Zeke worth the money or could Pollard tow the line?


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I couldn’t care less what that mouth breather makes compared to me. I’m very happy with my job and position, I’ve turned down promotional opportunities year after year because I don’t care about prosperity, there are other things I value more in life. I’m sorry you don’t know me and that’s what you think, but the fact that’s what automatically jumps in your mind tells me more about you than it does me.

The only reason I bring up his salary is because I do care about the team and a) I find that to be an extreme waste of money for any RB and b) he demanded to be paid the highest, he chose that number not me, and that’s the standard I will hold him to which he has failed at.

Whoa Aria whoa!!!.....I don't know you....not questioning your character......befuddled about the constant reference to Zeke's pay.....and the bafflement of a fumble that happened against New Orleans, yet Witt's fumble went unmentioned in that same game.....I don't know you.....and you don't know me. I like it like that, and hope you do too. Where you going with this now......should I deduct a short fuse? As for the pay example....Dak about to be overpaid, but the market is going to allow for that. Can't wait for your post on him or Amari Cooper's pockets next year.


Fattening up
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And it isn’t even close. And we spent the draft resource and money to get marginally better than we could have gotten from spending peanuts.

Yep. It’s well established that RB is not a position where it makes any sense to go big.


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Love this thread. Brings back nostalgia. What do you guys think Troy Hambrick is up to?


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Jerruh should demand that Zeke enroll in a 6 month fat camp starting January 15th
Maybe then he would have a better season next year.


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All good Aria......BTW.....did you remember Jason Witten fumbled in the very same New Orleans game? Personally, I think Zeke has gotten far more criticism than any player on the team this year. The play-calling has been dismissed, and the highlight was he caught more heat about Pollard's fumble against Philly, than Pollard did. Problem with the fan base, seems we latch on one to blame while refusing to look at the totality of the causes for an 8-8 underachieving team. Dez, Beaz, TWill, Brandon Carr, T.O...….notable Fall Guys from the past. Back to Witt.....it's always been watered-down about his mistakes, blocking vastly overrated, progress stopping, retire after the draft, back again, rotational player only to become a starter, Cabo visit, BFF pass plays, …...now a rumor (and I hope it's just a rumor)…..he is in the mix for HC (with no, and I do mean No experience). Let that sink in......anyway....the 2019 Fall Guy is/has been Zeke in a landslide with Amari making a late push. Zeke doesn't make roster or control the coaches nor sets the offensive scheme. Witt's presence clearly impacted Jarwin, clearly, and had an impact on the team making a playoff run (I'm not saying it was the sole cause). Your take obviously doesn't see that. As for minimal pay, Witt's value was minimal at this point, and the numbers illustrated it.

As for Zeke's pockets...….Just as the same in an office environment when discussing someone else' salary...….More often than not.....You’ll draw conclusions based on incomplete information. Management 101. Again....all good Aria.....keep posting.
All good as well. As I said, I think Zeke is the biggest fall guy for several reasons, for most people it was him deciding to not show up to training camp with 2 years left on his contract AND demanding to be the highest paid at his position. How many other players in the NFL have ever done that? Probably no one, or very few. That rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. In a year where not only his teammates, but management and fans had the highest expectations they’ve had in years, and he won’t even show up to training camp?! He could have at least showed up and told Jerry behind closed doors that he didn’t plan on taking a single snap in the first game until he got what he wanted. I still wouldn’t have agreed with it but he sent a bad message to the team and a lot of his supporters.

Of course I remember Wittens fumble in the NO game and of course it mattered. Witten get more leeway from a lot of fans because a) he didn’t deserve to be paid the highest therefore the expectations are lower and b) everything he’s done for this team in the past. If Zeke fumbled that his rookie year I don’t think he would have caught as much flak but he sure likes to flaunt every time he gets a first down so people will also be quick to jump on him when he messes up. Not that it will ever happen, but if ever did for the Cowboys what Witten has then I’m sure people would have been more forgiving. Not to mention, that was how many fumbles for Witten in how many years? Very, very few. Zeke was one short of leading the league last year and he was far above his closest competitors.

Further, a lot people have little patience for Zeke. Since draft day, he has been nothing but a distraction and headache to the team as whole. People want to minimize and/or dismiss all his off the field “character” issues and incidents and act like Zeke is the victim. Zeke has no one to blame but himself and fans are sick of turning on ESPN or whatever website to see that, once again, their star RB has done something else stupid thus jeopardizing the team as a whole.

