That's your interpretation and prerogative.
My statement, as I meant to state it and not word it poorly, is that a person who approaches a situation strictly as a fan is much more likely to demonstrate bias on an issue regarding their team than someone who may be a fan of a rival team, but approaching the same situation as their job.
The bias word against this woman is being thrown around without any knowledge of how she approached the investigation, what evidence was considered, what information was provided by Hardy and his attorney, and what her conclusion was. Keep in mind - she did not adjudicate the league decision on this - Roger Goodell did.
From what I can see, she was a respected prosecutor who was hired as part of a team to investigate these issues. She is hired to do a job, and is paid just as much by the Dallas Cowboys as she is by the New York Giants.
I can't say it enough - the decision, made by Roger Goodell, was done for PR purposes. If Greg Hardy were a Giant, Jet or any other teams' player, faced with the same allegation and evidence, based on the current rancor nationally on the issue and the NFL, he would have received the same suspension.
There is no bias here. The league isn't out to get the Cowboys. They are out to save their PR hide.