Why 8? That's an odd number, though not really an odd number, to have to settle on. Could Michael only think of 8, therefore felt inclined to limit the rest of us? Mr. Only Thinking of Himself?
I need clarification. Is 8 all I am getting? Is this like that deserted island thing or are we all on an archipelago and we can swim over to the other islands and do a little trading as long as when we get rescued we have our original 8?
Not trying to be difficult here but this is serious stuff and hey, will there be women on some of the other islands? That would affect my choice because sometimes ya gotta give up some good tunes to get da booty with that scmaltzy crap. In fact, if I am surrounded by female inhabited islands, I'm going all in on 7 Air Supply's and the long version of Donna Summer's "Love to Love You Baby" for when the females be in their time of the month. If not, then I'll go with my 8 but I am steering clear of the islands with Elton John, Judas Priest or Broadway show tunes...…………….. at least until I figure out help isn't coming. I have my rules but they can be flexible under certain conditions.
And oh yeah, one more thing. I would like my island to be at the opposite end of the archipelago from Cowboyec, not that he would trade any of his damned old Elvis records anyway.