Kavon Frazier says "Kris Richard may have had his hand forced by Garrett"


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We've all speculated about Garrett interfering with scheme or inserting himself and his ideologies out of fear for his job or not being able to stand seeing other coaches be successful without his help, well Kavon Frasier just alluded to this.

"Frazier also brought up how Richard relied almost exclusively on Cover 3 and man, when in his first two years the defense had also used a lot of Cover 2 and 4. For those who remember that far back, it was reminiscent of how the very complicated Rob Ryan defense keep coming apart back when he was the DC. Although he wasn’t as sure about this, he also thought that Richard may have had his hand forced in some ways by Garrett or even the ownership in some decisions."

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Many of us are mystified by the criticism of Amari Cooper, and Frazier is, too. He lined up against him in practice, after all, and said he is one of the elite route runners in the league. Frazier described him as almost impossible to cover, especially out of the slot, and said he is at least top two league wide in getting separation.​

Doesn't seem like Cooper got lined up in the slot much. We could really use a legitimate WR to line up at wideout to let Cooper take the slot. We had *so* many slot guys. Dez? Isolated wide for one on one jump balls? Smith? Smith always looked like a legit WR to me, and his speed should give safeties pause.


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This is right form the article! Frazier thought that richard may of had his hand forced in some ways by Garrett. "Although he wasn’t as sure about this, he also thought that Richard may have had his hand forced in some ways by Garrett".... If you don't think Garrett through a monkey wrench into the cohesiveness of what the assistants were trying to do I can't help you..

don't read no article, listen to the interview. give a link to the article.

that's the writer of the article words, Kavon never said that...lol listen to the interview, you were hoodwinked


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Many of us are mystified by the criticism of Amari Cooper, and Frazier is, too. He lined up against him in practice, after all, and said he is one of the elite route runners in the league. Frazier described him as almost impossible to cover, especially out of the slot, and said he is at least top two league wide in getting separation.​

Doesn't seem like Cooper got lined up in the slot much. We could really use a legitimate WR to line up at wideout to let Cooper take the slot. We had *so* many slot guys. Dez? Isolated wide for one on one jump balls? Smith? Smith always looked like a legit WR to me, and his speed should give safeties pause.

think I heard he didn't care for the slot. I'll look for it.


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We've all speculated about Garrett interfering with scheme or inserting himself and his ideologies out of fear for his job or not being able to stand seeing other coaches be successful without his help, well Kavon Frasier just alluded to this.

"Frazier also brought up how Richard relied almost exclusively on Cover 3 and man, when in his first two years the defense had also used a lot of Cover 2 and 4. For those who remember that far back, it was reminiscent of how the very complicated Rob Ryan defense keep coming apart back when he was the DC. Although he wasn’t as sure about this, he also thought that Richard may have had his hand forced in some ways by Garrett or even the ownership in some decisions."

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rumor mill not valid in any way shape or form.. KR is no longer a DC, why does he not sayi anything and BTW Marinelli was the DC not KR..

come with some real proof jot from some jag player believes , he said it in his statement this is all hyperbole rhetoric mouth breathing statements..


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Garret is a psychopath l.
maybe Frazier the psychopath with his might's, may haves, and thoughts and beliefs VS REAL DATA.. its a bunch if rumors and you are weak MINDED FOR believing SUCH DOO DOO

I like how many jumped all over this like its real news and responded with passion when its pure speculation from a 4th on the depth chart payer with an axe to grind..


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Jerry has responsibility ultimately getting quality players in here. Frankly over the last few season I think the talent level has been here to win. No doubt we have holes then again so does everyone else, no team has pro bowlers at all position but Cowboys have had the players to win football games. You would find few who covers the game who would disagree which is why you had people like Urban Myers saying any HC would want to coach here with the talent they have. Garrett job was to take that talent and win balls games and in the end did not get it done. I think Jerry is an easy scape goat and I will be the 1st to say there are things he has done, players brought in that I disagreed with. I have strongly disagreed with running a halfway house of troubled players so it is not as if I worship Jerry, I give credit where I see it and blame as well where I see it. What I have hated however is those who will claim any good things that happens is because of someone else and all bad is Jerry, in my view that is complete BS
We’ll agree to disagree on JJ. What good things have happened the last 23 years? IMO the hiring of Parcels and MM are the only thing he’s done right over that period of time. We all saw how the Parcels thing worked out. MM.....we’ll see. JJ will wind up sticking his nose in again when MM starts getting a little credit if this thing finally starts to turn around.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Also way before the part about Garrett and Richard, the article says this:
Frazier expressed a sincere belief in Garrett as a coach and a human being, and has nothing but admiration for how the coach stood up to the barrage of questions from the media. He still has no doubt that the pressure negatively affected how the entire staff did their jobs.

That's why having a lame duck coach is a bad idea. If you don't have the confidence to extend him, then you should fire him.


