7 of 8 Penalties Occurred on 3rd Down for 58 Yards


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I assume this includes both offensive and defensive third downs, right?

And there were 10 penalties assessed on us, not 8:

1st Penalty - Smith hold on 3rd down
2nd Penalty - Biadasz false start on 3rd down
3rd Penalty - Collins hold on 3rd down
4th Penalty - Wright PI on fake punt on 4th down
5th Penalty - Wilson PI on 3rd down
6th Penalty - Schultz hold on 1st down
7th Penalty - Lawrence offsides on 3rd down
8th Penalty - Gregory offsides on 3rd down
9th Penalty - Williams hold on 3rd down
10th Penalty - Odighizuwa face mask on 1st down

There was also the delay of game, I believe on the 2 pointer which doesn't technically count I guess as an official penalty.

Unless I made mistake, that's 8 penalties on 3rd or 4th down. That's awful.
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1. We didn’t run the ball that much.

2. And yet, Dak has still been complete garbage for weeks now on third down, when he has to PASS.

That’s even worse than a JG destroyed offense. Make excuses all you want, facts are clear. This trend started weeks ago. Now that your boy isn’t getting third and 2s regularly, he looks like complete garbage throwing the ball, particularly against zones. Most of the time checkdown Charlie is not even going through his reads properly, going immediately to his short route which leads to the third and longs in the first place.

In essence, what you are saying is Dak is a bum at passing he ball and he doesn’t have an elite running game to carry him.

Any QB, given enough time against man coverage and these type of WRs can throw for 300 yards regularly. Dak was never special. That’s the bottom line.

You know what Khiladi, why don't you do what Bob Sturm, BTB, Jeff Cavanaugh, Brian Bladinger, etc...have done the last month or so and post all the video you have to validate your quite contradictory argument...you're basically saying the QB sucks because he's NOT CONSISTENTLY taken advantage of 6+ PEOPLE IN COVERAGE. You're also seeming to insinuate the team can't run because of him EVEN THOUGH the guys I just named have consistently been saying that Dallas is NOT seeing heavy boxes lately (Cavanuagh has been haring on this for over a month). Teams are DARING them to run and they CAN'T. Same thing KC dealt with earlier this year when Mahomes played some of his worst ball since he became a starter. So, who's right - you or them?


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And BTW, Dak’s inability to throw in third diwn was seen even in his “amazing” rookie season when he faced the only two good defenses in the Vikings and Giants.

Dak was 2 for 24 against them in trying to convert third downs, and this was with Zeke running the best he ever did in his life.


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You know what Khiladi, why don't you do what Bob Sturm, BTB, Jeff Cavanaugh, Brian Bladinger, etc...have done the last month or so and post all the video you have to validate your quite contradictory argument...you're basically saying the QB sucks because he's NOT CONSISTENTLY taken advantage of 6+ PEOPLE IN COVERAGE. You're also seeming to insinuate the team can't run because of him EVEN THOUGH the guys I just named have consistently been saying that Dallas is NOT seeing heavy boxes lately (Cavanuagh has been haring on this for over a month). Teams are DARING them to run and they CAN'T. Same thing KC dealt with earlier this year when Mahomes played some of his worst ball since he became a starter. So, who's right - you or them?

I already spent a significant amount of time dissecting Baldinger and Akoye’s ‘defense’ videos of Dak showing how garbage they were. Even Brian had to come out this week and say Dak is slow processing the field and missing open WRs in multiple scenarios, including when he has only one deep safety and man coverage and guys running wide open in crossing routes, which I pointed out when talking about the videos.

And Mahomes has won playoff games and SBs. Dak and his stans don’t have the luxury that Mahomes does to give him the benefit of the doubt. Dak drags the team down yearly and all his stans go on bashing the whole team other than him. And then they make ridiculous comparisons to guys that have actually won throughout their careers, whether it’s Mahomes, Brady or guys like Aikman…


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The tweet includes a link to a site we cannot quote post but the information is what’s in the title. I’m not blaming the refs either cause some of these were clear penalties on us.

Moral of the story is good luck moving the ball with any rhythm and consistency if 7 of your third down conversions are called back. Three big runs and some crucial conversions negated. Without these penalties (some our fault/some not), we win this game. Team has to cut down on sloppiness and be more disciplined.

EXACTLY. It was the penalties that really killed this offense. Big run by Zeke comes back for a holding call. Turns a 15 yard gain into a punt. Something like that happened 5 or 6 times.

It was no different with the defense. Seemed like Arizona was in 3rd and long always. Then we would get a penalty and allow them to extend a drive.


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This post is just another excuse maker for Dak, as if the problems on third down are just ‘penalties’. Dak throughout his ‘slump’ has been awful on third down, with it without penalties. He’s been worse than Detroit and NY Giants level bad.

no amount of excuse making, such as OL and RG can redeem this mediocre QB when your that bad consistently, year one and year out through ‘these slumps’.


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..for what its worth, I bet half those are not called by another crew.

I don't know. If you look at the list I have at the top of this page, many appear to be legitimate. Smith definitely held. Biadasz false started. Wright and Wilson both were legit PIs. Gregory and Lawrence were both clearly offsides. The only questionable one appears to be the Collins hold IMO.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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The tweet includes a link to a site we cannot quote post but the information is what’s in the title. I’m not blaming the refs either cause some of these were clear penalties on us.

