CFZ 30 Years: 1966-1995

There is no other order there was only one person in this equation they came up with the idea to buy the Dallas Cowboys in 1989 and won the ownership into the NFL and decided to go to his friend Jimmy to coach the team that's it that's the order of things it doesn't ever happen ever happen do you not understand whatever never happen Jimmy Johnson would not have three Super Bowls without his friend from college coming to him and hiring him that means Jerry gets more credit because he had to fire Tom Landry he had to buy the Dallas Cowboys

you trying to tell me that Jimmy Johnson somehow came up with the idea to buy the Dallas Cowboys came up with the money and then hired himself fired Landry then realized Oh my God I don't have an owner I better get Jerry Jones to own the team? Are you telling me that the Dallas Cowboys and Tom Landry decided to call Jimmy and say you know what I'm gonna fire myself and sell the team and you're gonna be the next coach of the Dallas Cowboys is that what you're trying to tell me the story has morphed into the fact that there is only one order the order is Jerry's dream was to own an NFL team and he wanted to own the Dallas Cowboys he made it happen he hired his buddy history has been made there is no other order in history they work together to get the Super bowls but now that jimmy'z gone Jerry still gets to own the credit because without him there would have not been three more Super Bowls is that too hard headed and stubborn of you to admit because you don't like the guy it still was Jerry's idea to buy the Cowboys without Jerry there is no Jimmy in the NFL as a Dallas cowboy head coach and you can't tell me even if somehow it happened 10 years later that somehow Jimmy would have still won three Super Bowls without Jerry because history was gonna give Jimmy the Super bowls no matter what happened you all are high and some of your little buddies up there sticking up for you that I all have on ignore because I find them tired like I'm I'm getting that you should be able to fight your own battles there is no shield here except for the people who are delusional that thinks that Jimmy Johnson hired himself then the order was he decided to hire Jerry and make him sit in an office and do nothing and have no credit for the Super bowls that's what you want me to believe? End of story if that's how you feel you need some hard drugs to get you off of your delusional ports because there's only one order in this story you can't change it Jimmy Johnson would have never been the Dallas Cowboys head coach and even if somehow down the road he did if Jerry didn't end up being the owner of the Cowboys he still wouldn't have three Super Bowls here because that's not how history works

now it's time to say goodbye to you as well because I don't have discussions with delusional people if you're gonna say it's all Jimmy that jimmy'z Super Bowls somehow that sit in jimmy's house oh wait they sit up at the offices of the Dallas Cowboys that are owned it built by 1 Jerry Jones now called the star an AT&T stadium which had nothing to do with Jimmy or Landry those are Jerrry's lombardis even though he hired people just the same way that Apple and Samsung and Amazon hire engineers and employees to run their company but it never would have happened without their idea and drive and dream they made come true if you think otherwise that's the issue somehow the low end low hanging fruit and CEO's of all these big Fortune 500 companies now get all the credit for all the big inventions and all that and the owner just happened to get lucky :facepalm:
I guess you think by writing a book it makes your point better. lol If Jerry would have stayed as he was back in the early 90's this team would be more successful. I'll give him credit for hiring Jimmy. I always did that but he tore it down. The Cowboys probably would have won more SBs if he would have stayed out of the way. It doesn't matter because I don't live back in the 90's anymore. All I care about is the present and the last 27 years is all the proof I need to have to know he's been a mediocre GM. He wants the credit for success then he needs to take the blame for the failures.
Well we've been paying for it ever since. And Jimmy might have been an employee but he acted as the Cowboys GM. If Jerry would have stayed out of the way and continued to hire quality coaches maybe we could have been the NE Patriots of this century. I enjoyed those SBs when they happened but you know what? I don't really care any more. I was 30 years old the last time the Cowboys were relevant and I never thought in a million years I'd be heading to 60 and we have never come close to a title game since. Jerry knows it's true too because Jimmy would have been in the ROH years ago if Jerry had thought differently. Wasted the talents of many great players while Jerry played with his toy.
You can say that all you want be unhappy that's up to you but there are a lot of fans for a lot of teams you want me to have to go back from 4 hours ago and mention how the Kansas City chief took 51 years between there Super Bowl appearances and wins I'm betting the Kansas City Chiefs fans we're somewhat impatient but they finally got another one and now they're on another run but 51 years of changing coaches and changing GM's that still took 51 years you're saying it somehow Jerry would have kept Jimmy no Jimmy was gonna leave we all know this there is no way jimmy'z here past 1997 regardless of the breakup or not and I find it hard to believe that he would have not done exactly what switzer did probably lose one and win one yes they were jimmy'z assembled teams that's what I'm saying but I think he was leaving anyway bill Parcells it's the same way he never stays in an organization very long and the fact is Jimmy Johnson went to Miami and didn't win a championship so let's stop saying it's because Jerry doesn't hire enough GM's or enough people because again it took the Eagles 60 years with a lot of GM's a couple ownerships and many head coaches to win one damn Super Bowl coming to you it's magic in a bottle just hire a GM and things would have been different