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That's why having a lame duck coach is a bad idea. If you don't have the confidence to extend him, then you should fire him.

In general yes, but A) Jerry is loyal to a fault and B) its hard to fire a guy that finished the season 7-1 and then beat Seattle in the playoffs pretty convincingly.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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don't read no article, listen to the interview. give a link to the article.

that's the writer of the article words, Kavon never said that...lol listen to the interview, you were hoodwinked
I like that word... hoodwinked.


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We've all speculated about Garrett interfering with scheme or inserting himself and his ideologies out of fear for his job or not being able to stand seeing other coaches be successful without his help, well Kavon Frasier just alluded to this.

"Frazier also brought up how Richard relied almost exclusively on Cover 3 and man, when in his first two years the defense had also used a lot of Cover 2 and 4. For those who remember that far back, it was reminiscent of how the very complicated Rob Ryan defense keep coming apart back when he was the DC. Although he wasn’t as sure about this, he also thought that Richard may have had his hand forced in some ways by Garrett or even the ownership in some decisions."

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A coordinator overruled by a HC. Does not look good for the coordinator i'd say.

See his record also.

You can say what you want about Garrett. But he was the HC and his job was to overrule his assistant coaches when something is wrong. And i was not convinced by ... what was his name again? ;-).


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For a guy that fans have repeatedly said did nothing except clap, Garrett suddenly had his hand in the offense and defense, despite Jerry not allowing him to do anything, including selecting his own coaches.

Time to move on. There was plenty of blame to go around, including Jerry, Marinelli, Richard, and Moore’s playcalling in the red zone.
Yep, the Garrett Mental Midget Brigade is at it again. A guy in charge directs subordinates to do his will. When you don’t live in the real world, this is a shocking story apparently.


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A coordinator overruled by a HC. Does not look good for the coordinator i'd say.

See his record also.

You can say what you want about Garrett. But he was the HC and his job was to overrule his assistant coaches when something is wrong. And i was not convinced by ... what was his name again? ;-).

What you're saying might apply to a typical head coach brother but you need to remind yourself that 2019 Garrett was stripped of most of his duties by Jones that was obvious by most of us, and hopefully yourself as well if you're being honest.. He was in charge of motivation, and when he put his fingers in the cookie jar and meddled with the coordinators I believe that is where our failures lied. If Garrett did what Jones wanted to do and stay out of most football operations they may have won a few more games and did some damage, but Garrett couldn't help it.. These actions were what got him fired, he caused a disjointed staff with his insecurities.


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maybe Frazier the psychopath with his might's, may haves, and thoughts and beliefs VS REAL DATA.. its a bunch if rumors and you are weak MINDED FOR believing SUCH DOO DOO

I like how many jumped all over this like its real news and responded with passion when its pure speculation from a 4th on the depth chart payer with an axe to grind..

Frazier didn't say anything bad about Garrett in the interview


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What you're saying might apply to a typical head coach brother but you need to remind yourself that 2019 Garrett was stripped of most of his duties by Jones that was obvious by most of us, and hopefully yourself as well if you're being honest.. He was in charge of motivation, and when he put his fingers in the cookie jar and meddled with the coordinators I believe that is where our failures lied. If Garrett did what Jones wanted to do and stay out of most football operations they may have won a few more games and did some damage, but Garrett couldn't help it.. These actions were what got him fired, he caused a disjointed staff with his insecurities.

actually, Jones wanted Garrett to be a safety net for Moore.


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What you're saying might apply to a typical head coach brother but you need to remind yourself that 2019 Garrett was stripped of most of his duties by Jones that was obvious by most of us, and hopefully yourself as well if you're being honest.. He was in charge of motivation, and when he put his fingers in the cookie jar and meddled with the coordinators I believe that is where our failures lied. If Garrett did what Jones wanted to do and stay out of most football operations they may have won a few more games and did some damage, but Garrett couldn't help it.. These actions were what got him fired, he caused a disjointed staff with his insecurities.


Garret was like a second son to JJ. He wanted him to succeed.

I just cant believe he ripped him all of his power in what was his eventual last year.

Richards on the other hand sucked when given more competence. He was run out of Seattle. And now with more power in Dallas look how bad the defense played.


The Labeled One
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I believe it. And I believe Kellen Moore also had his hand forced as well. Its insane......its literally like Garrett sabotaged himself last season.

As easy as it is to blame Garrett...I still think it even goes higher.....He even has the bad clapping...:clap:


Redball Express

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I believe it. And I believe Kellen Moore also had his hand forced as well. Its insane......its literally like Garrett sabotaged himself last season.
Garrett had no control.

We all knew that. Richard either.

Now Marinelli..yes he had some pull.

I was so worried Richard would be HC and Marinelli would be promoted, too after Garrett was leaving.

Thank God no.