A reality of why Prescott will get extended


Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
they get the money from the low-IQ fans, humiliation doesn't matter.
get your gear and buy into another run next year. LMAO......the slow ones are sad.
Cowboys have too many "fans" that like making IG stories in their brand new jersey

The type of people posting on this forum arent who the Jones make their money off of


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Because as long as he is here, we are good for 9-12 wins. Being a playoff team is that all that has mattered to the organization for the past 20 years. The Jones arent going to give up a safe playoff birth for an unknown. Its not imprortant how far we go, its just getting there and maintaining a degree of national relevance.

"Good enough" is why we hired McCarthy without giving anyone else a serious interview. "Good enough " is why McCarthy is still here after another playoff failure. Thats also what Prescott means to this organization. I believe those that think there is a chance he wont get extended will be very disappointed. We will have Prescott until we cant win 10 games with him anymore
I think every fan should know by now its almost a foregone conclusion Dak will be extended. He's a good QB, a bad one wouldn't win as many games as he has. However, he's too inconsistent in the biggest games to be relied on alone just like Romo. He's had 5 chances in the playoffs and whether if its the 1st or 2nd game the losing effort looks similiar. Certainly the coaches shoulder blame for a bad gameplan, but the best QBs find a way to give their teams a chance.

The biggest problem in all this is Dak's looming contract likely to be 50 to 60 million a year is just too much for a player that doesn't deliver in the playoffs. Its difficult to fathom because I firmly believe Dak helped the Cowboys be net positive 2-3 games in the regular season to get them there. However, come playoffs there's lots of average and below QBs that could have turned in a similar performance for a fraction of the cost where you can reallocate funds to get better elsewhere.

I just don't think Dak is worth the cost of a high end pass rusher + cb1 + WR2, or any combo of 2 to 3 elite to very good players you could have instead.


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By all accounts next year isn't going to end well. We haven't had a repeat division winner in 100 years. And we're bringing back the same crew that choked this year.

On the bright side. Which is what I like to look at. Lets see how this team proceeds in the offseason. Lets see if they put in the effort to improve this team beyond what we saw this year.

Being all in during FA is not always the smartest choice. But ignoring it completely isn't either. We don't have a 2007 Cowboys without TO and some moves. But at the same time, you don't want to pay a ridiculous amount of money for someone like Von Miller at his advanced age.

Bottom line. The Cowboys can't just use the tired build through the draft and do nothing else and expect better results. We'll just come to the same end result.


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I think there are 3 roadblocks to the extension.
1. The Joneses want Dak to take a team friendly contract so they can get cap relief.

2. I think Dak thinks he is the best quarterback in the NFL and wants to be a Cowboy for life. Meaning he wants all the money and endorsements.

3. Todd France. He wants Dak to play out his contract and sign the biggest free agent contract in NFL history. I remember seeing an interview with France after Dak signed the last contract and France seemed upset. He felt Dak should have gotten more.

I don’t think this will be easy at all and I am starting to believe Dak will be a free agent at the end next season.
If it gets too hard don't get suckered in again


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
No, I'm afraid Dak's weakness is known league wide, and that's all he's gonna see from now on.
zone all day, and he can't beat it.
Cedee is frustrated.
We stayed Incredibly healthy on offense
Teams have plenty of tape on Mike's tendencies.
Next year I'm afraid won't be quite as successful.
If Jerry doesn't leave himself a out with this contract he's a fool.
He can always tell Dak to see what the market will bri g.


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Im not saying its good, Im just saying I think thats whats going to happen and why I think it will happen

As Cowboys fans we can hope a miracle happens and we actually do something in January and February. But that talk with the this organization always seems like you are praying for a miracle. At this point, thats exactly what we are doing
No, I know exactly what you are saying and I agree w it all.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Nothing will change. Play it safe so they can sell the hope of a playoff run


The Boognish
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That is one way to look at it and certainly after next year when his contract expires we can be anxious about that but for right now he makes 3/5 of what top QB make. If there ever was a time to go all in it is now.

Sink or swim you know where you are if you do that right before MM and Dak's contracts expire.


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Dak will never win anything of substance. That said, what's the point of keeping him around at all?


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It is a tough spot to be in and JJ only has himself to blame. There are no easy outs on this abomination of a contract. I still think a trade (if you can convince Dak) is the best bet.

It will be worse in 12 months.. He will have a losing record (no easiest schedule in the league next season) and with the likelihood of losing half our OLine.. could be banged up too. So he goes into free agency and we will likely get nothing for him.

So yes.. you have to either convince him to trade or extend him. The problem is that he wants market setting rates and gauranteed money. You are literally throwing more money at an already bad situation.

I think they will extend him.. but a lot of that is sunk cost fallacy. If you take emotion out of it, you would be looking to trade this off season and if no luck then cut him after the June 1st deadline. Clear the books, eat the dead money. Yes we probably have worse results next season without Dak than with Dak.. but the end result is the same = we aren't winning a championship next year. So instead we go down.. get a nice little draft haul. Have money available to keep a few more guys.. and then hope to rebound quickly.


Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
they get the money from the low-IQ fans, humiliation doesn't matter.
get your gear and buy into another run next year. LMAO......the slow ones are sad.
They also get money from TV ratings and forums that keep them relative. If all those that said they were done with them had the balls to do it, then maybe things would change.

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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Because as long as he is here, we are good for 9-12 wins. Being a playoff team is that all that has mattered to the organization for the past 20 years. The Jones arent going to give up a safe playoff birth for an unknown. Its not imprortant how far we go, its just getting there and maintaining a degree of national relevance.

"Good enough" is why we hired McCarthy without giving anyone else a serious interview. "Good enough " is why McCarthy is still here after another playoff failure. Thats also what Prescott means to this organization. I believe those that think there is a chance he wont get extended will be very disappointed. We will have Prescott until we cant win 10 games with him anymore
Astute observation buddy.


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The reality is that Jerruh will always pay his guys unless a convenient out becomes available