A changing of the guard defensively?


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I agree but the Cowboys defense couldn't be in better hands than with Chris Richard. The hybrid D that Marinelli coaches is what Richard is also known for since his days with the Legion of Boom.

I'm sky high optimistic as well. I think we have two excellent position coaches focusing on their best positions. I just hope the two flavors blend as well as it looks on paper.


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Linehan is the worst of the 3. His units have to be just right at so many key spots or you get what we got in the second half of the 2017 season. Even Romo with less talent on offense than we had last year was consistently at least average. Marinate is a defensive guru but the game has passed him by, just like it did his close friend and mentor Monte Kiffin.
Linehan is horrible.


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These are my own thoughts on what's happening internally regarding the defense. I'm curious if anyone else is getting the same vibe or indications?

I think Rod Marinelli is scaling things back. Word was that he was contemplating retirement after the 2017 season wrapped up, and that he was also willing to step aside if Matt Eberflus wanted the defensive coordinator job. That shows me a guy with one foot out the door, or at the least a guy who wants to take on a lesser workload.

Enter Kris Richard, a former defensive coordinator just last year, and by all indications a young coach on the rise. In fact, Richard interviewed for the Colts head coaching job before accepting the defensive backs coach job here. It seems odd to me that a person would interview for a head coaching role and then quickly accept a job two notches down from that in the coaching tree. That is, unless there were things discussed other than just coaching the defensive backfield.

My belief s that we're seeing a passing of the torch and a transition of power from Marinelli to Richard. I think that Rod is content to focus on what he truly loves, and that's coaching the defensive line, while turning more of the responsibilities for the defense over to Richard, who is being groomed to ultimately replace him. Coach Rod's career is winding down and I think he's fine working with and turning things over to his eventual successor.

I don't expect it to be announced formally, but I'm seeing enough signs to think that's what's happening. I also noticed on draft day that Marinelli was quick to involve Richard and turn the phone over to him to talk to the rookie draft picks. In fact, it looked to me like Richard spoke to them more than Marinelli did. A small thing, but something noticeable.

Has anyone else gotten this same impression?

I don't really feel I can know or see enough to really have an impression, but what you have written certainly seems reasonable and logical. A lot of people took the Richard hire as if the intent were to make him the D-Coordinator in the near future. That's possible, although I didn't necessarily take the hire as if that were sure to be the case because the reality is Richard was just looking for a job the way any coach that gets fired does. At the same time, as you indicated, there is some reason to believe Marinelli may be nearing the end of his career, and it would be logical that Richard would be a candidate for the job if Marinelli decided to retire.


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I don't really feel I can know or see enough to really have an impression, but what you have written certainly seems reasonable and logical. A lot of people took the Richard hire as if the intent were to make him the D-Coordinator in the near future. That's possible, although I didn't necessarily take the hire as if that were sure to be the case because the reality is Richard was just looking for a job the way any coach that gets fired does. At the same time, as you indicated, there is some reason to believe Marinelli may be nearing the end of his career, and it would be logical that Richard would be a candidate for the job if Marinelli decided to retire.

I can't ask for more than that. As long as you can see where I'm coming from and why I might think the way that I do is good with me. I was just curious as yo whether or not anyone else was getting that same impression.


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i agree in principle. However, sigh, i dont believe in Stephen as many do. If i was Stephen tho, i would let Kris know this is important because hes on notice to streamline the defense and help getting it where it needs to be.

I would also tell JG, "this year is about getting the new coaches into place and getting the team ready for next year" I know its a no pressure thing, but lets face, JG is there guy, we arent getting rid of him. If we arent getting rid of him might as well get him to do what he does seemingly not so bad. Its not winning, but maybe he can get the team fixed in certain areas. I dont even know if thats truthful, every time you look around theres more problems. But he still has to earn his pay check and frankly hes not winning anything this year. Might as well be next years champs and hope the team is better for next year.

Nothing is going to change until the culture changes and JGs culture is what JJ wants, "mediocrity is good enough"


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These are my own thoughts on what's happening internally regarding the defense. I'm curious if anyone else is getting the same vibe or indications?

