggest. I think that’s some of the Jones kool aid that’s been distributed for years.


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Bullet, I gave up on any of that a long time ago. None of that is happening, not one bit of it. Not as long as he's alive and runs the team and I don't think that improves when that lucky sperm moron takes over.

The Dallas Cowboys are all about reward before accomplishment. Nice stadium and facility, big contracts and the softest country club setting in the NFL. At least when DeBartolo did that, it was after they'd earned something as a team.
I know that’s true Coach. But it always make me as a fan feel better to at least speak the truth as I see it. I know Jerry will keep being a fool. But I still feel better when he gets called out. I think he’s actually very thin skinned for a guy with his wealth. I know Aikman’s recent comments really stung him. If fans make a little noise, that’s another blip on his radar.

I’m not predicting he will change. But I am predicting if we as fans don’t bark at least occasionally, 100% guarantee nothing will change. I’ve always been enough of a rebel that if if I’m the only one fighting, at least I’m one.


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Bobhaze , I really do not see any of what you are suggesting happening. I know you are a lifetime cowboy fan like me with probably even more years then me being a fan, since I started in the early 70's. We have so much invested in this team however If the owner does not do any of what you are suggesting it is time to jump ship. I was a much much younger man the last time I had the pleasure of staying up all night celebrating our Super Bowl Championship. We live for our sunday football and its just one disappointment after another with this organization. Entire seasons of huge disappointments. The Cowboys are bipolar, continually up and down with no consistency from year to year, and now this season from week to week. The false hope we are being fed by the owner and the media every year is disgusting. I'm sick of the Dallas Cowboys being treated like a business and not a sports franchise. No seriousness, no urgency. The fans deserve so much better. What have the Cowboys done lately to earn our continued support? It comes down to one person and that one person only cares about money and image. Not the fans. He sells a bunch of glitz with pretty cheerleaders and an incredibly flashy stadium, and under the surface the team is really like a well known brand of product now being made in China with cheap parts and labor. The other day my son and I walked into a store to do some shopping and passing by some sweatshirts we saw a rack with ones with a Big blue star and "America's Team" written across the front. I totaly freaked out and just started berating JJ and even the reason why the Cowboys are still "Americas Team" to this day. The sad day is coming when we all need to just move on. Unless the owner does some of what you suggest there is no hope left for this franchise.


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Bobhaze , I really do not see any of what you are suggesting happening. I know you are a lifetime cowboy fan like me with probably even more years then me being a fan, since I started in the early 70's. We have so much invested in this team however If the owner does not do any of what you are suggesting it is time to jump ship. I was a much much younger man the last time I had the pleasure of staying up all night celebrating our Super Bowl Championship. We live for our sunday football and its just one disappointment after another with this organization. Entire seasons of huge disappointments. The Cowboys are bipolar, continually up and down with no consistency from year to year, and now this season from week to week. The false hope we are being fed by the owner and the media every year is disgusting. I'm sick of the Dallas Cowboys being treated like a business and not a sports franchise. No seriousness, no urgency. The fans deserve so much better. What have the Cowboys done lately to earn our continued support? It comes down to one person and that one person only cares about money and image. Not the fans. He sells a bunch of glitz with pretty cheerleaders and an incredibly flashy stadium, and under the surface the team is really like a well known brand of product now being made in China with cheap parts and labor. The other day my son and I walked into a store to do some shopping and passing by some sweatshirts we saw a rack with ones with a Big blue star and "America's Team" written across the front. I totaly freaked out and just started berating JJ and even the reason why the Cowboys are still "Americas Team" to this day. The sad day is coming when we all need to just move on. Unless the owner does some of what you suggest there is no hope left for this franchise.

Get ready for more losing seasons since Jerry and Stephen are not stepping aside anytime soon.


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I know that’s true Coach. But it always make me as a fan feel better to at least speak the truth as I see it. I know Jerry will keep being a fool. But I still feel better when he gets called out. I think he’s actually very thin skinned for a guy with his wealth. I know Aikman’s recent comments really stung him. If fans make a little noise, that’s another blip on his radar.

I’m not predicting he will change. But I am predicting if we as fans don’t bark at least occasionally, 100% guarantee nothing will change. I’ve always been enough of a rebel that if if I’m the only one fighting, at least I’m one.
Please continue putting pressure on Jerry!!!
Full throttle .

But I don’t think that’s what Coach is saying here to take the metal off the pedal.

