2009 COWBOYSZONE Awards! *Complete Winners List | Post 421*

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Romo2Roy4six;2815728 said:
yay i have not been picked for any yet:D
There's only been 3 awards; I'm sure you'll get a nomination sooner or later. I'm already going to nominate you for best signature, if it's any consolation :cool:
The Tony Romo Award, for the best use of Smiley's:
1. DCfanatic
2. DallasEast
3. YoMick

The Eagles Suck Award for Best Non-Cowboys fan Poster
1. Tom [Giants Fan]
2. FloridaRob
3. Skinsmaniac

The Orlando Scandrick Award for Best Rookie Poster (must have a join date of later than June 15, 2008)
1. 41gy#
2. daschoo
3. SLATEmosphere
Eldorado;2815757 said:
There's only been 3 awards; I'm sure you'll get a nomination sooner or later. I'm already going to nominate you for best signature, if it's any consolation :cool:

thanks. i was joking but i would be honored for anything. kinda lets you know that people know who you are.:D
Are we gonna have the voting on the main forum?? It would be a much better turnout.

Alright guys, it's finally here! Round 1 voting starts tonight, it will end officially tomorrow night at 10PM EST!! I did not know that this website did not allow for polls, so I'll do it the hard way. Here are your 3 nominee's for each award!

The Tony Romo Award, for the best use of Smiley's [ Click here to vote in this category]:
1. 5Stars
2. DallasEast
3. DCFanatic

The Eagles Suck Award for Best Non-Cowboys fan Poster [ Click here to vote in this category]

1. Skinsmanic
2. Tom [Giants Fan]
3. Pheonix Tallon

The Orlando Scandrick Award for Best Rookie Poster (must have a join date of later than June 15, 2008) [ Click here to vote in this category]

1. SLATEmosphere
2. Four
3. casmith07

If you have not nominated, you're more than welcome to vote. Nominations will always be held in the Members Zone, you can view the thread that explains it all here

GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE NOMINEES!! HAPPY VOTING! (you ARE allowed to vote for yourself, just not allowed to nominate yourself!)
OK GUYS! Voting has started!!


please keep the thread near the top, my only qualms with putting it in the FanZone was that it would get lost... but it won't if I can get a mod to sticky or if you guys keep it bumped to the top!

(The fact that this forum doesn't have a "poll" option is making this rather difficult!!!! )
Eldorado;2817589 said:
OK GUYS! Voting has started!!


please keep the thread near the top, my only qualms with putting it in the FanZone was that it would get lost... but it won't if I can get a mod to sticky or if you guys keep it bumped to the top!

(The fact that this forum doesn't have a "poll" option is making this rather difficult!!!! )

It does have a poll feature, but I believe you have to be a "zone supporter to enable it. I'm not sure, but I think you can get one of the moderators to hook it up.
The forum does have a poll option, maybe one of the mods can set it up for you.
The Tony Romo Award, for the best use of Smiley's:
1. 5Stars

The Eagles Suck Award for Best Non-Cowboys fan Poster
1. Pheonix Tallon

The Orlando Scandrick Award for Best Rookie Poster (must have a join date of later than June 15, 2008)
1. SLATEmosphere

Vote for one of the official nominees!


Voting ends June 21st at 10 pm EST

Vote for one of the official nominees!

Tom [Giants Fan]

Voting ends June 21st at 10 pm EST
(must have a join date of later than June 15, 2008)

Vote for one of the official nominees!


Voting ends June 21st at 10 pm EST
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