A Note For The Commanders Fans Showing Up This Week

Hostile;2282853 said:
You may think that you can come here and say whatever you want. You can't. This is a Dallas Cowboys site. If you come here just to insult the team, or the players, or the fans you will be banned. Notice I did not mince words.

We do not condone Cowboys fans going on Commanders sites and insulting the Commanders. If they do that and get banned our feeling is that they deserved it. I wish some of them had more class than that. Just because they do it somewhere else does not mean we will allow it here. Get that through your thick melons right now.

If you've come to discuss the game, that is fine. It is even okay to bring a little salt. It is not in your best interests to change the word Dallas or the word Cowboys when you do. Don't think for one minute that doing this is going to fly here. It won't. Two people have already tried it and been banned.

Every year I warn some Commanders fan about the insulting of the team and they point out to me that we are allowing our fans to call you Deadskins or Foreskins. Duh. Once again, it is a Dallas Cowboys site. If you think your team is not going to get insulted here call Vanna and ask if you can buy a clue instead of a vowel. That is beyond ignorant.

Hey Hostile you can send the Commanders fans to AbsoluteCowboys.com we'll eat them for breakfast..... :lmao2: they won't know what they are getting into over there.
Bring it skins fans. Ur team may win 10 games this year but u r still the doormat of the nfceast but then again u r used to it. All u skins fans who know more about football than ur owner d snyder or those who know more about callin plays than ur coaches or u guys who can read a defense better than ur startin QB. Judgement day is quickly upon you!
Spytheweb;2283583 said:
You guys really do have thin skin.


Does Brandon Jacob's ring say Manning on the side? :lmao2: :lmao:
Hostile;2282853 said:
If you think your team is not going to get insulted here call Vanna and ask if you can buy a clue instead of a vowel.

You wanted to buy a vowel, you say?

BraveHeartFan;2283288 said:
Ummmm...no offense but how is it classy, or showing them how to act, if they come here and can be insulted, crapped on, made fun of, but then you tell them "But you can't retaliate in a like fashion or you'll be banned?"

I guess at some Commanders forums they allow that too but at the one and only one I go to, or have ever gone to, they allow you to defend yourself and have fun.

I really don't see where them coming here and changing the name is bad. Who cares as long as it's in good fun or to simply throw some gas on the fire of the rivalry. Naturally if it's just a troll and that's all they're bringing is name calling then, yeah, they deserve to be banned.

*Shrugs* I'll certainly be in the minority on this one. :)

It's one thing to be called a troll when your posting the Commanders are the greatest ****!!!! threads, or to be called a deadskin fan, etc, and its another thing to come on to a cowboy board, and blatantly call cowboy fans, a large range of derogatory names. What team board do you know of that allows opposing teams fans to come on and talk not only bad about the team, but the fans as well. They have nothing to add to the site, they are not engaging in discussion, they are not doing anything productive. They have simply came over here to talk noise create a bigg fuss and then go back to extremeskins, and laugh at how "we got so upset when i said". Hos has just let the fans know in advance that this kind of posting won't be tolerated and they will be banned. Don't need anyone complaining that we didn't warn them.

At least thats what i got from it
I'm not talking about extremely offensive things. I know those aren't allowed, nor should they be, but some of his examples were changing the name of the team in some of the posts. That's harmless and we do it to Skins fans all the time call them Deadskin, foreskins, etc, etc.

That was my only point. It just seems really silly that we're saying "We'll beat our chest and come up with these funny variations of your teams name but you DON'T DARE DO IT TO OURS".

That was all. Overly rude and troll behavior of course I don't expect Hos to allow.

I've never been to ES (In regards to the poster who asked earlier) and I likely won't ever go there. I've found one Skins forum to go to and got lucky and found a really great one that the people are chill and don't mind a fan of the Cowboys, with differeing opinion, dropping buy and hanging out. Now if I went in there and acted like a D-bag, yeah I'd get banned. But I wouldn't get warned about calling them Deadskins or what not. They'd simply take that as the fun trash talk that goes on between fans and they'd give it right back.

*Shrugs* Like I said I'll be in the minority on this one.
BraveHeartFan;2283726 said:
I'm not talking about extremely offensive things. I know those aren't allowed, nor should they be, but some of his examples were changing the name of the team in some of the posts. That's harmless and we do it to Skins fans all the time call them Deadskin, foreskins, etc, etc.

That was my only point. It just seems really silly that we're saying "We'll beat our chest and come up with these funny variations of your teams name but you DON'T DARE DO IT TO OURS".

That was all. Overly rude and troll behavior of course I don't expect Hos to allow.

I've never been to ES (In regards to the poster who asked earlier) and I likely won't ever go there. I've found one Skins forum to go to and got lucky and found a really great one that the people are chill and don't mind a fan of the Cowboys, with differeing opinion, dropping buy and hanging out. Now if I went in there and acted like a D-bag, yeah I'd get banned. But I wouldn't get warned about calling them Deadskins or what not. They'd simply take that as the fun trash talk that goes on between fans and they'd give it right back.

*Shrugs* Like I said I'll be in the minority on this one.
No they wouldn't. They don't tolerate that at all. Nor should they.
Hostile;2283731 said:
No they wouldn't. They don't tolerate that at all. Nor should they.

Ok. Whatever. Like I said I actually go there and I've never had any issue with this sort of thing. But believe what you like.
For the record, I only complained because I thought the guy was insulting my foreskin.
Hostile;2282853 said:
Get that through your thick melons right now
I've sometimes thought that Commanders fans were a little fruity between the ears...
BraveHeartFan;2283735 said:
Ok. Whatever. Like I said I actually go there and I've never had any issue with this sort of thing. But believe what you like.
You haven't had any issues because you are a decent, respectful poster who has earned some trust. A brand new poster dropping insults will not last.
Hostile;2283873 said:
You haven't had any issues because you are a decent, respectful poster who has earned some trust. A brand new poster dropping insults will not last.

This could be.
Spytheweb;2283583 said:
You guys really do have thin skin.

The Commanders fans here get far,far more leeway then Cowboy fans due at ES. It's just things come to a head the weeks we play.
Spytheweb;2283583 said:
You guys really do have thin skin.

Will you add anything to the site by actually talking about the game of football for once or will you just continue to troll your way through threads with worthless one liners striving to seek attention like a 2 year old? It's ok to be a guest. It's not ok if you stop acting like one.
The blood of the lamb has been sprinkled on the door post.
StylisticS;2284268 said:
Will you add anything to the site by actually talking about the game of football for once or will you just continue to troll your way through threads with worthless one liners striving to seek attention like a 2 year old? It's ok to be a guest. It's not ok if you stop acting like one.

Don't worry about him. After we beat the Giants down the line here he won't even comeback to the forums anyway.
AmishCowboy;2284232 said:
The Commanders fans here get far,far more leeway then Cowboy fans due at ES.

Exactly... and my take is, those Skins fans are guests on our board, and as guests, it's incumbent on them to be respectful of "our house"... if they can't, show them the door...

Talk football trash all you want, but leave the juvenile name-calling behind, or get banned... seems eminently fair to me...
This thread ROCKS! I can't stand deadskins how dare they abuse our beloved Cowboys. After Sunday they will be forced to :bow:

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