4th Quarter, 3 TD Lead, Meaningless Game


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His role is to relieve Dak in the event of an injury. How many times do you need to be told this?

How many times are you inaccurately going to state that Romo was active with no role?

He clearly has a role. Maybe you disagree with that role, but that's obviously different than him not having one at all.

For the most part, everybody gets it. It's not all that difficult to understand, after all.

A more interesting observation was that they let Dak run pretty aggressively last night. There were a couple of plays where I was legitimately concerned he was going to take a nasty pop or get tripped up from behind. Ever since Romo hurt his back against the Sk*ns when they pulled on his leg awkwardly, I cringe when QBs go down that way. It happened to Dak twice last night. Ugh.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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So because some fans wanted Romo to start over Dak, you disrespect Romo. Makes a lot sense. :rolleyes:

Maybe try taking your issue up with those fans? Why be disrespectful towards Romo?

If anything Romo has handled this situation like a true pro and teammate. He's been there to support Dak every step of the way. And you want to trash the guy? Like I said, weak.
Yes. Just ignore everything else I said in that response (because you know it's true).


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Comparable Rookie QB seasons...

Payton Manning: 16 GP, 56.7% comp., 3,739 yards, 26 TDs, 28 INTs, 15 carries, 62 rushing yards
Jameis Winston: 16 GP, 58.3% comp., 4,042 yards, 22 TDs, 15 INTs, 54 carries, 213 rushing yards, 6 rushing TDs.
Andy Dalton: 16 GP, 58.1% comp., 3,398 yards, 20 TDs, 13 INTs, 37 carries, 152 rushing yards, 1 rushing TD.
Andrew Luck: 16 GP, 54.1% comp., 4,374 yards, 23 TDs, 18 INTs, 62 carries, 255 rushing yards, 5 rushing TDs.
Matt Ryan: 16 GP, 61.1% comp., 3,440 yards, 16 TDs, 11 INTs, 55 carries, 104 rushing yards, 1 rushing TD.
Dan Marino: 11 GP, 58.4% comp., 2,210 yards, 20 TDs, 6 INTs, 28 carries, 45 rushing yards, 2 rushing TDs
Russell Wilson: 16 GP, 64.1% comp., 3,118 yards, 26 TDs, 10 INTs, 94 carries, 489 rushing yards, 4 rushing TDs.
Cam Newton: 16 GP, 60.0% comp., 4,051 yards, 21 TDs, 17 INTs, 126 carries, 706 rushing yards, 14 rushing TDs.
RGIII: 15 GP, 65.4% comp., 3,200 yards, 20 TDs, 5 INTs, 120 carries, 815 rushing yards, 7 rushing TDs.
Roethlessburger: 14 GP, 66.4% comp., 2,621 yards, 17 TDs, 11 INTs, 56 carries, 144 rushing yards, 1 rushing TD.

Dak: 15GP, 67.7% comp., 3630 yards, 23 TDs, 4 INTs, 56 carries, 273 rushing yards, 6 rushing TDs.

I can't format that, but Dak has the highest completion percentage, the best TD/interception ratio, the lowest number of interceptions per game, the most number of games won, the most number of games won in a row, the second highest completion percentage in NFL history for one game...and made the Probowl and is in the league MVP conversation.

I love Romo. But I'm not pulling Dak out of the game.

Manning, Ryan, Luck, Wilson, Roethlisberger and one Mr. Anthony Romo (first year as starter). Heck, every rookie QB of all-time.

Dak's been better than all of them, yet so many still want to replace him. Mind-blowing.


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Nine pages in, so I'm sure my thoughts aren't anything new - but if Dak is the guy we're rolling with through the playoffs (and we obviously are), then Dak needs to be in there. Not for his reps, but for reps with the guys who will probably be playing with him at a point. McFadden is more likely to see time than Romo, so I want him taking handoffs from Dak. The receivers need to be catching passes from Dak and the line needs to be blocking for Dak. Running an entire second unit out there doesn't do much, because they're probably not going to be on the field at the same time, anyway.

I imagine he's under very strict instructions to throw the ball away or get out of bounds, but it's better to lock up the chemistry rather than pull guys. If you're sitting guys in "meaningless games" at the end of the season, you're essentially asking them to go into their first playoff game having not played in ~3 weeks. Rust would be a huge factor in that game.

Maybe they're not 'new,' but they're pretty sensible.

The whole QB management question has been a difficult one for Garrett and company this year. They've done a great job handling it all along. Why people are getting worked up over the decisions they made last night in what was probably Dak's best game of the season and an overwhelmingly positive outing for the offense is beyond me, but there you have it.


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Manning, Ryan, Luck, Wilson, Roethlisberger and one Mr. Anthony Romo (first year as starter). Heck, every rookie QB of all-time.

Dak's been better than all of them, yet so many still want to replace him. Mind-blowing.
I was a very hard convert. Rookies jsut don't do this. So, even after 4 or 5 games, I was cautiously optimistic at best. But after 15 games, he's a stud. And IF something happens, I'll be excited to see Romo take the field. My hope at this point is that we don't see Romo again and that we get a little something in trade for him at the end of the year.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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They've done a great job handling it all along.
This I completely agree with...

Why people are getting worked up over the decisions they made last night in what was probably Dak's best game of the season and an overwhelmingly positive outing for the offense is beyond me, but there you have it.
When you figure this out sir, please convey that epiphany to me as well. Thanks.


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Yes. Just ignore everything else I said in that response (because you know it's true).

