The Time Is Now filter


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McK, there is also another side to this that some refuse to consider. Maybe Big Mike's not playing a game and believes he can win with Prescott?

What are we comparing Prescott to? Montana, Favre and Rodgers, the QB's he's coached but there is something different between that first QB and the other two, he played within the offense and executed it and they went outside the offense and he has 4 rings and they have 1 each.

What do most HC's want in their QB? Execute and manage the offense and the game. I can guarantee you that Shanahan is a lot happier with his QB than LaFleur is with his. And no one is going to compare the talent of Rodgers and Garoppolo but which QB played like a QB and which one played like a passer?

Russell Wilson is a hell of a lot better at playing QB than passer. He needs to exceute the offense, manage it.

Many seem to think Big Mike is being forced to keep Prescott, what if he actually wants him as his QB? What if that's one of the reasons he wanted this job?
All speculative of course as your thoughts are but I think Dak was part of the deal. If you didn’t like Dak, do not apply.

And Fat Mikey applied for several jobs but this was first one that hired him.

Jerry gets All In on coaches just like he does QB and players. Shoot, who has stayed over with Jerry before?

Did they drink all night or Mikey just buttered up to ole Jer. I mean we didn’t even interview anyone else. I don’t count Lewis. That was just for Rooney Rule.

I’m think Fat Mike did some major sukin up to stay the night.


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True Jake but it's the hand we've been dealt. We either find another table or play this hand out.

I look at us as damned good fans, we have to put up with more than any other fans and we still stick with them. This is like my two Raiders buds when they realized Al was really losing it but at least they knew at one time, he had it.
Also, we have our glorious history to look back on. It’s easier to suk these last 25 years when the first 35 were so grand.

My wife doesn’t look as hot at 60 as she was at 25 or 30 but I still see what attracted me.

As frustrated as I am with Jerry and this era all I have to do is walk in my Cave and I’m surrounded with a lifetime of memories that warm my heart reinforcing my fandom.


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I agree with him on this one.

In fact, as long as they can keep Prescott and Cooper in the fold, I think they're a double-digit win team today. And that's before free agency and before restocking their defense in the draft. The player talent is now freed of the shackles of sub-standard coaching and the on-field results will bear that out.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
When considering anything the Cowboys will do in this off season, the Time is Now filter should be used because that's what this hire at HC was all about.

Their Own FA's - they will err on the side of keeping the team together because the window is open but it is unknown how long that will be. The dominant feeling the Joneses have is this team has the talent to get it done and underachieved. Talent gets the nod and coaching the blame.

Other Teams FA's - They usually hold back until the second wave; however, they saw some real success from teams that stepped up to pay for the better talent. GB, SF, SEA, all made significant additions and were in the final four. The Cowboys have some space and can create more. They've got to pay to play and they know it.

The QB - They do not want a tagged QB going into this season, they have a new HC and need stability at that position and want to send the message "this is our guy", most importantly from the new HC, considered to be a QB guru. No ?'s about the QB position. They want this behind them and sooner than later and might surprise us with what they're willing to do to get that done.

The Draft - They need players that can play from the get go, no Jaylon Smith or Trysten Hill's here and don't be surprised if they trade up or back up into the 1st round to get multiple starters. They need players to play now.

Big Mike was smart, he did his homework, studied the team, and came prepared to sell the Joneses that he could win with these guys with a couple of tweaks here and there. Exactly what the owner wanted to hear. The owner, once the decision was made to move on, made it clear he wanted an experienced NFL HC for one simple reason, the Time Is Now.

So, when we're debating moves they can make, I'd keep pushing everything through that filter. Does this move put them in a better position to win now? Because Now is all that matters.

And while that's a 5 year contract with Big Mike, in the owner's mind, it's a 2 year contract to get this team to at least the NFCCG. That's what the owner needs and wants and that's exactly what the new HC sold him.
Coach remember the old days when we used a landline phone to call the bank to get the “time and temperature”? The recorded message would usually start with the current time. “The time is...9 oh 7....temperature 53 degrees.” Would be great if when you called the Star, a recorded message simply said, “The time is....NOW”, followed by a ring tone.

Good post. I think MM has two years tops. The time is now.