Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

trickblue;4601461 said:
I've actually been wanting to see this... looks entertaining...
Me too. Not enough to buy a movie ticket but I'll watch it when it gets to Redbox.
Next up:

J.F.K- Ninja Assassin.
John Adams- Big Foot Hunter
Teddy Roosevelt- Mermaid Mercenary

And then a coming together movie:

Political Avengers.
Doomsday101;4601476 said:
Not how they portrayed him or even the fact they used Abe. I just think when it comes to horror movies using real people of history is a just a bit over the top. They could have used any other famous person in history and I would feel the same. Gandhi the Vampire killer. :laugh2:

Yeah, but I think the point of using Abraham Lincoln is the fact the everyone thinks of him as this gentle, regal person. It's funny. I can't wait to see this movie.
I heard Lincoln dies in the end. Shot in the head.

You're welcome.
Manwiththeplan;4601503 said:
Fixed that for ya

It was a book? Now it's a movie. It looks fun. I'm going to watch it.

I saw a straight to video movie "Abe Lincoln Zombie killer". Horrible movie, written poorly, sot poorly, acted poorly. The ending was just stupid.
I am really having a hard time grasping the "Honest Abe", vampire slayer concept.
Idgit;4601617 said:
I heard Lincoln dies in the end. Shot in the head.

You're welcome.
******! You could've at least put up a *SPOILER ALERT* Warning, or sumpin'. Now ya done gone and ruined it for me. :laugh2:
Idgit;4601617 said:
I heard Lincoln dies in the end. Shot in the head.

You're welcome.

That's what they want us to believe. But we refuse to be deceived by the architects of lies!!!
Doomsday101;4601453 said:
:laugh2: I guess the combination of being part vampire and a bath salt user is a bad mix.

Not to mention I might have to remove garlic from my diet.

Oh sure, one guy eats one face, and suddenly bath salts have a bad name...

One suspects that the producers of bath salts have seen a sudden surge in sales...
Doomsday101;4601455 said:
It may be worth watching if Abe was not the vampire killer.

I guess next up is Washington the mummy killer. :laugh2:

Don't be absurd, everybody knows George is the only reason we're not up to our butts in werewolves around here...

Really, some of y'all must have slept through History class...
silverbear;4601722 said:
Don't be absurd, everybody knows George is the only reason we're not up to our butts in werewolves around here...

Really, some of y'all must have slept through History class...

If a reincarnation of Ol' Honest Abe can stifle this politically correct crap... I am taking up the hammer and stake... ;)
trickblue;4601793 said:
If a reincarnation of Ol' Honest Abe can stifle this politically correct crap... I am taking up the hammer and stake... ;)

Lemme know when you get hammered and grill steaks, I'll be there...

I like Porterhouses or Delmonicos...
Muhast;4601567 said:
Next up:

J.F.K- Ninja Assassin.
John Adams- Big Foot Hunter
Teddy Roosevelt- Mermaid Mercenary

And then a coming together movie:

Political Avengers.

:lmao2: :lmao2:

That would be epic but that's more League of Extraordinary Presidents than anything else. :laugh2:
With all the sequels going to 4, 5, 6, and 7 at least this is an original idea. On the other hand, Hangover 3 is coming out.
People that are so down on this movie for not being real enough are ignoring the fact that every single year, movies come out that twist true life stories. Hell, look at Braveheart. That movie is based on a real, historial character and yet 85% (or more) of the movie is complete fiction. That didn't stop a whole lot of people from seeing it and praising it.
Phrozen Phil;4601422 said:
When i first saw the first trailers for the movie, I did a double take. Apparently, nothing is sacred. Perhaps we can look forward to him taking out the cast of the "Twilight" movies.

He's a few years too late, much to my dismay.

Muhast;4601567 said:
Next up:

J.F.K- Ninja Assassin.
John Adams- Big Foot Hunter
Teddy Roosevelt- Mermaid Mercenary

And then a coming together movie:

Political Avengers.

Filmakingfrenzy.com had a make your own trailer contest. You "Pick any U.S. president from any era in our history, then pair him with one of our 'alternative occupations'." for the trailer. There are a few decent ones on their site.
Reverend Conehead;4603118 said:
When I saw the movie poster I rolled my eyes. I'm debating whether to see the film.
Don't remain willingly blind to the "truth" ... uh ... as presented. Embrace it. Don't continue to buy into the longstanding coverup anymore -- first created and then continuously perpetuated by our Government -- without at least challenging what you've been taught.

Abe Lincoln was a revered leader who ascended to the Presidency. Yes. That much most are willing to agree upon. But he was also a completely committed vampire slayer, apparently. Is that so hard to believe?

From the review by Sarah Harper: http://www.mndaily.com/2012/06/24/review-“abraham-lincoln-vampire-hunter” ...
"This is a fight for the soul of our nation" refers to both the Civil War and a fight against veiny-faced vamps.

A lot of people don’t take “Vampire Hunter” seriously because of its premise. The President of the United States is a vampire killer?
It’s based on a book written by the same guy who wrote “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies?”

For the sake of personal growth, "Suspend your disbelief," I say. "Trust in good ole 'Honest Abe' why dontcha?" If not Abe, who CAN you trust?

J/K ... all in fun. I haven't seen it yet, either. :D

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