A rumor I heard about BP


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When BP got the Cowboys gig, I was over the moon. I know he's not the man of a few years ago but I still believe him to be one of the best around.

Jimmy? Brilliant, but I'd rather have an aged BP every time. Do you think BP would have accomplished what JImmy did with the same resources (stack of draft choices etc.....), I'm pretty confident he would have been there abouts.


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Jimmy did not improve the Fins at all while he was there. total failure.


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Fan Since 77;1248377 said:
I swear, you people ragging on Parcells for not motivating? You guys know absolutely nothing about football. Go ahead and ask his players if he's a motivator. Ask the players that won SuperBowls with him if he's a motivator. clueless. Yeah I've had a few to drink tonight, but calling out Parcells is flat ********.

You need an enema.

All I need to do is look on the sidelines at his face and the players faces to realize he is not.

Jimmy was always firing his team up storming down the sidelines.

VA Cowboy

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jrumann59;1248339 said:
Unfortunately after his lackluster performance in Miami I don't want him because he no longer has the fire. That is reason #1 why he left. He was full of himself and got his little pecker stepped on when Jerry said anyone could coach the current team then to a SB. If he had the fire he would have stayed to destroy the NFL with the talent that was in Dallas.

The split was mutual between Jimmy and Jerry. But boy did Jerry show us. Switzer was able to watch the Boys win one SB with Jimmy's talent and then it fell apart. Then Jerry was gracious enough to step back and let Gailey and Campo run things. Yep, that Jerry, he was always so willing to put his ego aside for the sake of the team. :laugh2:


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DBoys;1248465 said:
You need an enema.

All I need to do is look on the sidelines at his face and the players faces to realize he is not.

Jimmy was always firing his team up storming down the sidelines.

If you need a coach up and down the sidelines to "fire you up," you don't need to be playing profootball.

And I don't recall JJ "storming" the sidelines? Probably because it rarely happened (revisionist history). I do recall him constantly smacking his lips -- perhaps that's how he motivated.


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HTownCowboysFan;1248475 said:
If you need a coach up and down the sidelines to "fire you up," you don't need to be playing profootball.

And I don't recall JJ "storming" the sidelines? Probably because it rarely happened (revisionist history). I do recall him constantly smacking his lips -- perhaps that's how he motivated.

It's funny how you use a quote from BP to justify your point I wonder which coach you like :rolleyes:

Recall harder because Jimmy was always clapping his hands telling them let's go. He also had balls of steal and was constantly taking risks on the field which told his players he believed in them.


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DBoys;1248479 said:
It's funny how you use a quote from BP to justify your point I wonder which coach you like :rolleyes:

Recall harder because Jimmy was always clapping his hands telling them let's go. He also had balls of steal and was constantly taking risks on the field which told his players he believed in them.

What "quote" from Bill Parcells? Look, I'm a huge Jimmy fan -- I grew up in the same area he's from and even met him back in the 90s. Parcells is a great coach and has done more in the NFL than JJ. I'd rather have, right now, Parcells coaching this team than JJ -- who IS NOT COMING BACK anyway. It's a moot point.

"Clapping hands and tell 'em 'let's go!'" -- That's Hall of Fame coaching right there. And who in the hell stole Jimmy's balls?!


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jrumann59;1248315 said:
While driving around today at work I was listening to ESPN radio and a show local to DC that comes on before Dan Patrick, "Lunch with someone I have never of" it was little 10 second blurb about Bill Parcells.

Basicly it said, "Bill Parcells is leaning towards returning next year as the Dallas Cowboys Head coach." I kept waiting for more info and then the "Dan Patrick Show" came one.

Of course I have done a little research and still haven't found anything to confirm the report.

Just found something on it.


I almost stopped reading when I read "rumors" and then "espn" LOL

Anyways... Normally I would not be opposed to Bill retiring and us getting a fresh mind in Dallas as HC...but.... Romo is here and he is playing... I can honestly say that I cant think of any HC that I would trust he progress with.... I can only really think of Norv and that would be as OC or assistant HC.

If Bill leaves the Romo movement could be over. He will start making lots of "mental errors" and INT himself out of a starting position. Give Bill ALOT of credit for Romo the 3rd stringer and give Bill ALOT of credit for Romo the starter


Star Power
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I'd rather have a coach who's veins are filled with coaching blood cells than one who would rather spend most of his time on a boat off the coast of Miami.


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Rack;1248353 said:
I'd be more afraid of Jimmy retiring after 1 year then I am of BP retiring now (after 4 years).

BP > Jimmy.

so true.


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DBoys;1248465 said:
You need an enema.

All I need to do is look on the sidelines at his face and the players faces to realize he is not.

Jimmy was always firing his team up storming down the sidelines.

The Dolphins looked pretty fired up when they were getting routed 62-7 in Jimmy's last playoff game.

VA Cowboy

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SultanOfSix;1248556 said:
I'd rather have a coach who's veins are filled with coaching blood cells than one who would rather spend most of his time on a boat off the coast of Miami.

How about playing the horses in NY?


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wileedog;1248577 said:
The Dolphins looked pretty fired up when they were getting routed 62-7 in Jimmy's last playoff game.

Perhaps Jimmy's clapping and firing guys up, up and down the sidelines, got them those much needed 7 points.

Honestly, JJ's a fantastic coach and I'm glad he had his run in Dallas.


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HTownCowboysFan;1248488 said:
What "quote" from Bill Parcells? Look, I'm a huge Jimmy fan -- I grew up in the same area he's from and even met him back in the 90s. Parcells is a great coach and has done more in the NFL than JJ. I'd rather have, right now, Parcells coaching this team than JJ -- who IS NOT COMING BACK anyway. It's a moot point.

"Clapping hands and tell 'em 'let's go!'" -- That's Hall of Fame coaching right there. And who in the hell stole Jimmy's balls?!

I figured someone as knowledgable as yourself would know that BP has said on serveral occasions that if a coach needs to fire his team up they shouldn't be playing football. Guess you don't remember who you took the quote from.

A moot point in your opinion and your opinion has little weight to Jerry Jones now doesn't it? I bet you were one of the people saying that there is no way he would get Bill Parcells.

Jimmy was a motivator and his players believed in him and the other guys around them. This team still has doubts it is visible in their faces. Not to say they won't get more confident but when the coach is on the sidelines looking beat that doesn't portray well to players looking to him for leadership.

You should stick to telling people they have fake jerseys.


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wileedog;1248577 said:
The Dolphins looked pretty fired up when they were getting routed 62-7 in Jimmy's last playoff game.

Funny you put down a coach who gave your team 2 super bowls. I guess it's no different than the romp we took from the Saints.


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^ Uh, it's called "kidding," "tongue in cheek," or "not being serious.

I find your take regarding BP not being able to motivate players complete nonsense. All of this has nothing to do with Jimmy -- who is not going back to coaching btw.

And make sure you don't buy that fake jersey.


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This team still has doubts it is visible in their faces.

Maybe it's gas or indigestion.

And you are right about me being in the camp that didn't think we'd "get" Parcells. I was hoping that Barry would come back myself.