I've got no desire to see this kid play in the NFL at all.
He's an idiot. Anyone who would willingly jeopardize a shot at the NFL just to get high is a fool.
Testing positive just prior to one of the most important days for a college player is just pathetic. Anymore, that is what the combine is all about. More than showing off what the players have physically, the combine is all about seeing the players have what it takes mentally and if they have the right attitude.
And its not just that he smoked weed prior to the combine that gets to me. I know a lot of athletes do it. Its the fact that he let himself get caught doing it that makes me root against him. He had a golden opportunity and he may have flushed it. I think he will get a shot with a team sometime but I applaud every owner and GM who passed on him and sent him to Canada, just like I applaud NC for sending him home because of it.