Packers are asking that fans in the stands join arms in unity

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Yakuza Rich

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They are silly because this garners more outrage for MANY of them than the stuff the nitwit in the WH pulls. So some players not standing for the anthem is disrespectful but it's OK if the President rants about McCain being a bad soldier for being a POW, or insulting a family whose son died a hero simply because they were Muslim and didn't like him, or the fact that leading up to his nomination, he trashed the military leadership.

And that's your assumption that the people that are the anti-protesters must be the same people that okay'd all of these actions from Trump. Like there is no anti-protester that did not vote for Trump.

Well, guess what?

I didn't vote for Trump.



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And that's your assumption that the people that are the anti-protesters must be the same people that okay'd all of these actions from Trump. Like there is no anti-protester that did not vote for Trump.

Well, guess what?

I didn't vote for Trump.


Well for starters, I didn't say "all". I said many. In fact I capitalized MANY because I knew someone like you would not actually read the sentence and assume I am talking about every one.

But yeah, I also think it's a safe assumption that a pretty sizeable percentage of people who have issues with these protests are likely Trump supporters (and in a larger grouping, conservatives).


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Per usual, you can't comprehend anything you read that doesn't suit your agenda.

I said that the protest was built on a lie.

Unless you actually believe that Mike Brown was unjustly killed the only thing to laugh about is your reading comprehension skills.


The person lying is the one who claims an entire protest was based off the Brown situation only.

And FWIW, I totally agree that people completely mischaracterized the Brown situation for their own gain despite the fact their "facts" were refuted by evidence, testimony, etc. In fact, the Obama Justice Department agreed with the findings.

But I also know that because the Brown situation wasn't as people claimed it to be, that there isn't an issue of police brutality in this country and profiling against minorities by law enforcement. If people are going to use the Brown case to push the agenda that "see, it's made up, it doesn't really exist" then they are as bad as those who tried to make Brown a sympathetic figure.

Yakuza Rich

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Well for starters, I didn't say "all". I said many. In fact I capitalized MANY because I knew someone like you would not actually read the sentence and assume I am talking about every one.

But yeah, I also think it's a safe assumption that a pretty sizeable percentage of people who have issues with these protests are likely Trump supporters (and in a larger grouping, conservatives).

Yes, and MANY of them are not okay with Trump. In fact, I would say that the majority of them felt Trump's words were divisive, out of place and something he shouldn't be butting his business into.

And virtually every single one of them has said that the players have the right to protest, but they have the right to stop buying the NFL product.

That's what people like you don't get.

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They are playing the game.

They kneel before the game, a time that most people here never really gave two poops about until someone started protesting during it. Suddenly, a lot of you suddenly started to care what was going on during the anthem. I might buy the BS people are trying to selling if a player did some sort of protest during a game that might ruin the entertainment value of the game. But they aren't. They are going it before a game during something that people are being disingenuous when they claim now it's important to them when in fact before Kaepernick, most didn't even care or pay attention to the anthem before games.

The faux outrage over this is mind numbing.

In reality, for many (not all), this is simply a political thing. It's not about respect for the flag or following the traditions of the flag. If people were concerned about respecting the flag, then some of you wouldn't be driving around with NASCAR stickers on your cars that have the American flag imposed on the sticker? Why, because if you are truly about respecting the flag, you know that violates a guideline of how to properly use a flag. Some of you wouldn't be walking around with stars and stripes on your t-shirts because that's also a violation. I literally saw a guy in a store get in an argument over the protests saying it was disrespectful to the flag and he was wearing a shirt with a picture of gun on it, draped in an American flag. He's screaming about respecting the flag, he's walking around disrespecting the flag himself.

If people were so concerned about respecting the military, then they wouldn't be rallying behind the words of the President who, if one actually has paid attention, has been disrespecting the military and its leadership for years. Nah, let's not talk about that now.

For many, this is simply a Democrat versus GOP thing, a liberal versus a conservative thing. It's not about respect for the flag or the anthem, it's about the fact that African American football players are viewed as liberal, fighting for what is a viewed as a liberal cause and many conservatives just can't handle that.
I've read a good amount of the back and forth across the dozen or so threads on this topic and one thing stands out to me. Most people who lean right have the ability to concede that there are instances of police brutality, some times race driven, and the police responsible should be prosecuted accordingly. Whether it's a systematic thing is where the debate takes place - but they agree in some instances there's something is going on and there's no place for that in any society.

