FEATURED A tribute to our dear friend CouchCoach

The loss of Coach really puts all of this in perspective for me . I’m not going to be in the mood to discuss Cowboys football for awhile. I need time to mourn his loss.

He loved this site more than I could ever understand . He often said if not for the camaraderie he developed here that his interest for the Cowboys would have already faded.

Meaning his entire existence and fandom for the Cowboys revolved around his interaction and contribution in this forum. That’s powerful stuff. I’ve always downplayed the importance of this site while frequenting here more often than I ever intended

My Cowboys life doesn’t revolve around this forum . It revolves around my friends, family and acquaintances in my life. I spend more time reading watching and listening to the local vibe . This has always been more of an outlet to vent, voice my opinions , hopefully plant a seed or two and find some comfort with fans of similar concerns and sentiments .

I initially back in 2008 joined to urge fans not to buy season tickets in new stadium as an old Texas Stadium long time season ticket holder were looking for means to broadcast. And the official Dallas Cowboys forum seemed like another venue since our owner owned it. That’s how it all started for me. It was only the pushback I received from some fans that spurred me to stay on and argue other issues . I had never really received any pushback from other fans as such and the site appeared like it needed the perspective and insight I provided.

And no one comforted me more than Coach. Not only was he straight forward and took on many of the issues which concerned me but his humor and word skills in writing were as entertaining as many of the professionals I follow daily .

I came to where I couldnt wait to hear his next spin on issues . And while he wasn’t the confrontational arrogant outspoken driven fanatic I am he still hit on issues which we usually aligned . But in a much more polished and less threatening pompous mode which not only appealed to more but didn’t take on the emotions that often sparked a harsher response . Rarely did we ever see him go endlessly with dead-end debates like some of us are so primed to take as we draw our line in the sand.

Not many other fans on this site grasped my intentions here as he did . He had been a season ticket holder as well years earlier. And he gracefully would attempt to not only call them out but also go to bat for me when others totally misconstrued or misread my meaning or intents .

There were some tenuous years on old forum. I took on some huge homers like the Emperor. A great Cowboy fan but just couldn’t handle any criticism . A common thread with some Homers . After he was banned I appeared on one of his radio shows . Once he saw pics of my Sports Cave he realized the enormity of my fandom. He was so used to taking on Trolls who did frequent the official Cowboys forum. He went on to become a Cowboys sports journalist . Awesome Cowboy fan!!

I also took on the Romo homers which ultimately had me banned a few weeks before the forum shut down because I made fun of the letter Resignation from Romo which the new administrator ( a former mod) who was a huge Romo Homer . She eventually was the one who was in charge of banning several before forum eventually shut down totally unannounced .

I had came in the Zone back about same time I originally joined DC.com under my original screen name greggtxsports. I made a few post on the Zone under that screen name . I eventually forgot my password with inactivity and just stayed away until most of us came over as refugees in 2016. I actually tried to persuade Coach and a few others that the Zone would be best place for us to land . That we already had several members there.

I just can’t say enough about the class and character of Michael. I’ve known his name for years now going back to old site and I’d never used it publicly . He didn’t ask me not to I just assumed since he had never broadcast to my knowledge that he didn’t want to. What is said in PM’s stays there.

That’s the kind of trust he had with me . He knew my business and fan background and while he publicly was supported by most who were offended by my attitudes and tactics in my arguments he personally supported me while also trying to suggest making friends.

I’m not sure I would have lasted all of these years without his existence. There has been several others friends over the years . I hope most know who they are. And I’ve made many more friends in the Zone who have followed and agreed mostly with my narratives and positions on issues . I truly appreciate . Too many to mention them all.

And I’m going to root on Coaches spirit which hopefully will be the driving force the Cowboys need to finally get the monkey off our back.
How bout Coach. God bless him!!

Well said Greg.

CC had a true gift for connecting with other posters no matter their views and getting Them to connect with and respect others, even if Their views were diametrically opposed to Their own.
Well said Greg! A great tribute!

I think you’re right! Never met in person, never heard his voice, but when I heard he passed, it was like losing a family member.
While this is an anonymous setting as far as names used we do come to know each other much more personally . Assuming we are being honest . Knowing his full name now doesn’t make me feel any closer to him.

When I think about some of the celebrities and public figures we mourn who we don’t know personally , remember they never knew us personally and we never had a conversation with them in any capacity.

At least in this setting we all do know each other . Some much more than others. Coach was one of those who did disclose himself , his life along with the pains and joys his life encountered .

This made him a more life like personality in a setting like this . Didn’t have to see his face or hear his voice . We knew him thru his words and emotions . Much like someone we read their work in the paper , magazine or in a book without seeing their face or hearing their voice .

Not everyone in this forum divulges themselves for us to see . Coach did. Up until his last few days of life dying hours after his last post.

A wordsmith, a master storyteller, a great sense of humor that embraced the absurd, but his greatest skill? Despite his intelligence and experience, he never crossed the line—cynical, but not so much that he was mean or combative—something I think we all aspire to. He could talk to anyone with respect. To make others feel viable is a great gift.
A wordsmith, a master storyteller, a great sense of humor that embraced the absurd, but his greatest skill? Despite his intelligence and experience, he never crossed the line—cynical, but not so much that he was mean or combative—something I think we all aspire to. He could talk to anyone with respect. To make others feel viable is a great gift.
Nailed it.
This is sad to hear. I always enjoyed reading his posts going back years from the old Cowboys forum. We can all take in some comfort that he has been rejoined with his wife and his loved ones that have gone before. He will be missed, but not forgotten.
I am sad to announce we have recently lost an irreplaceable member of our fan community here at The Zone. Michael Baer, aka “CouchCoach” has passed away after a long illness which was confirmed by his son today. Like me, many of you have noticed his absence of late and missed his always fun and interesting insights here.

I have known CC for over a decade going back to the days of the old Cowboys forum on the team site. He was always gracious and funny with a sharp and insightful wit and a wise contributor to all the topics he visited.

Reading his posts were not only interesting and smile inducing, they also were often full of wisdom and insight to life itself. His writing style was incredibly witty, clever and off beat, often bringing insights into not only football but many topics of life. We communicated frequently through PMs the last year and a half talking about his health and the challenges he faced. He never lost his sense of humor or wit in the face of pain and decline.

Many times in the last year, Couch Coach wrote in great detail and eloquence in the “Morning Pops” thread of his long and difficult health journey. If you’ve never read them, it might be worth your time to revisit what he wrote and take note of how gracious he remained to the end.

His last post on our forum was made on Sept.13th when he welcomed a new member (which he often did) by simply saying, “Welcome to the best sports site.” It was the last thing he wrote here.

His kindness was always upfront. His humor was quick and top shelf; never at the expense of someone else and often self deprecating. He loved the Cowboys but had long ago let go of basing his happiness on their success.

One way we can ALL honor our dear friend is by following his example - don’t take yourself or your points on this forum too seriously. Being kind to our fellow fans is way more important than being right.

Any time any one of us takes the time to welcome a new member to the forum, or encourages someone here, or reminds us that life is more important than what happens to the Cowboys each week, we should remember Michael “Couch Coach” Baer.

Rest in peace brother. You are deeply missed.
Go Cowboys!
Omg not coach
I don't know how I missed this before now. Oh my God. CC was on the old boards.dallascowboys.com site when I first joined up in '09.

CC was one of the best posters on this site. As a regular on here, he's been a small part of my life for the last 14 years now. It's not going to be the same with him no longer here.

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