Moral of the story is good luck moving the ball with any rhythm and consistency if 7 of your third down conversions are called back. Three big runs and some crucial conversions negated. Without these penalties (some our fault/some not), we win this game. Team has to cut down on sloppiness and be more disciplined.
YES !!!!
This is one area for improvement that could make a HUGE difference in a close game.


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This post is just another excuse maker for Dak, as if the problems on third down are just ‘penalties’. Dak throughout his ‘slump’ has been awful on third down, with it without penalties. He’s been worse than Detroit and NY Giants level bad.

no amount of excuse making, such as OL and RG can redeem this mediocre QB when your that bad consistently, year one and year out through ‘these slumps’.

who is bring up Dak except you lol?

America's Cowboy

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This post is just another excuse maker for Dak, as if the problems on third down are just ‘penalties’. Dak throughout his ‘slump’ has been awful on third down, with it without penalties. He’s been worse than Detroit and NY Giants level bad.

no amount of excuse making, such as OL and RG can redeem this mediocre QB when your that bad consistently, year one and year out through ‘these slumps’.
Dak says to go find another team. He's not going anywhere.


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I already spent a significant amount of time dissecting Baldinger and Akoye’s ‘defense’ videos of Dak showing how garbage they were. Even Brian had to come out this week and say Dak is slow processing the field and missing open WRs in multiple scenarios, including when he has only one deep safety and man coverage and guys running wide open in crossing routes, which I pointed out when talking about the videos.

And Mahomes has won playoff games and SBs. Dak and his stans don’t have the luxury that Mahomes does to give him the benefit of the doubt. Dak drags the team down yearly and all his stans go on bashing the whole team other than him. And then they make ridiculous comparisons to guys that have actually won throughout their careers, whether it’s Mahomes, Brady or guys like Aikman…

So, it was Dak dragging the team down when they could only win when scoring more than 30 points... And, you believe that your take is better than others because you don't agree with it and it doesn't fit your narrative that Dak sucks, the OL is great, and basically nothing else on this roster is flawed. Got it...you win bruh. I can't argue all day with folks that think they are experts.


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The tweet includes a link to a site we cannot quote post but the information is what’s in the title. I’m not blaming the refs either cause some of these were clear penalties on us.

Moral of the story is good luck moving the ball with any rhythm and consistency if 7 of your third down conversions are called back. Three big runs and some crucial conversions negated. Without these penalties (some our fault/some not), we win this game. Team has to cut down on sloppiness and be more disciplined.

On the long Zeke run Williams held the dude and it made a difference as he would have made the tackle. Having said that he would have made it after at least 5 yards


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Holding penalties are tough and drive killers. I guess the alternative is letting the defender take dead aim on our QB.

Holding most often happens when player is beat and holds out of desperation.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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This should be talked about more. I consider myself a neutral party with officiating as I have officials in my family but, those holding calls on key 3rd downs were suspect. I think I only saw 1 or 2 actual good holding calls in the game. Arizona to have none and the Cowboys with the majority of calls on 3rd downs, some of them they converted to first downs, I can understand why there is controversy about it. Regardless of your stance on this matter, officiating as a whole needs to be improved league wide. More specifically with accountability and integrity in my opinion.
The Refs gotta get more consistent with the holding penalties...


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So, it was Dak dragging the team down when they could only win when scoring more than 30 points... And, you believe that your take is better than others because you don't agree with it and it doesn't fit your narrative that Dak sucks, the OL is great, and basically nothing else on this roster is flawed. Got it...you win bruh. I can't argue all day with folks that think they are experts.

You asked my why don’t I analyze videos. I told you I already did and if you want to, you can go look at them. Now your saying that even if I did, you aren’t going to bother with it. and this after you tried to respond to my point that Dak has been garbage on third down for weeks, with or without penalties, meaning it’s an inaccurate argument..

They didn't even average 3 ypc on Sunday even though Arizona kept dropping 7 into coverage...but, keep on feeding us this the OL is wonderful crap. Take away Dak's runs. it's barely 2 ypc.

Got it.. everybody but Dak.. otherwise, it’s not fair..


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A lot of the penalties were deserved. The false start on Biadasz was absolutely a penalty. He made a move like the play was starting and that is a penalty. But what I cannot figure out is why the Cowboys were called for a neutral zone infraction when the Cards Center bobbed his head 3 times like he was snapping the ball. That should have been a penalty on them too. MM tried to argue with the refs but they let it go.

The holding call on Schultz was legit, as was the holding on Tyron. The PI on Wilson was also legit. I thought the holding calls on Williams and Collins were ticky tack and stuff they let OLmen get away with all the time. It was the calls they missed that hurt. the delay of game they missed. A defensive holding on a Cowboys running play that was really clear on the television replay. It was material since the DT held Connor Williams preventing him from getting out and blocking the LB who tackled the Cowboys RB at the LOS. But this happens every game. The Cowboys have to forget about it and move on. The perseverating over the refs has me concerned they are not focused on football.


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You asked my why don’t I analyze videos. I told you I already did and if you want to, you can go look at them. Now your saying that even if I did, you aren’t going to bother with it. and this after you tried to respond to my point that Dak has been garbage on third down for weeks, with or without penalties, meaning it’s an inaccurate argument..

Got it.. everybody but Dak.. otherwise, it’s not fair..

See, that's what you and others DON'T seem to fathom - I've NEVER said Dak hasn't been playing well. But, when you try to diminish plays that he makes plays on to convert 3rd downs, only to have them called back by penalties...as if that doesn't matter to his overall play - that makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER!!!! Has he been off? OF COURSE...but, you keep acting as if he's the ONLY ONE contributing to the bad play.