that's not the case again like I said four hours ago there are only two teams that have more Super Bowls than the Dallas Cowboys and the fact that the Dallas Cowboys are third on the list is because Jerry hired Jimmy Jerry bought the team those are Jerry Super Bowls and other teams waited longer there are some teams that have no Super Bowl wins or no Super Bowl appearances it happens it's part of sports the fact is people are spoiled Jerry gave you three Super Bowls and now you think it's been too long without context that their NFL is simply like this sports are like this teams wait 80 years to get a championship ring I keep having to say the same thing over and over and it doesn't sync in with you be unhappy we don't know that if Jerry would have hired another GM or fired four GM's in the last 30 years since Jimmy that we would have another ring we don't know this because we see it around the NFL if that was the magic pill just hire a couple GM's and you're in no there are many GM's that fail all the time fired all the time there are teams with 17 first round picks over a decade can't find a quarterback can't win they got 0- 16

h oh but then after they go oh it's 16 it looks like they're turning the corner they get a new owner and a new GM then they finally think they got a quarterback but then they're just average they still don't go to A championship game they still don't go to a Super Bowl nothing's changed they still don't even have a quarterback there's a teams this is the cycle of the NFL you can think however you want but I'm gonna be the person who is also wanting another Super Bowl but have to remind you that this is pretty much the cycle of sports people I think get used to those three Super Bowls happening so fast and then they watch what New England did and now they're watching what Kansas City did but don't remember Kansas City took 51 years to flip it around in New England doesn't look the same without Tom Brady neither does Bill Belichick even though he's a really good coach he was a great coach because the owner made him keep Tom Brady longer than he wanted we all know the story I mean this dude wanted Jimmy garoppolo or that other Jacobi verset he they thought Tom Brady was done he didn't want Tom Brady anymore and yet the owner went over his head and made him keep Tom Brady a few more years and got another Super Bowl and guess what Bill Belichick finally got his way and now what now he's back trying again but yet the Cowboys are still third on that list because no team is stacking up Super Bowls so fast and so regularly that they've taken over so this 30 years you're tired of it's a cycle we all wish we could be back to another championship game in another Super Bowl but until then we just have to watch the games and hope we catch fire
I guess you think by writing a book it makes your point better. lol If Jerry would have stayed as he was back in the early 90's this team would be more successful. I'll give him credit for hiring Jimmy. I always did that but he tore it down. The Cowboys probably would have won more SBs if he would have stayed out of the way. It doesn't matter because I don't live back in the 90's anymore. All I care about is the present and the last 27 years is all the proof I need to have to know he's been a mediocre GM. He wants the credit for success then he needs to take the blame for the failures.
It's not a book I'm writing it's called text to talk and it's dangerous isn't it I can sit here and talk to you like we're sitting at a bar having a debate over a beer instead of worrying about is it Twitter and I can only have 100 characters that's it this is my last one so I just wanted to remind you that we don't have to type we could just talk and it types for us and even though sometimes it's a run on sentence I don't care because I get to get it all off my chest your buddies are calling me a shill and yet they're the ones who don't realize that Jerry Jones hired Jimmy Johnson or there wouldn't be any of those three Super Bowls of course Jimmy was a big part of it he was a major part of it but he never would have been in the NFL as a Dallas cowboy head coach without Jerry that's why Jerry gets to have a bigger say and again Jimmy wasn't gonna probably coach past 1997 he gets bored he likes the new challenge we probably still would have only had the three Super Bowls and hiring a GM is not a magic pill we all wish we can prove that theory and maybe had three GM since because you guys want Jerry accountable because he can't fire himself and yeah I just went over it there are many teams that have fired five GM's that have two ownership changes and still can't get to a Super Bowl or win a Super Bowl there is no magic pill

