Honestly, if Romo wins a Super Bowl, I'd say he turned out to be what Favre should have been. Favre FINALLY won a Super Bowl because the Cowboys started to slide because of the loss of Jimmy Johnson. I'm pretty convinced - though I have no way to prove this so this is mere speculation - that if Jimmy doesn't leave, the Packers never advance past the Cowboys. Favre was just too reckless. But with the void that the Cowboys created when its dynasty started to dismantle, the Packers filled that void.
Favre won a Super Bowl against a pretty weak Patriots team - weak relatively speaking.
But Favre should have played in far more Super Bowls, but he had a penchant for recklessness and always threw critical interceptions at the worst times. He should have at least three more Super Bowl appearances.
If Romo breaks through and if his health/back holds out and if he sips from the Fountain of Youth like Favre did, I could see with his maturity the Cowboys getting to multiple Super Bowls. He just needs to get over the hump. But I would compare Romo to Favre minus the ring. But I still don't consider Favre the greatest quarterback ever, though he's in the top 15, maybe 10 but I really haven't considered ranking them.