Adjustments. Why are we still discussing this?


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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and we had two TOs --both on plays that won first downs near the 50
* The sports radio station said we had three total turnovers,after they'd "aired" JJ's interview he did earlier in the day on the 105fan,,, & he sounded real cool, like he was heapin' the whole putrid gut pile of that game plan, square on Kellen's front door step, but he was kinda' laughing around with it, like it was some kinda' inside joke,,, as that wasn't no K.M. game plan( imo)


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I find it alarming that whenever Garret's team has any modicum of success it is inevitable that the team will go away from what worked. Time and time again, Garrett's team will make an adjustment that works and then subsequently go back to the way things were before the success. It's as if Garrett wants to prove that his way will work especially after being proven that it doesn't.
This week he will over react and play action 80% of the plays to make up for the heat he got this week. He is such a terrible coach.


Outta bounds
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Why didn't we make adjustments after the first half? We were still trying to move the ball deep down field, and run the ball into a wall. We should have been dinking-and-dunking to EzE, Pollard, and our TEs.

We could have moved the ball a lot better than EzE's 35 total yards in rushing.

Adjustments have never been an issue this season till NO. I expect it to return this Sunday against GB.
I actually agree with you here, and I’m usually not big on complaining about no adjustments.

They needed to do something different. And to be fair, things likely end up way different if Elliott and Witten don’t fumble those balls.

I really do think that Moore is a very bright offensive mind, and as you mentioned, he was quite innovative in those first three games. Can’t imagine that he didn’t learn a long that Saints game. Going forward, I’m sure he will do a better job with his adjustments.


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I think the Cowboys thought they were going to fool the Saints by coming into the Dome playing smash mouth, running football and the Saints were going to be geared up for what was happening in the first three games. And I think when you have coaches like Garrett that like to run the ball and have that as their game plan, those coaches are very stubborn at abandoning the run in a close game. In their minds, they are wearing down the defense and even the 2 and 3 yard runs are taking their toll and will eventually become bigger, game breaking type runs. And there are times when that’s true. Sunday night wasn’t one of those times.

Fla Cowpoke

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Oh, somebody correct me if I'm wrong but didn't we take our first possession of the second half and score our only touchdown? It would seem to me that maybe we made some adjustments that worked, at least for one drive.


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"These fundamental truths are as old as the game. Sunday night, the Saints elected to sit on the pass in running situations and dare the Cowboys to run, even feeding them mathematical advantages to make it more desirable. And that was the challenge. Could the Cowboys make New Orleans bring that safety down by dominating the numerical advantage? If they could win that 9-on-7 with enough regularity early, New Orleans would have to adjust, and that is when you kill them with the pass downfield – where the explosive plays and touchdowns are found.

But if the Saints could win even while giving up numbers against the run, Dallas would be in for a very long night."- Bob Sturm


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Why didn't we make adjustments after the first half? We were still trying to move the ball deep down field, and run the ball into a wall. We should have been dinking-and-dunking to EzE, Pollard, and our TEs.

We could have moved the ball a lot better than EzE's 35 total yards in rushing.

Adjustments have never been an issue this season till NO. I expect it to return this Sunday against GB.
I don’t know if Moore is mixing game plans up to keep teams guessing or not. He needs to be fluid in his playcalling. Go with the game. When our O-Line is getting pushed back he needs to change some things instead of staying the course so long and trying to force the other team to change. If it ain’t working then change it. He got away from passing on first down. Clearly wanted to use Elliot more. He wasn’t getting the yards.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I don't remember how many, but I think Cowboys only has three, or four, possessions in the second half.
If they did make adjustments they didn't have many opportunities to try them.

Some penalties also hurt


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I'm interested in seeing some factual data on gametime adjustments, because I think the phrase is misused.
I don’t know about factual, but I think most are talking about more play action, read option, bunch and different formations rather than running into the teeth of the D. Which is what seemed like was happening.

I realize could be wrong. That’s sure what it seems like. That is, we stuck with wasn’t working.


Taco Engineer
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I don’t know about factual, but I think most are talking about more play action, read option, bunch and different formations rather than running into the teeth of the D. Which is what seemed like was happening.

I realize could be wrong. That’s sure what it seems like. That is, we stuck with wasn’t working.
They shut down our play action because we couldn't run. There was always at least one more defender in the box than we had on the line. And audibles and motioning was nonexistent due to lack of communication and crowd noise. Our O line just could out muscle them.


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They shut down our play action because we couldn't run. There was always at least one more defender in the box than we had on the line. And audibles and motioning was nonexistent due to lack of communication and crowd noise. Our O line just could out muscle them.
We only ran like 7 plays action passes out of 35 drop backs.
20% last week 39% of dropbacks weeks 1-3

We weren’t attempting them.

Also, our coaches need to figure out how to better deal with crowd noise. It can’t literally take us out of “our game”
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they shut down the run and pressure Dak and he couldn't handle the pressure. He reverted back to his old bad habits.