I think Rod Marinelli is scaling things back. Word was that he was contemplating retirement after the 2017 season wrapped up, and that he was also willing to step aside if Matt Eberflus wanted the defensive coordinator job. That shows me a guy with one foot out the door, or at the least a guy who wants to take on a lesser workload.

Enter Kris Richard, a former defensive coordinator just last year, and by all indications a young coach on the rise. In fact, Richard interviewed for the Colts head coaching job before accepting the defensive backs coach job here. It seems odd to me that a person would interview for a head coaching role and then quickly accept a job two notches down from that in the coaching tree. That is, unless there were things discussed other than just coaching the defensive backfield.

My belief s that we're seeing a passing of the torch and a transition of power from Marinelli to Richard. I think that Rod is content to focus on what he truly loves, and that's coaching the defensive line, while turning more of the responsibilities for the defense over to Richard, who is being groomed to ultimately replace him. Coach Rod's career is winding down and I think he's fine working with and turning things over to his eventual successor.

I don't expect it to be announced formally, but I'm seeing enough signs to think that's what's happening. I also noticed on draft day that Marinelli was quick to involve Richard and turn the phone over to him to talk to the rookie draft picks. In fact, it looked to me like Richard spoke to them more than Marinelli did. A small thing, but something noticeable.

Has anyone else gotten this same impression?
Yep. And there is an outside chance, considering his polished communication skills, that if things go south this year, he could be promoted to Head Coach. I know that seems outlandish, but given Sean McVays early success as a young and upcoming coach, Jerry could be trying to catch his own lightening in a bottle. And, it fits Jerry's tendency to move back to a more defensive-minded coach after having been with Garrett. Lastly, it would fit the run offense to have a defensive coach who understands intimately the benefits of controlling the clock to keep his defense fresh.

Bold prediction, yes but not outside the realm of possibility.
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Well-Known Member
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These are my own thoughts on what's happening internally regarding the defense. I'm curious if anyone else is getting the same vibe or indications?

I think Rod Marinelli is scaling things back. Word was that he was contemplating retirement after the 2017 season wrapped up, and that he was also willing to step aside if Matt Eberflus wanted the defensive coordinator job. That shows me a guy with one foot out the door, or at the least a guy who wants to take on a lesser workload.

Enter Kris Richard, a former defensive coordinator just last year, and by all indications a young coach on the rise. In fact, Richard interviewed for the Colts head coaching job before accepting the defensive backs coach job here. It seems odd to me that a person would interview for a head coaching role and then quickly accept a job two notches down from that in the coaching tree. That is, unless there were things discussed other than just coaching the defensive backfield.

My belief s that we're seeing a passing of the torch and a transition of power from Marinelli to Richard. I think that Rod is content to focus on what he truly loves, and that's coaching the defensive line, while turning more of the responsibilities for the defense over to Richard, who is being groomed to ultimately replace him. Coach Rod's career is winding down and I think he's fine working with and turning things over to his eventual successor.

I don't expect it to be announced formally, but I'm seeing enough signs to think that's what's happening. I also noticed on draft day that Marinelli was quick to involve Richard and turn the phone over to him to talk to the rookie draft picks. In fact, it looked to me like Richard spoke to them more than Marinelli did. A small thing, but something noticeable.

Has anyone else gotten this same impression?

Good insight and that would be wonderful news. Marinelli has worn out his welcome. Now granted they didnt give him much to work with here, but there was waaaay tooooo much of this, tweener, get me the athlete and I will form the clay BS for my liking. And never found his vaunted 3 tech or whatever stupid thing he always wanted while passing on DT after DT in the draft.


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Yep. And there is an outside chance, considering his polished communication skills, that if things go south this year, he could be promoted to Head Coach. I know that seems outlandish, but given Sean McVays early success as aayoung and upcoming coach, Jerry could be trying to catch his own lightening in a bottle. And, it fits Jerry's tendency to move back to a more defensive-minded coach after having been with Garrett. Lastly, it would fit the run offense to have a defensive coach who understands intimately the benefits of controlling the clock to keep his defense fresh.

Bold prediction, yes but not outside the realm of possibility.

I don't think it's too bold at all. I could easily see that happening, especially if the defense plays well this year (as I expect) and the offense struggles (jury's out).

