11 Ways to Improve Soccer

peplaw06 said:
What is the "magic number" of clips I have to see to know I don't like a program?? Completely subjective... thus my opinion is warranted. You know what they say... Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. (Well, Bush would something like "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice......... BUT WE CAN'T GET FOOLED AGAIN!!":laugh1:) Well I've seen it come from him twice, that's enough. I would venture a guess that you don't notice the political jabs, because you largely agree with his shots, just like you guessed I thought Coulter made sense.

Or you could evaluate the show on the content that makes up 99.9999% of the material. Instead you think the show is crap because of two comments you heard that didn't jibe with your politics.

Tell me, do you also avoid the films of Sean Penn?

peplaw06 said:
The numbers I provided are of minorities competing. Same thing, but no love. I am aware of the French roster, but they are largely the exception of the European teams.

Many of the Euro teams have non-White players -- Hell, the entire Spanish team is Hispanic.
abersonc said:
Or you could evaluate the show on the content that makes up 99.9999% of the material. Instead you think the show is crap because of two comments you heard that didn't jibe with your politics.

Tell me, do you also avoid the films of Sean Penn?

I never said the show is crap. I just don't like Gumbel. As you've stated I don't know anything about the show. And I think I may have seen a handful of Penn movies. I don't avoid them per se, but I don't seek them out or make an effort to watch them. I think the last one I saw was Mystic River or 21 Grams.... The only other one I remember is Fast Times.

And there's a distinct difference... I haven't seen a Penn movie that takes blatant political shots. If I did, I probably wouldn't watch it either. If I had to avoid every movie because of what a person's politics are OUTSIDE the movie, I wouldn't get to watch anything. But if you blatantly beat me over the head with it, I won't watch it. Part of my power as the customer... the power of the dollar.

Many of the Euro teams have non-White players -- Hell, the entire Spanish team is Hispanic.

Wow thanks Captain Obvious. This may be your weakest argument yet. We're talking about minorities and racism here. Clearly the Spanish fans and coaches aren't going to be racist towards Spaniards, because they're the majority. I shouldn't have to explain that to you.... you know this is a lame offering.
peplaw06 said:
I never said the show is crap. I just don't like Gumbel. As you've stated I don't know anything about the show. And I think I may have seen a handful of Penn movies. I don't avoid them per se, but I don't seek them out or make an effort to watch them. I think the last one I saw was Mystic River or 21 Grams.... The only other one I remember is Fast Times.

And there's a distinct difference... I haven't seen a Penn movie that takes blatant political shots. If I did, I probably wouldn't watch it either. If I had to avoid every movie because of what a person's politics are OUTSIDE the movie, I wouldn't get to watch anything. But if you blatantly beat me over the head with it, I won't watch it. Part of my power as the customer... the power of the dollar.

just admit that the difference is that Gumble is black and Penn is white and I'll let you go.

How about Gibson? He took some serious shots against Jews in a recent film. That bother you? It pissed me off.

Wow thanks Captain Obvious. This may be your weakest argument yet. We're talking about minorities and racism here. Clearly the Spanish fans and coaches aren't going to be racist towards Spaniards, because they're the majority. I shouldn't have to explain that to you.... you know this is a lame offering.[/QUOTE]

dude. it was a joke. obviously that team is Hispanic b/c one of the meanings of Hispanic is Spanish-speaking
abersonc said:
just admit that the difference is that Gumble is black and Penn is white and I'll let you go.


When all else fails, call me a racist. I love it.

I never said I liked Sean Penn, you just assumed that. I don't like him either. And I haven't seen a movie of his EVER in the theater. I only saw them on TV or rented them. There's another reason I don't watch Real Sports... I don't have HBO. I've also seen plenty of things Gumbel has done on TV, simply because I don't watch Real Sports I'm a racist. Genius. I really hope you're joking. That's the only explanation I can come up with.

How about Gibson? He took some serious shots against Jews in a recent film. That bother you? It pissed me off.

I assume the movie you're referring to is The Passion. How did he take "shots" against the Jews?? Did he put things in there that weren't true that evidenced a bias against Jews? I do remember however all the worry that Anti-Semitic groups would take advantage of the movie. I never saw or heard about any of that actually occurring, but I remember the fears.

And did you see the movie? Do you avoid Mel Gibson movies? If not, does that make you a hypocrite?
peplaw06 said:
There's another reason I don't watch Real Sports... I don't have HBO. I've also seen plenty of things Gumbel has done on TV, simply because I don't watch Real Sports I'm a racist.

