$300 ticket

Joe Rod;3439732 said:
:laugh2: I'm about 14 hours or a flight away, so I will either be out the $300 or be out about $600+ with flight, hotel, etc.! I'm good, we will just go a little cheaper when we are in DC this weekend to make up the cost. It wasn't all bad, I have this to hang over her head for the rest of our lives and she isn't giving me any more grief about my trip at the end of the summer!

ok then, dispute it anyway, then don't show up for the hearing, at least you put off payment for a few months
Here's what you do:

Bill BP for the ticket. Blame it on the oil spill. You had to run from the oil and you got a ticket. Or there was oil on the road and it made you slide and speed up. Go for it. There is a big $20 billion pile of money just sitting around waiting to be claimed.:D
CanadianCowboysFan;3439722 said:
5 over is not even speeding

We are by Kms here and I usually go at least 20 over which is 12 over, sometimes as high as 40.

Most I ever went though was 155kph in a 100zone upcountry. There was noone on the road and I looked down and went NICE

You can get a ticket for 1 over here.
I've gotten out of a reckless driving ticket. One time I needed to get over to the far right lane, and I was late for work, so I let this truck go by and swerved across 2 lanes. Cop pulled me over. But since I'm such a nice guy. He let me off with a warning.
I got pulled over for running a stopsign on Barksdale Afb (2nd in command). He gave me a warning after I acted very surprised by it.

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