25 years, let it go


Junior College Transfer
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But there hasn't been one game played, one actual change seen and not one shred of proof that Jerry will actually allow for the HC and coaching staff to do there thing, without his interference. Never mind the question of if McCarthy and his staff are actually a good fit and can actually be successful here. I believe that most of this stems from what we know about the history over the last 25 years.

I can't blame anybody for being bitter or pissed off Coach. Time will definitely tell the tale.

Perhaps it's best to take the approach of, "To Each, His Own....", IDK.

I hope you are right thou.
Yeah ... yeah. Hey, have you given the Herbalife idea further thought? I have 2 franchises for sale, one in Samoa and one in Mississippi. Ground floor deal.


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Excited about the coaching changes. Time will tell if Jerry will give the coach the control, I have my doubts but hope it is a change Jerry can handle.

Looking forward to the draft and next season.
I'm right there with you.

I am really enjoying the changes to our coaching staff. The overall flexibility is definitely not Jerry-like outside of when Parcells was here.

McCarthy wasn't my first choice but he has definitely won me over with how quickly he's overhauled and upgraded our coaching staff. The hires that he's made has shown me that he quickly understood our areas of concerns and grabbed some solid coaches to immediately address them.

I know a lot of people aren't a fan of Nolan, and I can say that had it been him alone I'd be much more uneasy about the hire. But after seeing the position coaches that were brought in I'm excited to see what our defense does next year. Maybe just maybe we'll be more aggressive this year and can actually generate some turnovers for once.

If nothing else gone are the days of Rod sitting in the draft room with his goofy grin and celebrating the next draft bust that he brought us. Ending that alone was a major win.

And I can't wait to see what happens with our ST next year. It'd be nice to actually have ours either be better, or at the very least even, on a weekly basis again.

It remains to be seen just what impact Jerry will have this year, and it would be foolish to think that he's going to be going away entirely. Because he won't.

But at the end of the day I'm at least hopeful for the first time since Parcells left and am truly excited for the upcoming Free Agency period, draft and season.


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I see it this way...

Jerry is gonna allow MMc autonomy over his coaching staff. In exchange, MMc has indicated he’s quite willing to work with the FO in regards to player-personnel decisions.

It seems this organization is truly coming together in an effort to get everyone on the same page and pulling in one direction.

While painfully aware of the past 24 seasons of championship futility, I always reset my expectations to “positive” before each new season.

Having said all that, we gotta go back to maybe Parcells’ first season for me to feel as excited about the Cowboys moving forward as I do right now.

America's Cowboy

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It's like some kind of a cross some drag around, a curse, the last 25 years of futility overshadows everything and becomes the response to optimism and positivity.

With not enough changes in coaching, I can buy the malaise that set in but this is almost an entirely new coaching staff and picked by the new HC.

There are signs of change already here with the GM, seemingly, granting this HC more room and that seemed to be the course he wanted by wanting only a NFL proven HC.

The NFL is a year to year thing, look at the Niners, they weren't picked to win their own division, let alone the conference.

There is nothing to carry forward. The players have a clean slate with the coaches and even if the guy you wanted didn't get picked, why pick on this guy? The man has proven he can coach and he had a year off to reflect and take a good hard look at what his part might have been in the breakdown in GB. A man out to prove something is a most serious man to watch,

Big Mike had no part of those past 25 years, except maybe to kick us out of the playoffs, so he comes in with no baggage.

Life is hard, me buckos, take happiness when it's available. Instead of expecting him to fail, expect him to succeed and let the performance be the proof. This team is more talented than 8-8, we know it and he knows it. Let's let this unfold and play out and maybe those 25 years just become a fading memory.
Amen, CC!!!


Well-Known Member
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It's like some kind of a cross some drag around, a curse, the last 25 years of futility overshadows everything and becomes the response to optimism and positivity.

With not enough changes in coaching, I can buy the malaise that set in but this is almost an entirely new coaching staff and picked by the new HC.

There are signs of change already here with the GM, seemingly, granting this HC more room and that seemed to be the course he wanted by wanting only a NFL proven HC.

