Maybe teh Freebirds, after that really. I am sorry but it should be about accomplishments. What is Marty Jannety know for oh yeah Shawn Michaels Partner with the Rockers oh and being kicked through a plate glass window by Shawn Michaels. I wonder if Shawn has some dirt on the WWE seems a lot of his friends are making it in. Owen Hart, maybe he did have nice run up til his death, but the Blue Blazer thing while I understand why they did it...
Gary Hart should definitely be in there. He was easily a top-5 manager of all time and IMO, only second to Heenan (although Cornette is close).
He was a draw as a manager because he could work in the ring and was enough to get the '5 minutes with Gary Hart if his wrestler loses' stipulation.
He was also a fantastic booker of World Class in the 80's and helped propel them to international prominence in the 80's. The only problem with Gary Hart is that he never worked for the McMahon's. But, they've take others that never worked for the McMahon's and put them in the HoF.
Stan Hansen was a huge draw in Japan and also drew in St. Louis when it was the largest wrestling city in the country.
The Freebirds should be in, although Michael PS Hayes is the only one that remains. I will always have the argument that Michael Hayes may have been the greatest mic worker in wrestling. His ability to work both heel and face on the mic and show a large variety of emotion along with his ability to use the mic to draw fans to the show was incredible.