Aaron Carter Dead at 34


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I just lost my best friend to addiction 2 months ago. I wanted to post about it around here, but I'm also the kind of person that doesn't like to be dramatic/want the attention. Addiction is a serious thing, and I know some people scoff at it in the idea that the person deserved it (which is wrong), but it's a very dark place that is hard to come out of. Not everybody can do it, and unfortunately, it costs them their life. If you love somebody that has an addiction, please, try to help them, but don't judge them.


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I just lost my best friend to addiction 2 months ago. I wanted to post about it around here, but I'm also the kind of person that doesn't like to be dramatic/want the attention. Addiction is a serious thing, and I know some people scoff at it in the idea that the person deserved it (which is wrong), but it's a very dark place that is hard to come out of. Not everybody can do it, and unfortunately, it costs them their life. If you love somebody that has an addiction, please, try to help them, but don't judge them.

There is a quote I like. "Many battles are losable, losing is not unusual, life is brutal but beautiful, birth eludes to a funeral". That sucks man, but your logic is wrong

Quote: "The dangerous three" Ra the rugged man, master ace, brother ali
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Well-Known Member
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I just lost my best friend to addiction 2 months ago. I wanted to post about it around here, but I'm also the kind of person that doesn't like to be dramatic/want the attention. Addiction is a serious thing, and I know some people scoff at it in the idea that the person deserved it (which is wrong), but it's a very dark place that is hard to come out of. Not everybody can do it, and unfortunately, it costs them their life. If you love somebody that has an addiction, please, try to help them, but don't judge them.
I hate drunk drivers; my sister lost her best friend at 18 to a habitual drunk driver. Then the judge let him off saying he was a good family man. Sickening.
My sister never really got over that; she is an introverted type and Kathy was the only one that ever managed to get close to her.
I see those idiots here bragging about driving drunk and how everyone does it and I want to strangle them.
To my mind booze and drugs are very close to being the same; once on them deeply very few ever escape