The NFL is a year to year thing, look at the Niners, they weren't picked to win their own division, let alone the conference.

There is nothing to carry forward. The players have a clean slate with the coaches and even if the guy you wanted didn't get picked, why pick on this guy? The man has proven he can coach and he had a year off to reflect and take a good hard look at what his part might have been in the breakdown in GB. A man out to prove something is a most serious man to watch,

Big Mike had no part of those past 25 years, except maybe to kick us out of the playoffs, so he comes in with no baggage.

Life is hard, me buckos, take happiness when it's available. Instead of expecting him to fail, expect him to succeed and let the performance be the proof. This team is more talented than 8-8, we know it and he knows it. Let's let this unfold and play out and maybe those 25 years just become a fading memory.
I'll let it play out and enjoy it for entertainment's sake win or lose, but "my giveadam's busted" permanently - so I def won't be emotionally invested in Jerry's play toy anymore. I'm too old for this bollocks.


"We Are Penn State"
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I'll let it play out and enjoy it for entertainment's sake win or lose, but "my giveadam's busted" permanently - so I def won't be emotionally invested in Jerry's play toy anymore. I'm too old for this bollocks.
I feel a championship coimg soon. Hang in there!


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For the record 49ers were expected to be one of the surprise teams this year. They were last year too until Jimmy G went down.

Yea, this was a 3-5 team last year until we picked up Cooper . 9-7 year before that. We are what our record is. I didn’t see a single playoff team in NFC we were better than except Egirls.

If you want to buy into Jerry’s sales pitch this is a SB contender . Go right ahead. It will just make the fall greater and be looking for scapegoats.

I will agree each year is different but there are some carryovers and recent trends which do apply. And we’ve seen where coaching changes can turn things around. Not as much as talent infusions usually.

And while there is a renewed hope with a new HC there is still the same leadership at the top which has derailed this franchise the last 25 years.

Maybe Fat Mikey can be the one who can finally overcome the greatest obstacle in the NFL that Garrett, Phillips, Parcells, Campo and Gailey didn’t succeed at.

I’d argue our history the last 25 years works against us.

My optimism and confidence is based on results which won’t begin coming in until after Labor Day. That’s when I’ll get excited. The rest is for fans who need something besides the results of the game to get excited about.


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It always amazes me how some fans just can’t enjoy their half full cup without bashing those with a half empty cup.

Lead your cheers all you want just leave the rest of us out of it. Otherwise we wouldn’t feel the need to defend ourselves.

But as usual some feel the need to discredit those who don’t share their views to uplift theirs. And what attracts the negative responses.

Coach- start your Silver Lining threads without calling out others attempting to divide fans further.
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Well-Known Member
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It always amazes me how some fans just can’t enjoy their half full cup without bashing those with a half empty cup.

Lead your cheers all you want just leave the rest of us out of it. Otherwise we wouldn’t feel the need to defend ourselves.

But as usual some feel the need to discredit those who don’t share their views to uplift theirs. And what attracts the negative responses.

Coach- start your Silver Lining threads without calling out others.

Well said. I don't know why it offends some so much that others aren't so optimistic or pessimistic as they are. It's a forum..those are for discussions, not shouting down anyone with an opposing view with insults and vitriol.


Well-Known Member
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Well said. I don't know why it offends some so much that others aren't so optimistic or pessimistic as they are. It's a forum..those are for discussions, not shouting down anyone with an opposing view with insults and vitriol.

Typical in today’s society . Divide and conquer.

I’m disappointed in one of my favorite members. I’m happy for him he’s so excited leading Big Mikes Homer Wagon. But leave the least of us out of it. Or I’ll call it out for what it is.


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Typical in today’s society . Divide and conquer.

I’m disappointed in one of my favorite members. I’m happy for him he’s so excited leading Big Mikes Homer Wagon. But leave the least of us out of it. Or I’ll call it out for what it is.