Zeke has also come up short in some pretty big games, again, demand to be paid the best you better play like it ALL the time. “Big players make big plays in big games”.

Back to Witten, I criticized him and Romo back in the day for Cabo and still do when it comes up. I hold Romo slightly more responsible because I think a QB has a lot more to gain from studying film instead of frolicking in the waves but, yeah, altogether it pissed me off and still does. The fact that he’s “rumored” to be in the hunt for some sort of coaching job is just that, a rumor. Even if it were true, you can’t criticize the guy for wanting to pursue his career or dream or whatever it may be. Plus, who knows how it would turn out and it’s ultimately not his decision whether or not he would get hired, just like it wasn’t his decision that he would play more snaps than Jarwin.

On to Jarwin (bout to go to bed so I’ll respond tomorrow) but a) how and why do you think Wittens presence affected Jarwin and b) what makes you think Jarwin is that much better than Witten? He may be faster but his routes aren’t as good, doesn’t know the play book as good, doesn’t block as well, etc.

Have a good night bud! Enjoying the cordial banter :)


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Whoa Aria whoa!!!.....I don't know you....not questioning your character......befuddled about the constant reference to Zeke's pay.....and the bafflement of a fumble that happened against New Orleans, yet Witt's fumble went unmentioned in that same game.....I don't know you.....and you don't know me. I like it like that, and hope you do too. Where you going with this now......should I deduct a short fuse? As for the pay example....Dak about to be overpaid, but the market is going to allow for that. Can't wait for your post on him or Amari Cooper's pockets next year.
Lol, sorry if I misinterpreted but anytime I bring up Zeke’s salary, or anyone salary, there’s always someone who automatically equates it to jealousy which is what I believe you were getting at. As far as the fumble and my constant reference to his pay, I addressed in my last post.

Ha...I’m eagerly awaiting my reaction to Dak and Coops pay as well :eek:


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Is Zeke isnt a franchise running back than no one is....what a weird thing to say
Let’s not mistake the things. Zeke is a franchise RB. The problem is you don’t NEED a franchise RB. A franchise RB doesn’t necessarily provide you with anything more than low cost RBs can provide if you stay committed to running the ball. If anything, the difference is so small it isn’t worth the investment.

Zeke needs to far exceed his current production to justify the cost.

As a contrast, Dak is far exceeding his cost but is considered the weakest link ever.


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I like having both, good combo, can change the offense based on matchups and use both very well. Need to use Pollard to open things up when Zeke struggles inside.

But "we do what we do". Like keep hammering inside, even when the strength of a defense is their DTs.

I'll give it to Zeke, though. I think he's lost a step, but he wasn't phoning it in against the Commanders. And he took some runs outside, which he had been seemingly avoiding earlier in the season. I think the contract negotiations left him unprepared for the season, and it took him a while to play himself into physical shape and mental sharpness.

Jerry deserves a lot of blame as GM for problems this season. Failed to get DLaw and Zeke signed in a timely way so they could get fully prepared for the season. Seems to think that rosters are lists of names, instead of groups of players who need to train and practice to produce. Ignore what you think of the contracts. I was opposed to both. But failing to *get them done* with time for them to get prepared for the season cost us.


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I like Zeke, but when I think about the value we could have gotten by trading him.

Chuck 54

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After 4 seasons with no injuries, no Zeke is better, not worse. It’s up to Moore or whoever is the OC to get the ball in the hands of the playmakers.

With better scheming and play calls, we will see a better Zeke, a better Cooper, a better Dak, and a better DLaw and LBs.


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But "we do what we do". Like keep hammering inside, even when the strength of a defense is their DTs.

I'll give it to Zeke, though. I think he's lost a step, but he wasn't phoning it in against the Commanders. And he took some runs outside, which he had been seemingly avoiding earlier in the season. I think the contract negotiations left him unprepared for the season, and it took him a while to play himself into physical shape and mental sharpness.

Jerry deserves a lot of blame as GM for problems this season. Failed to get DLaw and Zeke signed in a timely way so they could get fully prepared for the season. Seems to think that rosters are lists of names, instead of groups of players who need to train and practice to produce. Ignore what you think of the contracts. I was opposed to both. But failing to *get them done* with time for them to get prepared for the season cost us.

Too many inexperienced coaches left us exposed. OL, OC, even heard Sanjay having issues with cooper. Kellen isn't experienced enough to adjust or help our running game when things looked tough. Guys who hold out shouldn't be signed.


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If you had to pass a test concerning football knowledge to post, this thread would've never been started.