Further, they are able to concede there is something cyclical going on in some specific black communities were too many are born into and remain in generational poverty. Whether that's an individual thing, a community issue or a larger institutional agenda to keep blacks down is where the debate takes place - but they agree something is going on.

However and from the left leaning crowd, you'd be hard pressed to find the same ability to conceded. This inability to try and understand their position and how it's valid to them just isn't there but rather they're mocked, minimized and conveniently turned into villains.

Not sure how you expect improvement if you're not willing to listen, understand and empathize with those who think differently.

The hundreds of millions of Americans who hold the flag and anthem sacred do so because they hold the flag and anthem sacred - tt's as simple as that. Making villains of a tremendously huge swath of the population is a fools errand and goes against the core of what you seek yourselves.
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Yes, and MANY of them are not okay with Trump. In fact, I would say that the majority of them felt Trump's words were divisive, out of place and something he shouldn't be butting his business into.

And virtually every single one of them has said that the players have the right to protest, but they have the right to stop buying the NFL product.

That's what people like you don't get.


See that's where you are wrong. I get what you are saying. I get that people have the right to boycott the NFL. I never said otherwise. In fact, I've actually said that very thing. Shoot, if people want to boycott AT&T Stadium because they serve Pepsi instead of RC Cola, have at it. It's your right. Doesn't mean I or anyone else also can't criticize people for it. I mean holy hell, the players have the right to protest the anthem and yet you are here ranting about them.

My point isn't that people don't have a right to boycott the NFL. My point is that it's bizarre and faux outrage from many people that show a stunningly high level of hypocrisy.


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The root of the problem is that the anthem protesters protested the wrong thing and made their protest built on a lie.

This protest started to gain momentum after Mike Brown, a man who strong armed a store owner and attacked a cop, was justly killed by a cop trying to protect himself and the community.

Then it was further perpetuated by the lying of the anthem protesters who have the acid-trip logic of stating that they are not actually protesting the anthem and the flag. As well as people like Mike Tomlin who pressured players into either protesting the anthem or not properly addressing the anthem.

We used to have unity and players that protested or spoke their mind about issues that bothered them. We used to stand for the anthem to show that even though we disagree at times, even though there are a lot of things that are wrong with this country that need to be resolved, that we are unified by what the country stands for which is all men are created equal and that as a country we've always worked to right the ship towards inequality. And afterwards if a player had an issue to raise, we could hear them thru the press or social media and the people would hear them and support their cause.

But the players and the NFL want it all one way. And to complain towards anybody who is protesting the NFL in response to their protests against the anthem and the flag is wildly hypocritical.


How many people who are protesting the players for kneeling during the Anthem are fine with Confederate flags being waved around. Or statues of Confederate leaders being placed around the country to honor them. Despite the fact that the Confederate side fought against the United States and was willing to kill other Americans soldiers to uphold Slavery.

They say that it is about Heritage despite the fact that the Confederate side went to war with America and lead to hundreds of thousands of Americans dying. And despite the fact that many used the Confederate flag as a symbol of racism/discrimination against black people. And seeing nothing wrong with lynching/killing Americans who happened to be black. Because they see black people as less than human and will paint black people as Animals. comparing black people to apes to justify the killing/lynching of black people. Even trying to use the bible to say why white people are superior to black people.

And this is what I find hypocritical because many of the people who have a problem with the players kneeling saying that it's disrespectful to the flag also proudly wave the Confederate flag, despite the violent history behind it. And defend it by saying that it is their heritage, And protest the removal of Confederate statues by saying that it's a part of American history, despite many seeing it as Anti-America or siding with the traitors to the United States.

How many of those calling Mike Brown violent, deep down inside have no problems with the killing of black people because of their racist views. How many who demand that the players stand up for the Anthem out of respect for the country, would be willing to give up their Confederate flags/symbols freely to stand for America? How many would give up Confederate flags just to solely fly the American one. How many would be fine if all Confederate statues were removed if it was thought that it was better for this country moving forward?