I think it’s more about making post about what is a reasonable expectation or reality based on Jerry not changing.


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So....I’m ready to start thinking about how to revive this sinking ship, starting in 2020 in hopes of getting our edge back. Below are TWO BIG THINGS this team needs now to be truly competitive again in two simple bullet points:
  • Hire a real head coach with full absolute team authority that all players answer to. I couldn't agree more!
  • Allow that head coach to transform this soft, country club culture into a physically and mentally tough team of players and coaches. This is a must!
1. Jerry must hire a strong HC (Absolute MUST- All other move’s success depends on this!) A HC who will have full and complete command of the team, the locker room, serve as primary team spokesman, and be in charge of discipline. Basically the way Jimmy and Parcells were. Period. The HC has 5 years to win or another is brought in.
I miss the days of watching Bill Parcells yell "F*** Y**" at a player coming off the field. Parcells would have never allowed Zeke to take himself out of the game for one play unless Parcells was in agreement.

2. The new HC hires his own staff- No one is is to be forced on him by the Jones Cartel. Because the HC will be accountable, he gets to hire his people.
Who are the only coaches in NFL history not allowed to hire their own staff? Wade "Camp Cupcake" Phillips and Jason Garrett.

3. An emphasis is placed on making this a tougher culture. Find a coach that will hold players accountable to high standards of performance. Does not require Jerry’s approval to cut someone. This culture is as soft as a baby’s cheeks. Toughness- both physical and mental is needed! This team is one of the softest in the league and the new coach must be able to address that immediately.
This is the most underappreciated flaw in the franchise courtesy of the Jones boys. There is no hierarchy of delegated authority (i.e., a power structure pyramid) under Jerry's reign of terror. Instead, there is a "spoke and wheel" structure where all players, coaches, and scouts report directly to Jerry. Therefore if a player is cool with Jerry, he can sleep in meetings, give the finger to the hc and assistants, and put his hands on his hips after an INT in Denver and just watch the Bronco player try to turn it into a pick-six. No accountability and no delegated authority makes this a very dysfunctional place for players and coaches to try to win.

4. Draft with a clear philosophy for toughness along with more value added for positions such as S and DT. For too long, this team has undervalued the key positions of Safety and Defensive Tackle. How many times have we passed over big talent at both positions in high rounds putting our hope in 6th round safeties or long range project DT players (like this years #2 draft pick) that aren’t ready to play.
Will McClay, our behind the scenes GM has done a great job rebuilding this roster. Imagine if you removed the Jones boys and inserted a winning, strong hc.
  • Dak Prescott is not the big problem. We can win with this guy under the right coach and system. Remember how Romo got to learn under Parcels and his staff the first few years of his career in a system where Jerry at least at first, mostly stayed out of the mix (TO was Jerry's pick)? Well Dak has had none of those benefits as he has played for a revolving door of ex-Cowboys for his QB "coach" and two idiots for offensive coordinators. Dak may have had a super bowl roster playing with him this year but so did Romo the year we went one and done against the wild card Giants (2009?). Dak continues to get better and he is much more careful with the ball than Anthony Romo. One poster wanted me to mention that Dak has thrown for over 4500 yards this season.
  • Jerry and Stephen need to shut up. Get off the radio shows and stop the post game conferences. Your new head coach needs to speak for all things regarding the on the field matters. If Jerry absolutely must talk, make it about the financial side of things.
    How about the new hc has in his contract two things: 1) A gag order that the Jones boys cannot do any radio shows or post game press conferences & 2) HC contract allows hc to be the last word in all football decisions.
  • As a show of good will to our long suffering fans, Jerry should at the very least freeze all ticket and concession prices. If he wants to be even better, cut ticket prices 10% next year to show the fans he appreciates their long support.
I realize Jerry will probably never do any of this. But it’s a sane path to get better. And it’s within his power to do and receive “big credit” when it works.

Do it Jerry!

Great post Hazey. Pls see my comments in red embedded below each of your comments.


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A very, very large part of the issue is that too many of the players around here have already been damaged as far as things like mental toughness and how to prepare both mentally and physically.

Just because you bring in a staff that demands accountability doesnt mean everyone is going to comply.

It's not an instant transformation of players attitudes, its perform or else. The "or else" part means some getting with the program, but others getting cut or benched.

They have known country club and glitz over winning since birth in the league. You think guys like 54 and 90, who have already been paid are going to deal with discipline well?

