Twitter: 25 yr old woman suing Jerry Jones

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Jerry is and was emotionally involved with the Gene 3 before this kid was ever conceived.

That doesnt include what Jerry may have or may not have promised the Gene 3 for years. I AM ASSUMING...but I bet Jerry has spent much time with the Gene 3 before all this happened. He had a lot invested with them.

You can claim Jerry abandoned ol' girl and could have included her yada yada yada...

What I am saying is that Jerry has built and Empire for all we know with all intentions of giving it to the Gene 3...the kids he planned for and intended on having.

Im not trying to abbreviate this girls value...but I dont think its reasonable to take away a large chunk of the Gene 3's inheritance for a child Jerry had no say so in birthing when there were alternatives available. When I say large chunk...Im talking equal distribution amongst the 4 known children.

Should the kid get something reasonable? Sure. Equal seat at the table? Nah. And she should blame her mom for that. Jerry and the Gene 3 shouldnt take an unreasonable financial kick in the nuts because some lady trapped Jerry. Thats not unfair or unreasonable. Couldnt care less what the courts think. far as the Cowboys side of the Empire...Charlotte, Stephen and Jerry Jr have worked on building that Empire for years. And this kid just gets to have equal share in that too? Unreasonable.

Please come back with something more reasonable.

I never claimed Jerruh abondoned ol’ girl and I never said the mom wasn’t at fault. You keep insinuating the Mom is the real problem and Jerry was maliciously trapped by her. That’s a pretty crappy position you have there. This wasn’t a one night stand by the least. Another thing, have you ever planned a child and tried to get someone pregnant? I tell you what, it ain’t easy. Jerruh didn’t just venture out into the rain without his umbrella one time. I can assure you that.
this topic is 57 pages....well color me surprised..... abillionaire, who likes pretty women, cheated on his wife and has a love child....when would that stuff ever happen!!!
Can the simulation give me a reasonable answer why it wants to portray sex/pleasure as bad or a very risky game? And why it is symbolically suggesting mothers can do whatever they want?

Power. Control. Rah.

Lets give males a stick that has really really pleasurable feelings...and then send them to purgatory for using the stick. Very reasonable, simulation. Creative. fair.
No repercussions for the mother, the girl gets equal spot at the table and Jerry gets no reasonable say so in the matter.

You all are defending that?

Lets have a round of applause.
But that makes all the difference in why he paid hush money. If you want to parade around that this is normal legal child support behavior , go right ahead. Lol

What you’re avoiding here is Jethro hadn’t legally been determined he’s the father and was under no legal obligation to support the girl or her mother.

Please quote my post where I said this was normal behavior. Normal means it happens all the time.. im not aware of many "Normal," people that could do what Jerry did. I just laugh at all the "Normal," people who bash what the rich do. Ypui mean the rich do things like pay to get their kid into a top university? Oh the horror, im shocked! The rich dont do anything like the rest of us. I dont lose any sleep over that fact. It is what it is.

Im avoiding? cmon... pay attention if you are going to tell me what I am or am not doing.
Please quote my post where I said this was normal behavior. Normal means it happens all the time.. im not aware of many "Normal," people that could do what Jerry did. I just laugh at all the "Normal," people who bash what the rich do. Ypui mean the rich do things like pay to get their kid into a top university? Oh the horror, im shocked! The rich dont do anything like the rest of us. I dont lose any sleep over that fact. It is what it is.

Im avoiding? cmon... pay attention if you are going to tell me what I am or am not doing.
This is certainly how it’s coming off like you’re attempting to normalize his behavior of paying hush money is like paying child support.

If you want to defend Jethro’s actions here go right ahead. I’m good with letting public opinion arrive at their own conclusions .
This is certainly how it’s coming off like you’re attempting to normalize his behavior of paying hush money is like paying child support.

If you want to defend Jethro’s actions here go right ahead. I’m good with letting public opinion arrive at their own conclusions .

Its all fake.
This is certainly how it’s coming off like you’re attempting to normalize his behavior of paying hush money is like paying child support.

If you want to defend Jethro’s actions here go right ahead. I’m good with letting public opinion arrive at their own conclusions .

And youre attempting to normalize having trap babies.


See how that game is played, player.

I slay.
A. Complete. Massacre.

Deflect attention away from being reasonable by changing the subject or attacking me or devaluing me.

Are you proud of yourselves?
The original settlement was signed and agreed to by the mother.

Now, the darling daughter wants in on the bonanza?!
Betcha the courts won't honor that. :grin:
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