Some of the same who call Black lives Matter violent, have said that running over people with their cars is okay, if they don't agree with the method of protesting or the reason for protesting. And think that it is their right to run over protesters in the streets. And will justify the murder of Heather Heyer by saying that the white supremacists who ran her over was acting out in "Self Defense". And memes have been made to encourage people to run over the Counter protesters who protested against the KKK/****'s.

Those types are the ones that I find to be hypocrites.


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I've read a good amount of the back and forth across the dozen or so threads on this topic and one thing stands out to me. Most people who lean right have the ability to concede that there are instances of police brutality, some times race driven, and the police responsible should be prosecuted accordingly. Whether it's a systematic thing is where the debate takes place - but they agree in some instances there's something is going on and there's no place for that in any society.

Further, they are able to concede there is something cyclical going on in some specific black communities were too many are born into and remain in generational poverty. Whether that's an individual thing, a community issue or a larger institutional agenda to keep blacks down is where the debate takes place - but they agree something is going on.

However and from the left leaning crowd, you'd be hard pressed to find the same ability to conceded. This inability to try and understand their position and how it's valid to them just isn't there but rather they're mocked, minimized and conveniently turned into villains.

Not sure how you expect improvement if you're not willing to listen, understand and empathize with those who think differently.

The hundreds of millions of Americans who hold the flag and anthem sacred do so because they hold the flag and anthem sacred - tt's as simple as that. Making villains of a tremendously huge swath of the population is a fools errand and goes against the core of what you seek yourselves.

It's no different than from the right and when people from either side of the aisle try to point the finger at the other side, it's laughable to me. This notion that only the "right" is willing to concede things and the left can't is simple poppycock.

I've been clear that the left has their own issues. If people must know, I am pretty much pretty much down the middle when you balance my beliefs. I lean right on fiscal matters, etc and I lean left on social issues. Cut taxes, cut spending on bloated entitlements, who cares if gays want to get married, etc. So I am all over the map.

So as someone who leans left on social issues, including racism, even I have often admitted that part of their movement is based on BS such as the Michael Brown case. BLM latched onto that incident and tried to make him out as a victim when in fact, he was not. Frankly, I think they did more damage to their movement embracing that narrative on Brown than help it. Because now a lot of people won't take them seriously because they believe an entire movement is based on an erroneous case. There were enough incidents of police violence against African Americans and enough evidence of profiling to warrant fighting for justice.

But when they latched onto Brown, I think they really hurt what is a fairly noble cause.

As for this issue, I am willing to listen. But I struggle to buy an argument that many are pushing. Because in this matter, I am more inclined to back a group fighting an injustice that I believe exists than side with a group who is expressing outrage over something that really has no tangible effect on their livelihood. I cant really back a group that frankly shows a pretty strong level of hypocrisy screaming about respecting the flag when they probably disrespect the flag all the time (and my not even know it). It's faux outrage to me, largely caused by the fact that I think we are being pulled apart by the fringes on both sides.

That's not to say the "right" is always in the wrong. That's far from being the case. But in this matter, I tend to side with the group that is fighting an injustice and the other side is basically complaining that their feelings are hurt. I struggle to understand the perspective of people, such as those in Alabama, who many have expressed outrage over the flag incidents but then will turn around and not be outraged that they are about to elect to the Senate a racist and bigot and someone who believed 9/11 was caused by God punishing this country for not being Christian enough.

In this matter, one side seems to be fighting for a legitimate cause and one side is fighting for this nebulous belief that the flag is beyond sacred. I swing the other way when it comes to taking down Robert Lee statues because someone is offended. I think that's as slippery a slope as what we see now from people ranting that you simply can't protest during a presentation of the flag.
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It's no different than from the right and when people from either side of the aisle try to point the finger at the other side, it's laughable to me. This notion that only the "right" is willing to concede things and the left can't is simple poppycock.

I've been clear that the left has their own issues. If people must know, I am pretty much pretty much down the middle when you balance my beliefs. I lean right on fiscal matters, etc and I lean left on social issues. Cut taxes, cut spending on bloated entitlements, who cares if gays want to get married, etc. So I am all over the map.