New schemes are a given. The offense probably only needs a tweak or two personnel wise. The defense, between the above, and the overall miserable players passed off as NFL starters, needs a complete overhaul, and that's going to take time.
KC completely rebuilt their defense in one offseason. They are a very solid unit.


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Yes it did work but at that time Jerry is new to the NFL and he wants to make back his investment so he let Jimmy runs the show once he got his money back he start his silly act and ran Jimmy out of Dallas.
That is really a good way of putting the Jimmy saga and I haven't thought of it that way.
Then Jerry relinquished control to Parcells so he could get his new stadium.
So what would be the incentive for Jerry to relinquish control again? Is he desperate enough to get another ring before he's buried under the 50 yard line? Are his kids wielding enough power to bring in a HC with control and no puppet strings? Other than that, I just see it as the cat is out of the bag about how big a puppet Garrett is and Jerry knows he has to get another puppet in to not lose the fan base and then do a snake oil sales job on the fanbase and we're back to business as usual.


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Jerry Jones was scared into hiring Parcells and giving him real power for a while. I don't know if he'll actually do it again or not, but there is a precedent for it.

Otherwise none of this really matters.

My take is you give a real coach the power and let him decide if Dak stays or goes. If he thinks he can do for Dak what Greg Roman did for Lamar Jackson, then let him try. If he wants to punt on Dak, that's fine too. Just give a real coach the power and let them have at it for 3 years.

Any coach would love to have dak. It’s only the morons that think otherwise.


Taco Engineer
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The biggest, most urgent and clearly obvious change that needs to be made is the exact same thing that needed to happen for decades.

Jerry Jones needs to give the title of GM to a competent GM like McClay, lose the bloated ego, relinquish football control to someone remotely qualified and not a family member and enjoy his life before it's over. No more team decisions. No more face time after EVERY game. Be like the 31 other owners.

We've had the team, coaches and players to win more. We had it with Romo and we have it with Prescott. The common denominator is Jerry Jones.


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The biggest, most urgent and clearly obvious change that needs to be made is the exact same thing that needed to happen for decades.

Jerry Jones needs to give the title of GM to a competent GM like McClay, lose the bloated ego, relinquish football control to someone remotely qualified and not a family member and enjoy his life before it's over. No more team decisions. No more face time after EVERY game. Be like the 31 other owners.

We've had the team, coaches and players to win more. We had it with Romo and we have it with Prescott. The common denominator is Jerry Jones.
And G, you know what makes that even worse? I think he knows he's the problem but he owns it and will gladly tell anyone that. That's always been his defense, "let them pony up 140M and then they can run it".

Booger's ego and self worth will not allow him to accept his limitations. He named himself GM, that doesn't make him one. The more he tries to prove he's the man for the job, the less that will be true. He's just not cut out for that job and after 30 years of doing it, he's still not very good at it.

As far as owner in the regard of the team representation, he's been a good owner, showplace stadium and facilities but he failed at the most important job of every owner, hiring the guy to run the team. He hired an incompetent that's only hired two good HC's, out of desperation both times and he's so blinded by his own ego, he didn't learn from either HC. And he surrounds himself with a bunch of people awaiting their inheritance. No manager succeeds surrounding himself with people afraid to disagree with him.


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The OP is really just a more detailed layout of what we all know and have said for years .... that Jerry needs to step back from controlling everything and hire good people and allow them to do their jobs. Unfortunately it doesn’t matter how often we say it, it still won’t happen.


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Great post Hazey. Pls see my comments in red embedded below each of your comments.
Good stuff Art. Your comments about Parcells made me laugh- so true. I still remember his ** comments to the punter as he walked off the field after shanking a punt. LOL!

The Fonz

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That is really a good way of putting the Jimmy saga and I haven't thought of it that way.
Then Jerry relinquished control to Parcells so he could get his new stadium.
So what would be the incentive for Jerry to relinquish control again? Is he desperate enough to get another ring before he's buried under the 50 yard line? Are his kids wielding enough power to bring in a HC with control and no puppet strings? Other than that, I just see it as the cat is out of the bag about how big a puppet Garrett is and Jerry knows he has to get another puppet in to not lose the fan base and then do a snake oil sales job on the fanbase and we're back to business as usual.
That's Jerry for you..... He might do the trick again just watch


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Jerry needs to retire and go spend every waking moment on the party bus. That one move will instantly transform the culture.