I don't care about the other stuff. I'm trying to understand why you feel the need to show disrespect towards Tony Romo, like you did with your trashy "bye Felicia" post.

And BTW, I've been on the Dak train since it left the station. But again, that's not what I'm talking about.


Fattening up
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This I completely agree with...

When you figure this out sir, please convey that epiphany to me as well. Thanks.

I had one eye on you when I wrote it, Bleu. And I doubt I'll figure it out, but if I happen to, I'll let you know.

In the meantime, I'll just have to make do by being happy that Dak is still putting better and better play on the field this late into the season. It's remarkable.


Fattening up
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I was a very hard convert. Rookies jsut don't do this. So, even after 4 or 5 games, I was cautiously optimistic at best. But after 15 games, he's a stud. And IF something happens, I'll be excited to see Romo take the field. My hope at this point is that we don't see Romo again and that we get a little something in trade for him at the end of the year.

We're in exactly the same place on this one. Get Dak the reps, keep Tony available if we need him, and get as much as you can in a trade in the offseason if you don't.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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I don't care about the other stuff. I'm trying to understand why you feel the need to show disrespect towards Tony Romo, like you did with your trashy "bye Felicia" post.

And BTW, I've been on the Dak train since it left the station. But again, that's not what I'm talking about.
You've been on the Dak train? Lies. You might have been attached via dental floss.

If trashy is calling out the emotion for what it is while providing levity to it all, I will enjoy swimming in this garbage can with Oscar.



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Call it what you will but for the past 8 weeks I have watched plenty of hand wringing over putting Romo back in. Not to ceremoniously kneel or whatever... To take over.

Zero respect for what Dak has continued to do not only winning games bit inserting a dominant confident winning culture in Big D. Dak has done so much leading by example all season long. Yet still, I can guarantee you there are STILL a few out there that belittle his contribution. That's silly and trashy IMO.

I just read it in this very thread again.

"I have no doubt Romo would have done what Dak has done if he had been in there all season but..."

LMAO. Shade in disguise. That is exactly what I'm talking about. You roll with Dak because he made it clear in the very first game of the regular season in LA that he was going to bring so much change to the table. Positive unshakable confidence. It had infected the rest of our team... Even the defense.

And... For the record again, I saw all of this in the first preseason game. While ppl were calling it another wash of a season and me crazy for embracing Dak, he was sharpening his tool set and getting ready to give us a season for the ages.

Put some respeck on his name.

That's not "shade in disguise." It is to you because you live in a zero sum world where any suggestion that Romo would also be taking advantage of the best O-line and Running Back in football is somehow a knock on Dak. Its not. It recognizes that both are very good qbs who have the great fortune of playing on a very good team this season.

You think Dak has effected a sea-change in the franchise; that he has changed the culture. That ignores the valuable contributions of so many other players on this team, the FO and the coaching staff. It ignores the success we had in 2014. It ignores that Dak's success is built on a foundation that has taken years to build. I mean the way you spin it, Dak would have the Cleveland Browns in the playoffs.

Look. I am as exited about Dak as you are. I think he is only going to get better. But I disagree with you that Romo was somehow holding this franchise back and that Dak is some kind of savior from Romo's ineptitude.

At any rate, Cheers Bleu! Here's to raising another Lombardi in a month or so.


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You've been on the Dak train? Lies. You might have been attached via dental floss.

If trashy is calling out the emotion for what it is while providing levity to it all, I will enjoy swimming in this garbage can with Oscar.


My post history doesn't lie.

And neither does yours.

In the past I've thought you were a solid contributor to the discussions around here.

I was hoping you'd just take ownership of that trashy post you made and acknowledge it for what is- an uncalled for, disrespectful comment directed towards a classy player who's done nothing to merit being disrespected.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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My post history doesn't lie.

And neither does yours.

In the past I've thought you were a solid contributor to the discussions around here.

I was hoping you'd just take ownership of that trashy post you made and acknowledge it for what is- an uncalled for, disrespectful comment directed towards a classy player who's done nothing to merit being disrespected.
Due. I took ownership. I'm in the can with Oscar chillin.


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Maybe they're not 'new,' but they're pretty sensible.

The whole QB management question has been a difficult one for Garrett and company this year. They've done a great job handling it all along. Why people are getting worked up over the decisions they made last night in what was probably Dak's best game of the season and an overwhelmingly positive outing for the offense is beyond me, but there you have it.

Because it has nothing to do with whether or not it was his "best game of the season".

Because it had everything to do with protecting the starter from injury.

And if the guy they're calling the 'backup quarterback' is unable to fulfill all of those duties - for whatever reason anyone wants to insert here - then there needs to be an option that can fulfill those duties.

There you have it.

The mistake will undoubtedly be corrected this week when Sanchez is active, which will only serve to show that it was made last night.


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I don't trust those dirty dogs in Philly. Rest everyone. Bring the practice squad and let them play instead.


Junior College Transfer
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Harsh, my man. Harsh.
Yes, I cry myself to sleep every night wondering where his next mansion all come from. Me mum yells from downstairs, "quit yet crying teddy boy, you got to work on the butane tank tommorry if we want hot water!"


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If you think playing Romo doesn't start another round of talk show craziness during the two weeks of downtime we have going into the playoffs, I want some of what you're smoking.

I get that people love Dak now, but I'm not saying either QB is better than the other. I'm saying you don't want the unnecessary controversy it would 100% bring to Dallas. If you don't think it would, just look at any of the available QB threads for confirmation.
if romo just comes in to hand the ball off , that wont spark any controversy.
he is part of the team so use him as you would any bkup.