look and I know this is hard to believe I'm not even a fan of Jerry Jones I don't care who owns the team matter of fact I don't even care who coaches the team I'm just a realist and I also have common sense and I see what's going around the NFL and I've already mentioned it too many times there's no magic pill I'm not sure if Jerry did anything different things would have turned out differently nobody knows how that actually works again I am not a fan of Jerry Jones I was just as frustrated at him of how he handled things those 5 to 10 years post switzer but things have changed a lot since then and I'm a Dallas cowboy fan he's happens to be the owner it might be the car that happens to be the head coach and Prescott happens to be the quarterback so I'm gonna support them while they're here
Since that time, 27 seasons have passed.

Cowboys ranked 11th in win percentage of 53.5%

Six coaches, no Super Bowls or NFC championship games

Made the playoffs 12 times

Ranked #1 offense in scoring 1 time

Ranked #1 offense in yardage 2 times

Ranked #1 defense in yardage 1 time.

2 Hall of Famers

169 Pro Bowlers

44 1st team All Pro's

In three less years, the teams in this era had more Pro Bowlers than the era with 8 Super Bowls and 16 NFC championships. How can this be possible?
Not how it works its across a fulltime period not Cherry pickling, got it..i mean only TWO teams still only have more sb wins then us after this drought. its not big deal as fans make it ok, drama much?? why haven't they all caught up and past ups since SBs grow on trees. took KC 51 years between wins, Bengles 31 years between losses and still no bowls, eagles took 60 years to get 1 win..ya think it might be just how it is, they come in cycles, they cant be bought no blueprint, no one way to achieve it, it just has to catch fire one year.

good try though my timeline was real not cherry-picked Jerry still got 3 in his tenure,, whats better to have won ONE every 10 years to make 3 and somehow changes the math..thats a fan thing.. please stop whining. it is part of what sports teams go through. been some other pro sports teams that waited what 80-100 years for finally breaking through, called it a curse.,. 28 is a toddler compared to that,.

ironic 3 Pro sports teams in DFW Rangers 0 since 1970; Mavs 1since whenever they began 70s?; Stars 1 since the 1993s, Yet Jerry this oddball won't hire a real GM has 3 since 1989 regardless of the math-gymnastics you try to pull..

he bacisally came in and did more in 5 years then 3 other sports franchises combines in DFW.. crazy huh??? its called ring credit IMHO hes got the skins to wait, apparently the rest of the NFL is still playing catch-up after 28years of drought and till cant quite take the DC out in rings and well Landry era mr.bright only got 2..

ironic its about rings but Jerry got them too quick? should have spread them out make fans feel one every decade-=3 or 3 in 6 years oops too fast not good enough. Its a different 3? 3 doesn't = 3 when fans hate jerry the GM

im betting Texans/oilers would luv one in their existence. how long has it been for the bills to get back, 9ers to add another? Washington drought?
"Jerry still got 3 in his tenure"

Tenure? As what?

When Jerry gave himself the title of GM he didn't even announce it. When the media found out they absolutely lampooned him. When he was finally cornered with the question as to who the GM was for the Cowboys, I'll never forget his answer. He claimed that the Cowboys had two GM's. I heard it with my own ears.

Everybody knew Jimmy ran the football operations and had complete control. Things fell apart when Jerry began to renege on this arrangement.

After Jimmy left after 1993 it only took four seasons for the team to nosedive to a 6-10 record.

I'm not saying that Jimmy should get 100% of the credit for those three Super Bowls nor am I saying that Jerry deserves zero. I would give Jimmy 60% of the credit, Jerry 10% and Landry/Shramm 20% with the remaining 10% given to good fortune.

Jerry Jones should get credit as the owner for that team that won Super Bowls, but that's not good enough for him. He still wants people to believe that he walked off the oil fields onto a football stadium and, with any prior experience in scouting, analysis, or NFL coaching, became the driving force of that team, like Cowboy fans don't have a shred of common sense.
Tenure? As what?

When Jerry gave himself the title of GM he didn't even announce it. When the media found out they absolutely lampooned him. When he was finally cornered with the question as to who the GM was for the Cowboys, I'll never forget his answer. He claimed that the Cowboys had two GM's. I heard it with my own ears.