So as someone who leans left on social issues, including racism, even I have often admitted that part of their movement is based on BS such as the Michael Brown case. BLM latched onto that incident and tried to make him out as a victim when in fact, he was not. Frankly, I think they did more damage to their movement embracing that narrative on Brown than help it. Because now a lot of people won't take them seriously because they believe an entire movement is based on an erroneous case. There were enough incidents of police violence against African Americans and enough evidence of profiling to warrant fighting for justice.

But when they latched onto Brown, I think they really hurt what is a fairly noble cause.
then my post wasn't aimed at you. I am interested to hear your thoughts though on the uproar over the flag/anthem issue. Are you able to understand that people genuinely hold that sacred and are insulted by this form of protest - or is that poppycock?

Yakuza Rich

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The person lying is the one who claims an entire protest was based off the Brown situation only.

Again, I didn't say that.

I said that the protest started to gain steam/legs when the Mike Brown death occurred.

Shortly thereafter, the St. Louis Rams players held a protest with their hands up in the air further perpetuating the lie of Mike Brown's death and the NFL and the Rams allowed for it to happen.

And Mike Brown is still cited as a 'senseless killing' by the protesters.

But I also know that because the Brown situation wasn't as people claimed it to be, that there isn't an issue of police brutality in this country and profiling against minorities by law enforcement. If people are going to use the Brown case to push the agenda that "see, it's made up, it doesn't really exist" then they are as bad as those who tried to make Brown a sympathetic figure.

The problem is that you don't have proof of institutional racism causing police brutality against minorities.

As I've said a million times and nobody is willing to address it.

Black cops are more likely to shoot black suspects than white cops.

White criminals are more likely to be shot and killed by cops than black criminals.

Asians are the least likely ethnic group in this country to be shot by police.

Just because you claim that there's institutional racism in law enforcement doesn't make it so.

For all of the talk about this...9 unarmed black people have been killed this year...out of 37 million blacks in this country.


Yakuza Rich

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How many people who are protesting the players for kneeling during the Anthem are fine with Confederate flags being waved around. Or statues of Confederate leaders being placed around the country to honor them. Despite the fact that the Confederate side fought against the United States and was willing to kill other Americans soldiers to uphold Slavery.

I don't know. I do know that the white nationalists marched peacefully the night before the day of the riots. And I was against that because despite peacefully protesting, they were also protesting against the country. I know that was okay when I felt that way, but when players protest against the's supposedly not cool for me to do so. And that Trump's words are divisive and the White Nationalists peaceful protest that night is divisive...but not the players protesting the anthem and the flag.

I do know many people that are against the players protest and against Trump and the confederate flag. I should know since I'm one of them who marched in protest against the confederate flag symbol being on the state of South Carolina's flag...back in 1996, at the SC state capital.

They say that it is about Heritage despite the fact that the Confederate side went to war with America and lead to hundreds of thousands of Americans dying. And despite the fact that many used the Confederate flag as a symbol of racism/discrimination against black people. And seeing nothing wrong with lynching/killing Americans who happened to be black. Because they see black people as less than human and will paint black people as Animals. comparing black people to apes to justify the killing/lynching of black people. Even trying to use the bible to say why white people are superior to black people.

And this has nothing to do with the protest at hand. It's about the allegation that this country, particular law enforcement, stands for racism and oppressing blacks.

And this is what I find hypocritical because many of the people who have a problem with the players kneeling saying that it's disrespectful to the flag also proudly wave the Confederate flag, despite the violent history behind it. And defend it by saying that it is their heritage, And protest the removal of Confederate statues by saying that it's a part of American history, despite many seeing it as Anti-America or siding with the traitors to the United States.

And many people don't do any of that and are against the anthem and flag protests.

How many of those calling Mike Brown violent, deep down inside have no problems with the killing of black people because of their racist views.

How many saw the scientific evidence and ignored it and continue to ignore it? And they still describe it as a 'senseless killing?'

How many who demand that the players stand up for the Anthem out of respect for the country, would be willing to give up their Confederate flags/symbols freely to stand for America?

So you want somebody to take down their own confederate flag at their own house?

That's the difference...the players are bringing their politics and protesting of the country to the public (and at work). I care about as much about a redneck having his own confederate flag at his own house as I would about a brain-dead football player claiming institutional racism at his own home.

