A changing of the guard defensively?


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Good observations on both counts. If Jerry ends up letting Garrett go, we must always remember, he doesn’t hire coaches based on best available talent. He hires a HC based on 1. His personal comfort with that coach (being able to interfere without that coach objecting) and 2. Whether or not that coach has enough clout to steal any of his almighty “credit”. A big name coach threatens him.

Stephen will pick the new HC with Jerry having veto power.

It won't be a Harbaugh level big name but it also won't be Campo or Garrett types.

Kris Richard seems like the type they would hire.


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i watched it, i also watched last year. you could take the same team and have a bad Denver team beat the crap out of it. If your coaches cant drive the car, i dont care what kind of car they have. The DCs arent fearing this team as much as you hope they do.
They were simply born under a bad sign last year. If it wasn't for bad luck, they wouldn't have any luck. If it wasn't for real bad luck, they wouldn't have no luck at all. The whole Zeke overhang from TC on cast a pall over the team and the only way they were going to come out from under it was if everything went perfectly. Zeke faced adversity he's probably has never faced. I really believe this year is going to be a redemption year for the whole team.
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They were simply born under a bad sign last year. If it wasn't for bad luck, they wouldn't have any luck. If it wasn't for real bad luck, they wouldn't have no luck at all. The whole Zeke overhang from TC on cast a pall over the team and the only way they were going to come out from under it was if everything went perfectly. Zeke faced adversity they he probably has never faced. I really believe this year is going to be a redemption year for the whole team.

sounds fair. lets see how it plays out.


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so if you believe Richard was given the wink* nod* as Marinellis successor, wouldnt that also point to Garrett continuing as HC?
because why go through the trouble if youre only going to hand the keys to someone else
and if you are handing the keys to someone else but saying hey, you have to keep our staff btw... you might as well keep Garrett because the HC must not be making the decisions

and i do believe Kris will replace Marinelli barring a better coaching job (like if he makes the secondary better, prob get offers)


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so if you believe Richard was given the wink* nod* as Marinellis successor, wouldnt that also point to Garrett continuing as HC?
because why go through the trouble if youre only going to hand the keys to someone else
and if you are handing the keys to someone else but saying hey, you have to keep our staff btw... you might as well keep Garrett because the HC must not be making the decisions

and i do believe Kris will replace Marinelli barring a better coaching job (like if he makes the secondary better, prob get offers)

chances are JG is here to stay.


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These are my own thoughts on what's happening internally regarding the defense. I'm curious if anyone else is getting the same vibe or indications?

I think Rod Marinelli is scaling things back. Word was that he was contemplating retirement after the 2017 season wrapped up, and that he was also willing to step aside if Matt Eberflus wanted the defensive coordinator job. That shows me a guy with one foot out the door, or at the least a guy who wants to take on a lesser workload.

Enter Kris Richard, a former defensive coordinator just last year, and by all indications a young coach on the rise. In fact, Richard interviewed for the Colts head coaching job before accepting the defensive backs coach job here. It seems odd to me that a person would interview for a head coaching role and then quickly accept a job two notches down from that in the coaching tree. That is, unless there were things discussed other than just coaching the defensive backfield.

My belief s that we're seeing a passing of the torch and a transition of power from Marinelli to Richard. I think that Rod is content to focus on what he truly loves, and that's coaching the defensive line, while turning more of the responsibilities for the defense over to Richard, who is being groomed to ultimately replace him. Coach Rod's career is winding down and I think he's fine working with and turning things over to his eventual successor.

I don't expect it to be announced formally, but I'm seeing enough signs to think that's what's happening. I also noticed on draft day that Marinelli was quick to involve Richard and turn the phone over to him to talk to the rookie draft picks. In fact, it looked to me like Richard spoke to them more than Marinelli did. A small thing, but something noticeable.

Has anyone else gotten this same impression?

This was mentioned on BTB a few months ago...


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Yes, I noticed he was in the draft war room often.

As defensive passing game coordinator, he'll be involved with the entire defense.

When he arrived, he immediately said Byron Jones was moving to CB. I don't think the previous secondary coaches had the authority to make that type of decision in the Spring.

The move of Byron Jones is pretty important right now...both for the Cowboys and for Byron. This may put enough of an edge and challenge on his plate, that he takes the next step defensively. I hope that Dallas ends up with a top notched cornerback now...and I'll be watching his further maturation hopefully.


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These are my own thoughts on what's happening internally regarding the defense. I'm curious if anyone else is getting the same vibe or indications?

I think Rod Marinelli is scaling things back. Word was that he was contemplating retirement after the 2017 season wrapped up, and that he was also willing to step aside if Matt Eberflus wanted the defensive coordinator job. That shows me a guy with one foot out the door, or at the least a guy who wants to take on a lesser workload.

