35th Anniversary of the Cowboys Purchase by Jerry Jones


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Please stop. I'm not trying anything. I'm weighing if Jerry being owner and Dallas winning 3 SBs in that time is worth the last 30 years of frustration.
My bad.... There are members here who absolutely give Jerry a pass because of the early success Jimmy brought to the franchise, and you are called 'ungrateful' if you complain about the 30 years of failure. Then there are others who say Jerry hasn't failed for 30 years straight because they measure the success of the team solely by their regular season records.

In my opinion Jerry deserves to be crucified for what he has done to the franchise. There is little to nothing he has done over the last 30 years that was done with the fans in mind, it's always about him and his desire for money and attention.


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I'm having trouble getting Google to cooperate. Was Dallas already the most valuable franchise when Jerry bought them or where did they rank?
About as easy an investment as can be made. As I’ve said here before, if I owned the team I would’ve never sold it. Most of that “extra value” the franchise has is due to the fans and its past winning tradition. Otherwise it’s just a reflection of public consumption of the entire product, which ironically is also due to the fans.
The last two owners before Jerry were terrible and the team was in really bad shape financially and on the field.


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He’s a gigantic turd.

The blessing is he made a lot of money and the curse is the fans have to endure the jones family for eternity.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Wow! Time flies when you're having fun.

Or, is it: fun flies when you're doing time?


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I speak for a lot of people when I say there should be MUCH more success with this team, for the amount of money it makes/brings in/brings in the league, we should have seeeeeeeeveral rings


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Did Jerry Buss not agree to fire Tom Landry or something? Because I believe Jerry said he would and son of a gun with a lower bid Jerry got to own the Dallas Cowboys.
Bum Bright couldn’t fire Landry with the agreement he made when he purchased the Cowboys. And he had a hard-on for Tom.

Bum was attracted by Jethro cause he was going to bring Jimmy in which meant Tom was out. And the fact Jethro was buying with cash which meant a quick transaction.

Bum was facing bankruptcy with the Savings and Loans fall-out and Dr Buss would have to sell out his majority stake in Lakers which would have taken more time.

There was never any talk about how Buss would have made a move with Tom. Tex had been facing some pressure from Bum but was bound to the agreement made and it was Tex’s call.

Tex had been exploring a way for Landry to retire at some point. Jimmy's name had come up with Tex. Dan Reeves and Ditka were other names thrown around.

Tom was determined for the Cowboys to return to some level of prominence before he bowed out . They were going to draft Troy. The Cowboys decline was directly related to not having a QB after Danny went down .

They were 6-2 in 1986 and finished 7-9 after season ending and basically career ending injury. Cowboys never recovered in 1986 or following seasons in 1987 and 1988 with the likes of Pueller and Hogeboom.

And with Troy, Herschel and Irvin would provide him a core to build around. I don’t think Tex& Tom would have traded Herschel and it’s probable they wouldn't have had such a quick turn around as Jimmy did winning multiple championships . But I think it’s likely they could have returned to the respectability Tom was seeking before retiring.

And while we might not have won back to back or 3 out of 4 it’s definitely more likely with a normal ownership and structure we would have been in better position for more success moving forward.


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Bum Bright is who we can hold personally responsible for Jethro buying the Cowboys.

If not for his Savings and Loan bankruptcy and hard on for wanting to fire Landry there would have been no incentive to accept the lower bid from Jethro.

And why I’ve never blamed Jethro for firing Landry. We all knew what his intentions were. And some of us were excited about the prospects of Jimmy. We just didn’t like the flamboyant style of Jones.

And thought it could have been handled differently although it’s very difficult when a legend isn’t ready to bow out.

It all goes back to Bums situation and agenda.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Blessing or curse?

Is there really any question what the correct answer is?
February 25, 1989. It is a great day in Cowboys history. The franchise had begun a slow downward turn for several years. The old era was ending. The new era would begin and quickly achieve great things.

It is also a date that can be described as 'a day that will live in infamy'. Achieved greatness stagnated fairly quickly afterwards. And has not been repeated for decades. Long-term financial vision, that fermented a financial revival, for not just the franchise itself but the entire league, has been the opposite for football operations. The sheer lack of greatness is a byproduct of inflexibility, maintaining lack of managerial vision for Dallas Cowboys football.


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Um you forgot to add Appreciation Thread to the end of the title :facepalm:
I knew CZers were going to reflect on that event with various responses- hence the bare-bones thread name.

I started off with the financial reference only because it was top-of-mind to me, with a post four days earlier from 'big dog cowboy' that the Cowboys are the most valuable sports franchise worldwide, followed by an early Sunday morning thread by 'rockandrobcowboy' (just hours before mine) that stated the team was number one in games attendance for the 15th straight season.

Members read the thread title -and proceeded to respond with what was foremost with them- be it circumstances surrounding the sale, the partnership that brought on the team resurgence, the aftermath since.
Everyone reflected on the topic, then gave their thoughts on what stood out for them individually.


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Right on Jerry, happy anniversary and congrats.

Thanks for all the championships! Leggo COWBOYS!


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Thanks Bumm....He hired Jerry because Jerry was the only one who guaranteed he'd fire Landry :facepalm: After Jimmy the rest is history:facepalm: