Twitter: McCarthy is off to a damn good job assembling coaching staff


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Curious to see if we can get zekes former osu coach
Well, on one hand it sounds like we're trying to bring him in but at the same time there's been no news or updates on it.

I guess we've just grown spoiled these last few days where there were multiple additions all at once so today has just felt slow in terms of news.

I was also curious about Joe Whitt Jr. but Atlanta beat us to him.


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Well, on one hand it sounds like we're trying to bring him in but at the same time there's been no news or updates on it.

I guess we've just grown spoiled these last few days where there were multiple additions all at once so today has just felt slow in terms of news.

I was also curious about Joe Whitt Jr. but Atlanta beat us to him.
You’re 100% right. It’s been crazy seeing all our new coaches filing in.


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if hes coming all this way to INTERVIEW, I doubt he leaves without a deal..
One would hope, but this is one of the hirings that has been more hush, hush compared to the rest.

I'm also curious when his interview with this Rams is scheduled to take place as well.


"We Are Penn State"
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Meanwhile In Philly.... :lmao2:


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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I'm nobody's troll or cronie. Maybe that description fits you best kid. I only speak what i see. Why do these labels have to be placed on those who are being honest about current events???? Many analysts from Steven A. Smith, to Max Kellermen, to Skip Bayless, to Adam Schefter, to many personalities of ALL colors who see that something isn't quite right with the hiring process in the NFL.

There are over 75 perscent people of color playing in the NFL..... But only 3 of them can get coaching jobs???? Only 1 of them are the only ones qualified to be a GM???? None of them are good enough to be team president ??

You don't see a problem here???? If you don't, then you are most likely part of that good ol' boy network that the masses speak of. You no doubt want things to remain the same huh.... I wouldn't be surprised.

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I think something needs to be addressed in here and that is the exaggeration of Jerry Jones as a meddler. I always believed that Jerry was not the meddler as he was made out to be by disgruntled fans and some in the media. Just because you are the spokesman doesn't mean you are a puppeteer. What McCarthy stated in the presser was stunning. He not only gets to pick his own staff but also have more decision making ability than he ever had before. I think across the NFL there is give and take between ownership, general management and head coaches. So if McCarthy retains certain coaches currently on staff it is not because Jerry or Stephen insist on it, is because it his decision. Perhaps that was the case with previous head coaches with the Cowboys as well.

That doesn't mean all is well with this ownership and general management. I believe the Jones' are an exceptional family and they do have football knowledge. But subjectivity of working with family members and also their other massive personal and business interests get in the way of developing a consistently competitive football team. There is less accountability and consequences among family members vs. outside hires. You also limit getting more key talented employees. Jerry will be 78 years of age in October. Age does take its toll on your mental faculties and physical well being. You don't have the same energy and stress tolerance. If you look at the last 2 decades, our team has generally been average competing in the NFL. This family ownership hit pay dirt in the no salary cap and free agency era in the early 90s. It got harder to make the best player and coaching acquisition decisions after that. We've been up and down team ever since. Hiring McCarthy is a great start. I believe the same thing should happen with executive management.

I agree with you. People make these statement because they believe it makes them feel in-the-know, makes them think they cleverly figured out the problem. Now, as GM, he is of course more involved than most owners. This fresh start with an experienced Super Bowl winning coach is a huge kick in the behind....and an opportunity for Jerry.


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I am loving the new staff. It seems like none of them are conservative in their approach. We need to take it to teams and I believe all of these guys will do this. Of course, his ability to pick his own staff is a great sign in itself

Nolan as DC?

come on.

let’s be real.


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I agree with you. People make these statement because they believe it makes them feel in-the-know, makes them think they cleverly figured out the problem. Now, as GM, he is of course more involved than most owners. This fresh start with an experienced Super Bowl winning coach is a huge kick in the behind....and an opportunity for Jerry.

like the HC hire.

the special teams coach, if we do get him, is a huge win. OQuinn was terrible.

firing the entire Offensive coaching staff, not good. I don’t fix what’s not broken.

do not like Nolan as DC. His defenses stink. Sorry. Fact. Anyone can look it up.


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Fassell is a quantum leap better than the turds they had. STs became an after thought in Dallas the last couple years.

I just want these coaches to discipline these players and make them accountable.


Marinelli and OQuinn were terrible.

3 more days and Marinelli is cut free.

Time to celebrate that one.

long time coming.

(unfortunately, we are replacing him with Nolan. )


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Anytime the headcoach is given the leeway to keep or hire his own coaching staff is a good thing, especially in this organization..

Really? They are firing some really good coaches.

fixing what is NOT broken is wasted time and energy.


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Nolan is my main concern...........I'm trying to figure out if he was the best option or merely a pay back hire.

so true!

Too many people drinking the Nolan Koolaid without looking at his history.

his defenses stink. Last in yards and TDS.

who wants that? We just got rid of BBDB Marinelli.


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I think the worst that can be said of him is that his defenses played to their talent level. When he had players he had top 10 defenses. When he didn't they were mediocre. He never had GM power so you can't hang his roster quality on him.

He has a history of coaching bad defenses.

gives up yards and TDS

is the talent in the NFL that terrible?