Some of the same who call Black lives Matter violent, have said that running over people with their cars is okay, if they don't agree with the method of protesting or the reason for protesting.

Who said that?

That was widely considered reprehensible by just about every single person.

OTOH, a chapter president of BLM stated that white people should give their houses to black families for free, put black people in their will, etc.

That one moronic racist who somehow condoned running over a protester over with a car isn't an established person of power like the chapter president of BLM who says equally asinine things.

And memes have been made to encourage people to run over the Counter protesters who protested against the KKK/****'s.

And memes have been made to encourage killing white people as well. Not to mention fun lil' games like the 'knockout game' that target whites.

Those types are the ones that I find to be hypocrites.

Good for you.



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And those people are silly IMO.

They are silly because this garners more outrage for MANY of them than the stuff the nitwit in the WH pulls. So some players not standing for the anthem is disrespectful but it's OK if the President rants about McCain being a bad soldier for being a POW, or insulting a family whose son died a hero simply because they were Muslim and didn't like him, or the fact that leading up to his nomination, he trashed the military leadership.

WHAT?? Why do people feel to need to constantly make up lies about Trump? Dislike him all you want (I'm certainly not a fan), but at least use facts and reality.

He insulted that family because they insulted him. Period. Just because their son died does not give them carte blanche freedom to just attack whoever they want free from criticism. The irony of them holding up the Constitution, asking if he had read it, at the DNC convention was hysterical.


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then my post wasn't aimed at you. I am interested to hear your thoughts though on the uproar over the flag/anthem issue. Are you able to understand that people genuinely hold that sacred and are insulted by this form of protest - or is that poppycock?

I understand people hold it sacred.

However, that feeling is strange to me. Largely because in the end, how have their lives changed because of this? How has this affected their every day lives? On one side, you have people using this as a way to bring awareness to a social problem that I believe exists (granted, not to the extent the fringe might want one to believe) and on the other side, you have people who basically are claiming their feelings are hurt. In matters like this, I am going to side with those that feel there is a true cause and true issue at play here, not a group that just feels slighted over something that many didn't even really care about two years ago most likely or didn't even realize that NFL players even coming out for the anthem didn't actually start until around 2009. And a large group of them didn't actually care or pay attention until Trump went to Alabama and ripped the NFL in one of his rallies. It strikes me as faux, contrived outrage at this point.

In this case, I just think those screaming about respect for the flag have shown far more hypocrisy here. For example, when the story broke that Alejandro Villenueva came out and stood for the anthem by himself, the flag crowd propped him up as a hero. Two days later, he comes out and essentially says that he has no issues with that form of protest and that he's not buying the angle being played that protesting during the anthem is disrespectful to the military. Suddenly, all those touting him a hero suddenly didn't want to talk about him.

I don't buy any of the arguments that it makes our country weaker. I don't buy the notion that it's disrespectful to the military. I'll always buy the belief that one has the right to protest as they see fit as long as it's peaceful and doesn't break a law. So if people want to kneel for the flag, have at it. And if people want to boycott the NFL over it, have at it. I just don't understand that point of view for the reasons listed above.


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Again, I didn't say that.

I said that the protest started to gain steam/legs when the Mike Brown death occurred.

Shortly thereafter, the St. Louis Rams players held a protest with their hands up in the air further perpetuating the lie of Mike Brown's death and the NFL and the Rams allowed for it to happen.

And Mike Brown is still cited as a 'senseless killing' by the protesters.

The problem is that you don't have proof of institutional racism causing police brutality against minorities.

As I've said a million times and nobody is willing to address it.

Black cops are more likely to shoot black suspects than white cops.

White criminals are more likely to be shot and killed by cops than black criminals.

Asians are the least likely ethnic group in this country to be shot by police.

Just because you claim that there's institutional racism in law enforcement doesn't make it so.

For all of the talk about this...9 unarmed black people have been killed this year...out of 37 million blacks in this country.


Guess what? The Rams were wrong. I said so at the time.

Racial profiling exists. To deny that is just absurd.


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Do you thank god everyday? You should.

Some of us are old enough to remember doing the " pledge of alligence in grade school"

Bit by bit this has been torn down by special interests etc, and I doubt its even done today in any form for the fear of offending someone.

How far the mighty have fallen.


