A little bit of perspective please

My main issue is that mockery and negativity is a sport in and of itself here.

There are players who could save a baby from a burning building and the responses would be “yeah, but …”

And that’s not even hyperbole.
My main issue is that mockery and negativity is a sport in and of itself here.

There are players who could save a baby from a burning building and the responses would be “yeah, but …”

And that’s not even hyperbole.
At Texas, Golden began the season as the team's No. 2 receiver behind Isaiah Bond, but once the season started, it did not take Golden long to exceed his expectations.

I would take either of the Texas receivers depending on who is taken with the Dallas 12th round.
I absolutely love this message board. I have been a member here for years and I love speaking to my fellow fans about everything Cowboys, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Having said that, the polarity of this place is becoming extremely toxic and unreasonably contentious. It seems like that so many here don’t like people who don’t view things the same way that they do.

Some view EVERY move the Cowboys make as wrong. Some have a sunshine view of every move. I can see why those extreme factions have trouble with each other, but the truth lies somewhere in between.

I guess my thought process on this post is how about just being a little bit more civil with each other? I am quite sure that most everyone here (including those who always look for the bright side) are frustrated.

I know that I am frustrated with the Cowboys and last year I became as frustrated as I have ever been with the Cowboys. But that doesn’t mean that I am going to go out of my way to complain about every move that they make.

Some of the minor moves that they make will be positive. Maybe we will have an epic draft. Maybe we won’t. But I’m not going to assume the worst before it even happens.

It’s ok to be realistic. It’s ok to be negative. I think some of that is definitely appropriate, but let’s at least be civil in conversation with each other. There is really no need to just attack everything someone says because you don’t like them or agree with how they view the team.

A majority of the people here have opinions about the team that CHANGE from day to day or week to week. Views should change a little as the team evolves.

I don’t think that Dak is the guy to lead us anywhere and I don’t understand why the Cowboys paid him what they did. I don’t think he will get better and I think he is like an anvil around the team’s neck. But I am not going to purposefully be hateful to someone that believes differently than me on Dak.

In short please try to be civil with one another. I know it’s hard right now with so much going wrong for so long, but at least try.
Good post. I completely agree. I’ve said this several times the last couple years but I’m pretty confident if we all met in real life we would be friends even with our disagreements on certain aspects of the team. Cuz at the end of the day anyone who is posting on this site is a passionate fan.

Let’s not forget we are all on the same side and we all want the best for the franchise. Expressing an opinion on how to make the franchise better is not a personal attack on any member or their opinion. I wish we could stop infighting and being petty, and I’ve done it as well, and remember we’re one big family of Cowboys supporters. For better or worse we are Cowboys fans.

One thing I will throw out about this community is when push comes to shove people have shown that there is a concern with another members. I was/am really touched when bad news broke of members passing away and how this community reacted. We stopped caring about the game and cared more about the situation of the member and their families. I personally have experienced the kindness of others when I have shared things. Such as my dad having a brain bleed the other month.

So I feel we can cut down on some of the snarky and petty comments but my take away from this site is the members are genuinely good people. I think that’s why this place has been a fixture in my life for so long.

So TLDR version is yes we argue but I’m proud to be apart of this community and proud to be able to walk this journey with fellow passionate fans of the Cowboys. It’s an honor to be here and I’m grateful to interact with all of you.

Go Cowboys!!!!
I consider it a support group and I’m thankful for it.
Hi all. My name is Vaq, and I’m a Cowboys Super Bowlaholic. It’s been really hard these last 30 years.

Hi all. My name is Vaq, and I’m a Cowboys Super Bowlaholic. It’s been really hard these last 30 years.

The sad thing is i am sure there are a good number of cowboys fans that have actually become alcoholics due to this team.

Still good post though

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