12 Things about pop music that should make you cringe

This guy puts Led Zeppelin, REM, and Depeche Mode in the same sentence and wonders about other people's tastes in music?
Zaxor;4476410 said:
I guess my music collection stops when I joined the service in 1981 except for an album by Springsteen in 1984 might have a few newer songs but if so it ain't many and now when I listen to music I go to internet radio and listen to a best hits radio sender from the 50's 60's 70's or liveireland life is great.
I used to only listen to a classic rock station here in town until a new station started up a couple years ago that plays classic rock/rock and I found out I was missing out on a lot of really good newer music. My kids had been trying to tell me that for years.
SaltwaterServr;4477220 said:
Jeez. No kidding. When I heard the Jonas Brothers sing on our Thanksgiving game a few years back I thought there was an audio problem with the TV. They absolutely sucked in every conceivable way imaginable.
That's because the Jonas Brothers do actually suck, they are a Disney construction. Say what you will about the music Bieber produces (I certainly don't like it lol), but he's gotten to where he is because he has is a really talented kid.
BrAinPaiNt;4476071 said:
You forgot another big factor. MTV.
What does a cable network that shows nothing but reality shows have to do with it?
Sam I Am;4476035 said:
There is an obvious answer to these. Back when most of the songs / albums / singers that were compared were top hits, there wasn't near as many people who owned the ability to play music around the world not to mention world population has increased substantiated since then..

The Walkman in the 80s started the real music boom. Then the CD in the 90s and the MP3s in the 2000s. That is where the real growth in music sales started. Each one was bigger than the previous one. The Beattles basically had to sell everything on vinyl. Not everyone had record players back then. Today, every house of four has four portable music players not to mention usually a few other ways to play music too.
thank you for making sense, i was just coming to say all the same things.

but the last two still suck
speedkilz88;4477387 said:
What does a cable network that shows nothing but reality shows have to do with it?
Well, it was originally a music network :laugh2:
big dog cowboy;4477269 said:
Unlike that list, this thread is full of win.

I have to agree with you on that one.

The list is pretty silly and pathetic.

This thread is good stuff to read.
These days you have to actually look for good music. There is plenty of great bands.You have to make an effort by listening to college radio,searching on net,etc... The problem is the A and R suits who pick what is to be played. Its sad.
jimmy40;4477272 said:
This guy puts Led Zeppelin, REM, and Depeche Mode in the same sentence and wonders about other people's tastes in music?
Obviously Led Zep is way above the other 2 however both REM and Depeche Mode are great bands for their styles.
Sam I Am;4476035 said:
There is an obvious answer to these. Back when most of the songs / albums / singers that were compared were top hits, there wasn't near as many people who owned the ability to play music around the world not to mention world population has increased substantiated since then..

The Walkman in the 80s started the real music boom. Then the CD in the 90s and the MP3s in the 2000s. That is where the real growth in music sales started. Each one was bigger than the previous one. The Beattles basically had to sell everything on vinyl. Not everyone had record players back then. Today, every house of four has four portable music players not to mention usually a few other ways to play music too.

Yeah, the whole "X artist has sold more than X artist" is a stupid point to look at.
cajuncocoa;4478085 said:

Lot of truth in that... most music today features beat rather than lyrics...
Zaxor;4477242 said:
Arch my friend maybe we are getting old...or maybe its just that the world around us is getting younger

Zax, I think we're getting old. Fortunately some of the old classic rock music gets remastered. :)
Some pretty dumb comparisons. Streisand has been releasing records since the early 1960's, and she's one of the most talented entertainers of the 20th century.
Zaxor;4477242 said:
Arch my friend maybe we are getting old...or maybe its just that the world around us is getting younger

Zax, I wore my vinyl copy out of this album. I've just got back to listening to it. As a kid my friend and I would go through his brothers' collection. He had money! We'd just pick a couple out and play them. Some were a bit odd but some, like this one, was just magical when I heard it first time.


Here is another we'd wind the sound up on....


Good times.
Depeche Mode is my favorite band of all-time. I don't hate on Rihanna, but man, DP has been around for 20+ years. That won't happen for Rihanna, since pop music is made to be USED UP and thrown away.

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