But as I said in another post, I think it could depend on other available candidates too.


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Yep. And there is an outside chance, considering his polished communication skills, that if things go south this year, he could be promoted to Head Coach. I know that seems outlandish, but given Sean McVays early success as aayoung and upcoming coach, Jerry could be trying to catch his own lightening in a bottle. And, it fits Jerry's tendency to move back to a more defensive-minded coach after having been with Garrett. Lastly, it would fit the run offense to have a defensive coach who understands intimately the benefits of controlling the clock to keep his defense fresh.

Bold prediction, yes but not outside the realm of possibility.

I would be sooo happy if that happened. With the offensive players in place a DEFENSIVE minded coach is what this team needs. Zeke, Dak, and the Oline take care of the O and he specialized on the D going forward. Has worked out great for Belli and Brady.


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I think the two styles are very different, even if they share some similarities. Richard places a much bigger emphasis on harassing receivers than Marinelli ever did. And I really, I see two guys honestly emphasizing different areas of the team. Marinelli focused on the defensive line, Richard on "the rest".

In my opinion? It would have to depend on what other candidates were actually available and in the running. If Jerry had a flashier name in kindle, maybe not. But if he didn't, I could see Richard getting his shot here.
Good observations on both counts. If Jerry ends up letting Garrett go, we must always remember, he doesn’t hire coaches based on best available talent. He hires a HC based on 1. His personal comfort with that coach (being able to interfere without that coach objecting) and 2. Whether or not that coach has enough clout to steal any of his almighty “credit”. A big name coach threatens him.


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Good observations on both counts. If Jerry ends up letting Garrett go, we must always remember, he doesn’t hire coaches based on best available talent. He hires a HC based on 1. His personal comfort with that coach (being able to interfere without that coach objecting) and 2. Whether or not that coach has enough clout to steal any of his almighty “credit”. A big name coach threatens him.

Also a good point.

Richard it is!


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I don't think it's too bold at all. I could easily see that happening, especially if the defense plays well this year (as I expect) and the offense struggles (jury's out).

But as I said in another post, I think it could depend on other available candidates too.

Unless the Oline falls apart and Zeke is out again, I dont see many people being able to stop this offense.


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and what proves anyone can not stop it? Or we really that much of a juggernaught that teams fear us yet?

Maybe you didnt watch the first 24 games when Zeke, Dak, and Oline were humming? And that was when he was a rookie and the offense was geared towards Romo and the old receivers. You can tell these fools finally got the message. They actually have a plan this year. Went out and got their Austin type back. Dak is now in his 3rd year and coming off adversity. Perfect thing to make a guy focus on his game more. The only things holding back this team is coaching and defense. But the offense will hum. I expect a top 5 scoring offense or close to it.


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It's the passing game that I have my concerns with, to some degree anyway.

The passing game just has to be efficient. More big plays, YAC, consistency. No more forcing to Dez. Moving guys around, not as predictable. May have bumps early.


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The passing game just has to be efficient. More big plays, YAC, consistency. No more forcing to Dez. Moving guys around, not as predictable. May have bumps early.

I agree. The bar set by the passing game for the 13-3 team of 2016 wasn't all that high.


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I agree. The bar set by the passing game for the 13-3 team of 2016 wasn't all that high.

Yep...........And in his 3rd year, Dak should really start to get his arm going and reading defenses. The kid is committed and smart. And his leadership should really show now that Dez and Witten are gone. These receivers are all his.


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Maybe you didnt watch the first 24 games when Zeke, Dak, and Oline were humming? And that was when he was a rookie and the offense was geared towards Romo and the old receivers. You can tell these fools finally got the message. They actually have a plan this year. Went out and got their Austin type back. Dak is now in his 3rd year and coming off adversity. Perfect thing to make a guy focus on his game more. The only things holding back this team is coaching and defense. But the offense will hum. I expect a top 5 scoring offense or close to it.

i watched it, i also watched last year. you could take the same team and have a bad Denver team beat the crap out of it. If your coaches cant drive the car, i dont care what kind of car they have. The DCs arent fearing this team as much as you hope they do.