Enter Kris Richard, a former defensive coordinator just last year, and by all indications a young coach on the rise. In fact, Richard interviewed for the Colts head coaching job before accepting the defensive backs coach job here. It seems odd to me that a person would interview for a head coaching role and then quickly accept a job two notches down from that in the coaching tree. That is, unless there were things discussed other than just coaching the defensive backfield.

My belief s that we're seeing a passing of the torch and a transition of power from Marinelli to Richard. I think that Rod is content to focus on what he truly loves, and that's coaching the defensive line, while turning more of the responsibilities for the defense over to Richard, who is being groomed to ultimately replace him. Coach Rod's career is winding down and I think he's fine working with and turning things over to his eventual successor.

I don't expect it to be announced formally, but I'm seeing enough signs to think that's what's happening. I also noticed on draft day that Marinelli was quick to involve Richard and turn the phone over to him to talk to the rookie draft picks. In fact, it looked to me like Richard spoke to them more than Marinelli did. A small thing, but something noticeable.

Has anyone else gotten this same impression?

Certainly, such actions attract attention. I am thinking, that the team wished for immediately interaction by their new coach. That, as well as familiarization about his players, as fast as he can be integrated. I think that comes from Marinelli's days in the military and seeing first hand how one's beginning determines rate of how a group comes together. Maybe, some mature leadership was being shown, and an appraisal of desire by Marinelli on just how important his future in Dallas was to himself. He was left with the responsibility, and due to his past, I assume that he continues to shoulder the work and toil that being the Cowboys' Defensive Coordinator entails. My opinion...:)


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He needs to retire with Hayden the Goldencock.
I imagine it to be like the last scene in Shawshank redemption. An old Mirinelli walks the beach to find Hayden sanding an old boat.

What a perfect ending



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dak over tony and sayonara dez shows a changing of the guard at the highest level. imo, Stephen's taking over the helm. and he hasn't been happy with the coaching. Marinelli, linehan and garrett are all on the hot seat. it's about time we had some accountability at the coaching spots.
I think people give Steven a bad wrap because of his last name, but he's quietly becoming one of the more trustworthy decision makers in the front office.
I'm hoping him and the team can continue to grow as we can become an annual super bowl contender.


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These are my own thoughts on what's happening internally regarding the defense. I'm curious if anyone else is getting the same vibe or indications?

I think Rod Marinelli is scaling things back. Word was that he was contemplating retirement after the 2017 season wrapped up, and that he was also willing to step aside if Matt Eberflus wanted the defensive coordinator job. That shows me a guy with one foot out the door, or at the least a guy who wants to take on a lesser workload.

Enter Kris Richard, a former defensive coordinator just last year, and by all indications a young coach on the rise. In fact, Richard interviewed for the Colts head coaching job before accepting the defensive backs coach job here. It seems odd to me that a person would interview for a head coaching role and then quickly accept a job two notches down from that in the coaching tree. That is, unless there were things discussed other than just coaching the defensive backfield.

My belief s that we're seeing a passing of the torch and a transition of power from Marinelli to Richard. I think that Rod is content to focus on what he truly loves, and that's coaching the defensive line, while turning more of the responsibilities for the defense over to Richard, who is being groomed to ultimately replace him. Coach Rod's career is winding down and I think he's fine working with and turning things over to his eventual successor.

I don't expect it to be announced formally, but I'm seeing enough signs to think that's what's happening. I also noticed on draft day that Marinelli was quick to involve Richard and turn the phone over to him to talk to the rookie draft picks. In fact, it looked to me like Richard spoke to them more than Marinelli did. A small thing, but something noticeable.

Has anyone else gotten this same impression?
Hit the nail right on the head


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Been my impression for sure. Will be interesting to see if our defense adopts a more agressive approach. Richard was much more agressive in Sea than Marinelli has been here. This young defense has more raw talent than it’s had in years and Richard is an excellent guy to develop it.

Here’s another question- if Garrett doesn’t get us to the playoffs or worse, will Jerry make Kris Richard the next HC?

I think Richard will bring more press and under coverage by the CBs. Maybe more single high FS, and man in the box SS too. More aggressive in the secondary.

HC/DC seems possible for Richard if they dump Garrett. Dump Garrett, and that probably means the whole offense is up for grabs too.


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i watched it, i also watched last year. you could take the same team and have a bad Denver team beat the crap out of it. If your coaches cant drive the car, i dont care what kind of car they have. The DCs arent fearing this team as much as you hope they do.

Oh please. Denver, in Denver at the beginning of the year was a good defense.

And you better believe DC's are fearing this team. How do you stop it? This team basically steam rolled over almost every defense the first 24 games. With a few exceptions. Like any team they have bad games and the coaches screw it up.

The combination of Zeke and this Oline is a load.