Everybody knew Jimmy ran the football operations and had complete control. Things fell apart when Jerry began to renege on this arrangement.

After Jimmy left after 1993 it only took four seasons for the team to nosedive to a 6-10 record.

I'm not saying that Jimmy should get 100% of the credit for those three Super Bowls nor am I saying that Jerry deserves zero. I would give Jimmy 60% of the credit, Jerry 10% and Landry/Shramm 20% with the remaining 10% given to good fortune.

Jerry Jones should get credit as the owner for that team that won Super Bowls, but that's not good enough for him. He still wants people to believe that he walked off the oil fields onto a football stadium and, with any prior experience in scouting, analysis, or NFL coaching, became the driving force of that team, like Cowboy fans don't have a shred of common sense.
you just cant let it go, keep going back to 1999-2005 ancient history and far from the current situation.
Now you did it, hows that record since 2000 , since 2010 now you are allowing the RS w-l to come in how about now last 5years..seems that has not took nose dive its one of the better team regular season win% in the NFL, that not been an issue. they are also one of the best drafting's teams since the 2000s and of late maybe top 1-2 drafting team and producers of their own draft picks playing the most snaps and making the most PBs.

i thought it was post season success we are talking here.. you act like no team that once was great had bad years once those payers aged out and retired.. he made chat ton of mistakes the first 5 years post Switzer no debate from me but no way is he the worst GM in football as those stats say other side. again, no proof firing himself or hiring 5 new gms after some down years would have been magic pill for another NFFCG lets stop this you opened the RS records up and that not been an issue seems lie the league awarded jerry a gold jacket and year in and year out primetime slots still getting top ratings somehow Jerrys been so bad that 30 years later the League is still smelling fumes from Landry and that why they are still popular. must be the uniforms or must be the fact that they are still are relative, have had many years they were contenders, yes fell short , failed and have ben snakebitten but the nonsense around here that who we are in the category of the browns or lions or jets or the 20 years constantly below us trying to just have a winning season and quality for the payoffs is nonsense, its false. Use the playoffs lack of deep runs all you want, been a disappointment. Jerrys Dallas Cowboys have 3 SBs and still one of the top teams in the nfl most years.

looks like BB NE team took nosedive. Bigger changes then when Jimmy left the team got old need a severe rebuild.. things changed A LOT.. the cap, FA, the way players now demand and force trades and hardly loyal. odd and ironic Jimmy never won or got back to another AFCG/ SB and never became a gm, was average in MIA and dint rebuild that team took and aging team to 2-3 playoff record and was meh where were the big trades the genius moves he left wuit like he would have here with a very similar aging team. he would not have rebuilt the DC and continued the dynasty, it was all but over and switzer did what jimmy would have won one more and it was over, after he left much like Big BillP who believed they were great Gms never landed a true GM job outside of a HC with some latitude from the GM/player of personnel. ironic fans only give credit to the Hcs who after leave their great situations with great owners couldn't repeat their success elsewhere. jerry gets 50% credit, cant be any other way. 10% it was a group effort for sure but 10% shows why you can't be unbiased you don't like Jerry and Tang he only gets 10% credit and some people who already were gone off this team and fired get more credit you're insane it's over this debate is over we're not gonna agree Jerry gets 50% of the credit or none of you are ever gonna have credibility in this argument..
Just pathetic. The Jerry minions show their complete contempt for the intelligence of Boys fans.

Some here are like lawyers defending the guilty; carefully cherry picking 'facts' in an attempt to get the guilty off.
Bottom line is that Jerry has FAILED as GM. No other owner in the league would have kept a GM around that did not make a championship game in 27 years.
The Jerry minions keep hiding from reality and think we are stupid enough to quaff the kool aid.
We are not.
It helped a lot not having free agency and a salary cap through most of those years. Free agency and the cap started in 93 and 94. You simply can’t keep a great team together for very long or build great depth with the cap and free agency. The Rams went from winning the Super Bowl from going all in to the basement in the NFC West in one season from having to move on from players.
pre salary cap era the cowboys were the standard. the cowboys just has not navigated the post salary cap era with lombardi success. they have had ecent regular season succes but if the standard is SB theyve beeen lacking. I cant say that it inferiates but ive come to expect a certain level of failure with booger and son. So I just hope and root and move on. Some of yall get too worked up bout it
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