Not how it works its across a fulltime period not Cherry pickling, got it..i mean only TWO teams still only have more sb wins then us after this drought. its not big deal as fans make it ok, drama much?? why haven't they all caught up and past ups since SBs grow on trees. took KC 51 years between wins, Bengles 31 years between losses and still no bowls, eagles took 60 years to get 1 win..ya think it might be just how it is, they come in cycles, they cant be bought no blueprint, no one way to achieve it, it just has to catch fire one year.
good try though my timeline was real not cherry-picked Jerry still got 3 in his tenure,, whats better to have won ONE every 10 years to make 3 and somehow changes the math..thats a fan thing.. please stop whining. it is part of what sports teams go through. been some other pro sports teams that waited what 80-100 years for finally breaking through, called it a curse.,. 28 is a toddler compared to that,.
ironic 3 Pro sports teams in DFW Rangers 0 since 1970; Mavs 1since whenever they began 70s?; Stars 1 since the 1993s, Yet Jerry this oddball won't hire a real GM has 3 since 1989 regardless of the math-gymnastics you try to pull..
he bacisally came in and did more in 5 years then 3 other sports franchises combines in DFW.. crazy huh??? its called ring credit IMHO hes got the skins to wait, apparently the rest of the NFL is still playing catch-up after 28years of drought and till cant quite take the DC out in rings and well Landry era mr.bright only got 2..
ironic its about rings but Jerry got them too quick? should have spread them out make fans feel one every decade-=3 or 3 in 6 years oops too fast not good enough. Its a different 3? 3 doesn't = 3 when fans hate jerry the GM
im betting Texans/oilers would luv one in their existence. how long has it been for the bills to get back, 9ers to add another? Washington drought?