In 1954, in response to the Communist threat of the times, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words "under God," creating the 31-word pledge we say today

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


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The NFL needs to understand it was never NFL vs. Donald Trump. Who conned these players and owners into imagining that their dispute was with Trump? . To the NFL Players: If you think standing with your arms locked together in “unity” during the National Anthem will work, it won’t. It sends the exact same message as kneeling does. We want to see EVERY player standing with his hand over his heart.
Step 1 is to fire Roger Goodell. Then, the NFL needs to apologize to the fans and stop this unpatriotic, treasonous behavior at once. If the NFL management can refuse to allow players to show respect for the assassinated five Dallas Police Officers murdered because of Political Correctness, they can stop this genuine disrespectful behavior as well


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WHAT?? Why do people feel to need to constantly make up lies about Trump? Dislike him all you want (I'm certainly not a fan), but at least use facts and reality.

He insulted that family because they insulted him. Period. Just because their son died does not give them carte blanche freedom to just attack whoever they want free from criticism. The irony of them holding up the Constitution, asking if he had read it, at the DNC convention was hysterical.

LOL. Facts?

They didn't insult him. The father gave a speech at the DNC criticizing Trump for how he spoke about Muslims in general. He never said anything insulting about Trump other than criticized him for smearing Muslims and the implication that Muslims haven't sacrificed for this country and wondered if Trump ever read the Constitution (which despite his claims, I believe there is a strong chance Trump actually has never read the full Constitution). Then Trump goes on TV and insinuates the mother can't speak for herself because you know, Muslims treat women poorly.


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The NFL needs to understand it was never NFL vs. Donald Trump. Who conned these players and owners into imagining that their dispute was with Trump? . To the NFL Players: If you think standing with your arms locked together in “unity” during the National Anthem will work, it won’t. It sends the exact same message as kneeling does. We want to see EVERY player standing with his hand over his heart.
Step 1 is to fire Roger Goodell. Then, the NFL needs to apologize to the fans and stop this unpatriotic, treasonous behavior at once. If the NFL management can refuse to allow players to show respect for the assassinated five Dallas Police Officers murdered because of Political Correctness, they can stop this genuine disrespectful behavior as well

To those who asked what my issues are with those who have issues with this, here is a good example of the ridiculous and over the top reactions by some.

Treasonous? LOL.

And guess what, this is actually about Trump, partially, at this point. When Trump went out and called NFL players SOBs, he made it about him versus the NFL. I mean in reality, if Trump never opens his mouth, the number of protestors at NFL games is minimal and most people not outraged or supportive wouldn't even be paying attention.
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I understand people hold it sacred.

However, that feeling is strange to me. Largely because in the end, how have their lives changed because of this? How has this affected their every day lives? On one side, you have people using this as a way to bring awareness to a social problem that I believe exists (granted, not to the extent the fringe might want one to believe) and on the other side, you have people who basically are claiming their feelings are hurt. In matters like this, I am going to side with those that feel there is a true cause and true issue at play here, not a group that just feels slighted over something that many didn't even really care about two years ago most likely or didn't even realize that NFL players even coming out for the anthem didn't actually start until around 2009. And a large group of them didn't actually care or pay attention until Trump went to Alabama and ripped the NFL in one of his rallies. It strikes me as faux, contrived outrage at this point.

In this case, I just think those screaming about respect for the flag have shown far more hypocrisy here. For example, when the story broke that Alejandro Villenueva came out and stood for the anthem by himself, the flag crowd propped him up as a hero. Two days later, he comes out and essentially says that he has no issues with that form of protest and that he's not buying the angle being played that protesting during the anthem is disrespectful to the military. Suddenly, all those touting him a hero suddenly didn't want to talk about him.

I don't buy any of the arguments that it makes our country weaker. I don't buy the notion that it's disrespectful to the military. I'll always buy the belief that one has the right to protest as they see fit as long as it's peaceful and doesn't break a law. So if people want to kneel for the flag, have at it. And if people want to boycott the NFL over it, have at it. I just don't understand that point of view for the reasons listed above.

got basically you're aware people hold the flag/anthem sacred but you don't understand or respect their reasons why. In short, you believe it's fabricated patriotism. So I then go back to what I originally wrote................sigh
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