For those who want McCarthy


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I’m convinced you didn’t read it. It even says players wondered if Rodgers started the massage rumors. You’ve been called out for linking a bleacher report article and you can’t handle the fact that the article actually makes Rogers sound like the bigger problem than McCarthy. Its ok little man. Have fun trying to defend your position lol
Someone’s triggered. “I read it, YOU didn’t read it!!!”

Maybe you won’t sound so stupid in the future when you learn how to read beyond a 4th grade level.


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I’m not that high on McCarthy but that article revealed the even bigger trash I thought Rodgers was.
It did not reveal anything. The sources are greg Jennings and jemichael finley, two anti rodgers guys since they left town. I have not spoke to my brother in 25 years. He isn't a ****** and neither am I. Just the way family dynamics go sometimes. Amazing how someone is "trash" if they don't act the way others perceive as being the "right" way. That to me is trash.


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You're right. God forbid the Cowboys get a coach who actually *gasp* wants to continue to learn and get better. No no no, by all means let's get another stonebrained moron who would rather run into the same brick wall over and over again.

You make some good points, this isn't one of them.
Old dogs don’t learn new tricks that easily.

Maybe you were fooled by McCarthy’s newfound commitment to using math and logic, well into his 50s. I wasn’t. He’s just trying to get a job.

It’s like when a 55-year-old dyes his hair jet black after being laid off, so he can appear younger in job interviews.


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I always use the NFC East litmus test: if McCarthy had been hired by any other team in the division, your reaction would be what?

1) He's still that clown that failed to adapt and got ran out of GB
2) He's still a SB winning coach and will turn them around
3) He's neither good nor bad, just kind of there

Whatever your reaction above is should be the same if he's hired here.


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Yea because they finally spent some money and brought in z'darius and Preston smith. Plus that Aaron Jones kid is a really good RB. Without those 3 guys - this team is WAY different. Plus Rodgers' numbers were down this season compared to 2016 & 2018 (he was hurt in 2017).

McCarthy was a talent dependent coach? Other than Rodgers and a WR or 2, what talent did he have? Please enlighten me.

This Cowboys team would give McCarthy the best OLine he's ever had, best RB he's ever had, best receiver core he's ever had, best pass rusher he's ever had and arguably the best LB core he's ever had.
LOL you realize McCarthy had Aaron Jones in 2017-18 too right?

Now go look at Jones’ production this year compared to 2017-18.

He averaged 5.5 yds/rush in each of those 2 seasons, but his fat idiot of a head coach didn’t let him carry the load.


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12,720 least Mike will talk into the headset and make human emotions and have papers in hand. Not bad I say.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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Mike McCarthy is a good coach
if you can't see that...then i can't help you.
Garrett is gone.
everything is gonna be ok.
What is his playoff record against Garrett?


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Never in NFL history has a HC won the SB with two different teams. Is McCarthy that guy without an Aaron Rodgers?

I say no.

Little Jr

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Little Jr

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McCatrhy has admitted to the offense not growing with more motions, alignments and such. Thats what he did on his year off, took time, and a lot of time, going back and seeing his mistakes he made and how he could improve. He is FULL blown analytics now, which just that seals it for me. Lol But knowing he has looked at EVERYTHING, incuding how and when they practiced, shows he has learned and willing to grow and keep growing. If JG wouldve done that, or showed that, he would still have his job, but he didnt.

As far as what Arod said, meh. He never got over the niners not drafting him whem McCarthy was the OC. Hes an arrogant prick anyways who has been one the most overrated qbs the past 4-5 years.


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It really doesn’t worry you AT ALL that someone close to Rodgers says that Rodgers believes McCarthy had the lowest football IQ of any coach he’s been around?

McCarthy’s a joke. 11-16-1 in his last 2 years. Look at what Aaron Jones is doing this year compared to 2017-18.

Rogers is a jerk. The entire Green Bay nation knows that. When you say that McCarthy has the lowest football IQ ever - it just seem personal rather than truth.

What gets me worked up about Rogers is when he said " I had to bail him out all of the time."

Goes to show that Rogers doesn't get a pass here.