That's funny -- you made it sound like you were making some sort of choice by not watching RS. Again, you haven't seen enough of the show to make an evaluation

peplaw06 said:
I assume the movie you're referring to is The Passion. How did he take "shots" against the Jews?? Did he put things in there that weren't true that evidenced a bias against Jews? I do remember however all the worry that Anti-Semitic groups would take advantage of the movie. I never saw or heard about any of that actually occurring, but I remember the fears.

And did you see the movie? Do you avoid Mel Gibson movies? If not, does that make you a hypocrite?

Yes, I did see the movie and I was very conficted about it -- I wanted to see if the anti-semetic stuff was true but I really didn't want to put $$ in his pocket.

There was lots of stuff in that movie that was fiction -- like any movie -- and much of the fictional stuff portrayed Jews in a negative light, e.g., the jewish guards pressing Judas to betray Jesus. Just because anti-semitic groups didn't latch on to the movie doesn't mean it did not have a negative effect. For example, now lots of people believe that things that may or may not be true are facts.
abersonc said:
That's funny -- you made it sound like you were making some sort of choice by not watching RS. Again, you haven't seen enough of the show to make an evaluation
Again, that's your opinion. If I want to make an evaluation on it that's my prerogative. And I have made a choice... If I had HBO I wouldn't watch it.

Yes, I did see the movie and I was very conficted about it -- I wanted to see if the anti-semetic stuff was true but I really didn't want to put $$ in his pocket.
So you question my watching a few Penn movies, because I don't agree with him politically. And then you call me racist. Then you watch a Gibson movie, though you obviously don't agree with him politically... I'll ask you again, doesn't that make you a hypocrite?

There was lots of stuff in that movie that was fiction -- like any movie -- and much of the fictional stuff portrayed Jews in a negative light, e.g., the jewish guards pressing Judas to betray Jesus. Just because anti-semitic groups didn't latch on to the movie doesn't mean it did not have a negative effect. For example, now lots of people believe that things that may or may not be true are facts.
Forgive me, I forget reading anything in the Bible about how the Jewish guards pressed Judas into betraying Jesus. Do you know for a fact that this didn't happen? Jesus knew he was going to be betrayed, he told his disciples that one of them would betray him. When he told them that they all asked him, "Lord, is it I?" Even Judas. Meaning he had to have someone convince him along the way. Plus the Jews paid Judas money... that probably means Judas needed some convincing. So how do you know it didn't happen? I asked if there were things that you know of that weren't true that could be construed as Anti-Semitic.

As for the fallout from the movie, of course the movie COULD HAVE had a negative effect. Sometimes perfectly innocent things still have negative effects in perverted minds. That doesn't mean that we have to avoid everything that may have a possible negative effect.
peplaw06 said:
So you question my watching a few Penn movies, because I don't agree with him politically. And then you call me racist. Then you watch a Gibson movie, though you obviously don't agree with him politically... I'll ask you again, doesn't that make you a hypocrite?

Yes, it certainly does -- but let's be realistic -- I'm a hypocrite either way a) I don't actually see the movie but say it is anti-semitic or b) I pay to see the movie to make a fair judgement or even c) don't see the movie b/c I've heard it is anti-semetic.

peplaw06 said:
Forgive me, I forget reading anything in the Bible about how the Jewish guards pressed Judas into betraying Jesus. Do you know for a fact that this didn't happen?

Of course I don't -- if it wasn't in the bible though then why exactly would Gibson put it in the movie? Lots of different ways to spin that story and here, and elsewhere, he choose to place blame on one group.
abersonc said:
The sport is more important to me because this is a WORLD event -- not some psuedo-world event like the World series. These are the best players in the world competing for their countries. Unlike, say Olypmic basketball, where many players are too selfish to represent their country.

This is a major event that happens once every four years. That's why folks get energized by it -- however without quality play to watch in this country it is easy to see why fans don't get excited. The MLS sucks -- I wouldn't expect anyone to watch it. The European leagues are great but it is bit much to expect that fans would watch those games.

Frankly, US fans aren't going to get into soccer until there is a US superstar on the level of David Beckham - we get a guy who the men want to be and the ladies want to be with as the face of US soccer and you'll see a huge craze.
I actually tried to get into this sport this time. I watched four games, but quickly lost interest. The sport is almost as boring as baseball.

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