4th Quarter, 3 TD Lead, Meaningless Game


Fattening up
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Nobody is debating me here other than you, and you alone. There are no "other people" in our debate.

No, you only try to play the role in this forum...


Maybe you think you're getting away with something, but you're not. Your veiled potshots and insults and attempted undermining of opposing viewpoints are clear for all to see. Again, the pattern is well established.

You mistakenly believe that someone gave you the right to determine what is 'rational' or 'reasonable' and to determine which opinions and viewpoints have validity and which ones don't. The fact is that you don't. Nobody asked for your approval and nobody needs it.

They do.

You believe you're better at it than everybody. It's a well-established fact around here. And it's this hubris that continues to create the biggest issues.

As would I. In fact, I'd invite the forum to voice their honest opinions in any manner suggested. I know what the truth is, and I welcome it.

Let's just say I believe I'm a much more reasonable poster than you are, stash, and leave it at that. There are too many great posters on the board much better than I am for you to be putting dumb words in my mouth for me.

But speaking of reasonable arguments, when are we going to loop back to our offseason discussion on whether or not this staff has the ability to develop a QB? Remember when I was a homer idiot for suggesting we were in good position to develop somebody with Wilson/Linehan/Garrett/Romo? Good times.


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Let's just say I believe I'm a much more reasonable poster than you are, stash, and leave it at that. There are too many great posters on the board much better than I am for you to be putting dumb words in my mouth for me.

I'm not putting any 'dumb words in your mouth', you handle that just fine all by yourself.

But speaking of reasonable arguments, when are we going to loop back to our offseason discussion on whether or not this staff has the ability to develop a QB? Remember when I was a homer idiot for suggesting we were in good position to develop somebody with Wilson/Linehan/Garrett/Romo? Good times.

Rather than derailing this thread with that discussion, I suggest that you create a new one, if, in fact, it's a discussion you truly wish to have and not another one of your cheapshot attempts. And again, if that's the case, it will be clear for our forum brethren to see.

You just let me know.


Fattening up
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I'm not putting any 'dumb words in your mouth', you handle that just fine all by yourself.

Of course you were putting words in my mouth. It's dishonest of you to deny it when it's right there in the thread.

I don't have any real interest in rehashing the QB development debate. I was pointing it out as one recent example of you lashing out without any real evidence and not owning the reaction later. Because that's what you do. Then you get mad when called on it.


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Of course you were putting words in my mouth. It's dishonest of you to deny it when it's right there in the thread.

Show me a clear example and I'll gladly apologize.

I don't have any real interest in rehashing the QB development debate. I was pointing it out as one recent example of you lashing out without any real evidence and not owning the reaction later. Because that's what you do. Then you get mad when called on it.

As I said, nothing more than another attempted cheapshot. I'm glad it's on record for the forum to see.

And you have the nerve to claim I'm the guy "lashing out".

You need to invest in a mirror.



Fattening up
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Show me a clear example and I'll gladly apologize.

As I said, nothing more than another attempted cheapshot. I'm glad it's on record for the forum to see.

And you have the nerve to claim I'm the guy "lashing out".

You need to invest in a mirror.


Far from a cheap shot, stash. Simply an observation on your posting habits.


Well-Known Member
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Yes, I cry myself to sleep every night wondering where his next mansion all come from. Me mum yells from downstairs, "quit yet crying teddy boy, you got to work on the butane tank tommorry if we want hot water!"

Hey, some "What did Joe Di Maggio ever do for your family" populism straight outta Bronx Tale. How original....


Staff member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Far from a cheap shot, stash. Simply an observation on your posting habits.

Again, you'll never admit it when you're wrong. But it's not up to you. It was absolutely an attempted cheapshot. Your course of action has substantiated everything I've said and it's been made clear for all to see.

Your "posting habits" can be clearly "observed" as well.


Junior College Transfer
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Hey, some "What did Joe Di Maggio ever do for your family" populism straight outta Bronx Tale. How original....

Thanks bloke. You hang in there.
One day, after you ace that Future Farmers of America hog manual, I am sure you will be empowered enough to, too, be original.
Sorry you live in the Bronx. You seemed so happy in Jacksboro with ma and the chickens and all.


Well-Known Member
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Thanks bloke. You hang in there.
One day, after you ace that Future Farmers of America hog manual, I am sure you will be empowered enough to, too, be original.
Sorry you live in the Bronx. You seemed so happy in Jacksboro with ma and the chickens and all.

Bronx keeps creatin' it, Queens keeps on fakin' it--the bridge is over, the bridge is over.


Junior College Transfer
Reaction score
Bronx keeps creatin' it, Queens keeps on fakin' it--the bridge is over, the bridge is over.
The big city has gotten to you. You were always more of a Little Brown Jug lad than a New York! New York! tyke.
Come back links! Links, come baaack! We love you links!


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So you're saying don't play Romo when he is still feeling strong effects from an injury?

I don't think anyone would disagree with that.

I'll just say this again, since I mistyped it in my original post, this is NOT Madden. Tom Brady is a better QB now, even at the age of 37 than Dak may ever be, but that doesn't mean he can come in and out play Dak in time for the playoffs, when he has never worked with any of our offensive players. Romo while he has a very intimate knowledge of our system and players, having played with many of them for years and is able to receive *some* practice reps now, still has not played in a live regular season game in over a year. Timing changes, schemes change from year to year as well, so to expect no rust on Romo's part is setting the bar extremely high and given that we are in a win or go home scenario after Sunday, we don't have the time ease along Romo. If you think he would have been a better option once he was healthy, fine, I think there was a legit argument as well, but even if he were 100% healthy now, you can't simulate game speed in practice and him playing would likely be the end of our season.


Least-Known Member
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And you have a problem if someone thinks Romo is a better QB?

Sounds like a Romo hater to me.
I have a problem with someone saying if Dak gets hurt we improve at the position. You some kind of Dak hater?


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I have a problem with someone saying if Dak gets hurt we improve at the position. You some kind of Dak hater?

So, you do admit it. Saying what he said is saying exactly that he thinks Romo is the better QB. It doesn't make anyone a hater. But someone who has such animosity towards someone who has that opinion, is surely a Romo hater.