That being said, I don't get all of the negativity with the McCarthy hire given we've seen some changes that we complained about for years. We should at least give the guy a chance before dropping bombs on him. :)

I'm hopeful but not excited. I'm willing to see what he can do. I'm still wary of meddling from the front office, but there have been positives we haven't seen much in the recent past.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
It's like some kind of a cross some drag around, a curse, the last 25 years of futility overshadows everything and becomes the response to optimism and positivity.

With not enough changes in coaching, I can buy the malaise that set in but this is almost an entirely new coaching staff and picked by the new HC.

There are signs of change already here with the GM, seemingly, granting this HC more room and that seemed to be the course he wanted by wanting only a NFL proven HC.

The NFL is a year to year thing, look at the Niners, they weren't picked to win their own division, let alone the conference.

There is nothing to carry forward. The players have a clean slate with the coaches and even if the guy you wanted didn't get picked, why pick on this guy? The man has proven he can coach and he had a year off to reflect and take a good hard look at what his part might have been in the breakdown in GB. A man out to prove something is a most serious man to watch,

Big Mike had no part of those past 25 years, except maybe to kick us out of the playoffs, so he comes in with no baggage.

Life is hard, me buckos, take happiness when it's available. Instead of expecting him to fail, expect him to succeed and let the performance be the proof. This team is more talented than 8-8, we know it and he knows it. Let's let this unfold and play out and maybe those 25 years just become a fading memory.

You lost me at “me buckos” however, This is the first time I have been genuinely excited about this team in 14 years. Looking forward to a dallas trip next year from NJ.


Well-Known Member
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It always amazes me how some fans just can’t enjoy their half full cup without bashing those with a half empty cup.

Lead your cheers all you want just leave the rest of us out of it. Otherwise we wouldn’t feel the need to defend ourselves.

But as usual some feel the need to discredit those who don’t share their views to uplift theirs. And what attracts the negative responses.

Coach- start your Silver Lining threads without calling out others attempting to divide fans further.
Agree wholeheartedly. Everytime someone posts something positive or negative and calls out the other side it begs the opposition to attack. I find it rather ammusing most of the time.


Well-Known Member
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For the record 49ers were expected to be one of the surprise teams this year. They were last year too until Jimmy G went down.

Yea, this was a 3-5 team last year until we picked up Cooper . 9-7 year before that. We are what our record is. I didn’t see a single playoff team in NFC we were better than except Egirls.

If you want to buy into Jerry’s sales pitch this is a SB contender . Go right ahead. It will just make the fall greater and be looking for scapegoats.

I will agree each year is different but there are some carryovers and recent trends which do apply. And we’ve seen where coaching changes can turn things around. Not as much as talent infusions usually.

And while there is a renewed hope with a new HC there is still the same leadership at the top which has derailed this franchise the last 25 years.

Maybe Fat Mikey can be the one who can finally overcome the greatest obstacle in the NFL that Garrett, Phillips, Parcells, Campo and Gailey didn’t succeed at.

I’d argue our history the last 25 years works against us.

My optimism and confidence is based on results which won’t begin coming in until after Labor Day. That’s when I’ll get excited. The rest is for fans who need something besides the results of the game to get excited about.
Does perpetuating the meme of Mike’s weight by calling him “Fat Mike” do anything to help the discussion?

It’s juvenile and irrelevant. You can do better


Well-Known Member
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It's like some kind of a cross some drag around, a curse, the last 25 years of futility overshadows everything and becomes the response to optimism and positivity.

With not enough changes in coaching, I can buy the malaise that set in but this is almost an entirely new coaching staff and picked by the new HC.

There are signs of change already here with the GM, seemingly, granting this HC more room and that seemed to be the course he wanted by wanting only a NFL proven HC.

The NFL is a year to year thing, look at the Niners, they weren't picked to win their own division, let alone the conference.

There is nothing to carry forward. The players have a clean slate with the coaches and even if the guy you wanted didn't get picked, why pick on this guy? The man has proven he can coach and he had a year off to reflect and take a good hard look at what his part might have been in the breakdown in GB. A man out to prove something is a most serious man to watch,

Big Mike had no part of those past 25 years, except maybe to kick us out of the playoffs, so he comes in with no baggage.

Life is hard, me buckos, take happiness when it's available. Instead of expecting him to fail, expect him to succeed and let the performance be the proof. This team is more talented than 8-8, we know it and he knows it. Let's let this unfold and play out and maybe those 25 years just become a fading memory.

When some seem overly optimistic and blind to the reality of the process of forming a SB caliber team, you force people to talk about reality and remind you of them. So in a way, guys like you are the cause of the exact thing you don't like.

I for one am very very happy Garrett is gone and I like the optimism from some. But the overly optimistic stupidity like.."we are going to the SB next year" doesn't sit well with some of us that are realists.

See keep being a blind homer and you bring out the realists and the haters. EXACTLY what you don't want.

Bringing in MM will mean nothing if he doesn't do his job properly or bring the right personnel. Which we all know he doesn't have full say over. And retooling a defense takes more than one year. And certainly every decision they make starting now will not always be the right one and adjustments will have to be made.


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Agree wholeheartedly. Everytime someone posts something positive or negative and calls out the other side it begs the opposition to attack. I find it rather ammusing most of the time.


Personally, I find myself responding, or correcting those that are too far one way or the others. Hence the blind homers and the haters.


Well-Known Member
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Does perpetuating the meme of Mike’s weight by calling him “Fat Mike” do anything to help the discussion?

It’s juvenile and irrelevant. You can do better

What more can you expect from a guy that hailed Garrett for 10 years as a great HC. Garrett gets expunged as his replacement he doesn't like. LOL

Not 2 days after MM was hired, the Garrett lover came out with a post talking about how he was only going to give MM 2 years before he would fire him. This from a guy that after 9 years if ineptitude was still showering his love for the Great Capping Garrett.


Well-Known Member
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It's like some kind of a cross some drag around, a curse, the last 25 years of futility overshadows everything and becomes the response to optimism and positivity.

With not enough changes in coaching, I can buy the malaise that set in but this is almost an entirely new coaching staff and picked by the new HC.

There are signs of change already here with the GM, seemingly, granting this HC more room and that seemed to be the course he wanted by wanting only a NFL proven HC.

The NFL is a year to year thing, look at the Niners, they weren't picked to win their own division, let alone the conference.

There is nothing to carry forward. The players have a clean slate with the coaches and even if the guy you wanted didn't get picked, why pick on this guy? The man has proven he can coach and he had a year off to reflect and take a good hard look at what his part might have been in the breakdown in GB. A man out to prove something is a most serious man to watch,

Big Mike had no part of those past 25 years, except maybe to kick us out of the playoffs, so he comes in with no baggage.

Life is hard, me buckos, take happiness when it's available. Instead of expecting him to fail, expect him to succeed and let the performance be the proof. This team is more talented than 8-8, we know it and he knows it. Let's let this unfold and play out and maybe those 25 years just become a fading memory.
Chan Gailey: 1998-1999...Dave Campo: 2000-2002. ...Bill Parcells: 2003-2006. ...Wade Phillips: 2007-2010. ...Jason Garrett: 2010-2019 and now Mike McCarthy. And here you are selling Jerry's snake oil of a new coach will fix it up. This is a 8-8 mediocre team with one constant the last 20 odd years, Jerry's mismanagement. Stop trying sell what Jerry does a lot better. Everyone just relax and rejoice good ole boy Mike will sprinkle the pixie dust and boom super bowl here they go with Jerry still buying the groceries even though some say it ain't so.


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like most have replied, time will tell. those of us who have been fans since early 90s (and like me since 81) know who Jerry is and have every right to question his ability to let a coach coach. There are reasons why this team hasn't sniffed a SB in 25 years, coaching staff is only a part of it.

Lets hope Jerry stays away and lets Mike and his coaching staff coach this team without interference. Notice a theme here?

It is a big mystery why Jerry would hire the overwhelmed, underqualified Garrett to run his team. However, there is no doubt whatsoever why he didn't let Garrett have full control. And as things unraveled, he took away more control from Garrett.